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How do you fix dental cavities yourself at home?
you go to the dentist.
Drill it out and fill it up with boat epoxy
google says there are many. which one is "the" dentist?
Go watch "Castaway," buy a set of skates, and find a rock or something.
it´s already been told.
wash your mouth
fast for 3 days
during those 3 days
only drink water
and use omega 3 and vit d3 supplements
wait for the recalfication of tooth, it´s not tartar but new tooth that grown back by the blood flow of tooth, that will place more Ca++ atoms to recalcify the tooth.
maintain your mouth clean to avoid bacteria in the tooth during the recalcification process.
avoid any canal metals.
never cheap out on dental care retard
Or, alternatively, watch the ending to "Fight Club".
But, in all seriousness: >>2825535
You can't recalcify a hole(cavity).
You don't.
Vitamin k
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I remineralize yo momma's cavities err night night tho
i swish these in my mouth multiple times a day and night:

vitamin k2 mk4 mk7
xylitol (birch not corn derived)

i'll keep you updated.
just eat a ketogenic diet and never get them to begin with
Add 1000mg of calcium, 90 or so mcg of k2-mk7, and some magnesium.
Soak in 6 grams of fluoride every night
Enjoy your bone infection.
I get all my dental work done in Mexico for about 1/20th the price of America and have for 13 years and I am very happy with the quality and service.
Tie tooth to string
Tie string to door
Or stop being american.
fluorine works even better
temp dental filling to fill in the hole to limit bacteria growth make sure to clean beforehand with a mouth wash with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. Go to a dentist to either get it filled before you have to have it pulled or get a root canal. don't fuck around too long it'll turn into a abcess and maymf kill you.
find one with jewish last name
he'll set you up with a gold tooth
Warm up a chunk of electrical solder and hammer it in there. Use the good stuff with high-lead content. You get better reception.
Just go to the hippy store and buy their fluoride free toothpaste. It's not as foamy is regular toothpaste but you will see the same results.
here lies the the dentist jew.
Buy a ticket for Mexico Sonora border, avoid El paso and Tijuana.
Get a cheap dentist.
Problem solved.

Also start using hydroxyapatite toothpaste.
You don't. You can literally die from a tooth infection if you let it progress, so get it taken care of by a professional.
Melt lead and chew it. It will fill out the cavities. Just spit out the surplus.
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yes i agree with anon
go to tijuana
stop listening to propoganda
tijuana is basically us california trained doctors

get your whole mouth done for 3k
im talking the whole mouth

also your not going to listen to me
raw meat
sun tanning
raw fish
will regrow teeth
also tj story
i went to dentist here in the usa
3k cash one tooth
still infected
go to tj
dude goes you have abcess
we can refill it with chipped teeth it will regrow bone

charge u 400 cash
also tj story
dad nurse says we can get stemcells ill pay
go to tj
random nurse in a room
pulls out german viles of stem cell derived from placent
inject in my ass
maybe it is not a tratment but way to avoid. lot of problem are created by parasites. it is underestimated topic. drink tansy or wormwood tea for two weeks twice daily then do two week break. then again two weeks. it maybe work even for cavities. oh and start drinking herbs one week before full moon

Supposedly you can regrow enamel with proper care and diet but I think you're fucked once it reaches the dentin.
What next, gonna suggest some OTC medication the FDA comes out and bans because it causes kidney and heart failure? Goofs like you are a prime example of why any form of natural remedy is dismissed as snake oil. Hell you'd probably try and promote actual, literal snake oil. A water fast + supplements is not going to seal cavities and regrow broken pieces of teeth.
as soon as you notice symptoms its too late and re mineralisation is a natural occurring process that only requires a neutral mouth ph, removed biofilm and saliva.
not as much diet as rather a bit of discipline, burshing twice a day and hour long intervals between eating
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The DIY part is brushing and flossing your teeth before it gets bad.
Does anyone still have the webms of this guy making his jaw wider, he bought a dentist drill and lidocaine, drilled holes into the roof of his mouth and screwed these bars then drilled them into his teeth/gums which he then fucked up and fractured his teeth it was fucken crazy

Picrel is similar to what he did
You were a kid once. Tie a string to it and a door and slam the door really hard.
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what the fuck?
Explain and provide evidence.
Swish coconut oil in your mouth for awhile and then spit it out. Put oregano oil on it. Don't eat sugar for awhile. Chew xylitol gum.
I want to see that
You don't really get who has the burden of proof in all this, do you? How about you fast for 2 days, draw a pentagram with chicken blood at midnight, then think about it some more?
use sensodyne repair and protect
>12 teeth
that's not a human mouth m8
Hydroxyapatite toothpastes are really the shit. Regular sensodyne repair and protect does not have it, look for the stuff with Novamin you buy from Canada or India.

literal snake oil is probably kinda decent for cleaning teeth as with coconut oil >>2828810

if you really wanna wipe your mouth bacteria though, try 0.25% hypochlorite mixed with 3% hydrogen peroxide

>it generates oxygen singlets, next-level whitening power
genetically engineer your gut biome to not produce lactic acid. worked for me
Japanese Apagard has an absurd amount on it to the point it makes me wonder about diminishing returns.
>look for the stuff with Novamin you buy from Canada or India.
Here's what I'm currently doing and it seems to be slowly reducing my cavities:
>brush teeth with fluoridated toothpaste and brush gently your tongue, below your tongue, between teeth and lips
>gargle and rinse your mouth water thoroughly
>rinse with mouthwash, I currently use one with essential oils in them
>now brush AGAIN, but only the teeth, with fluoridated toothpaste
Fluoridated toothpaste ONLY works if you do not rinse it away. This is why I brush twice: the first brushing is to get rid of most bacteria and food debris, second one is to add a protective/regenerative layer. I only brush each time for about 1 minute with an electric toothbrush. I doo not eat or drink 30 minutes after this.

Once a week I also do the same thing, but this time I add nano hydroxyapatite for the second brushing, which I have in pure powdered form, and I leave it on my teeth for about 30 minutes. Then I spit it out.
Once or twice a week I also floss with fluoridated dental floss after the first brushing.
Every few months I switch to a different type of mouthwash to prevent bacterial resistance.

Now and then I also use coconut oil and xylitol to rinse my mouth. Not directly after brushing, but when I eat or drink something. The point is to kill the bacteria that cause dental caries, which is mainly Streptococcus mutans.
You will never be able to kill all bacteria in your mouth so it's better to try and target the specific types of bacteria that cause dental caries. Only few of them cause dental caries, one of them that does is Streptococcus mutans. Anything that kills it more selectively than other bacteria is a good choice, like xylitol. Streptococcus mutans feeds off sugar and when it eats Xylitol it dies.
You have all your teeth removed…then impress women and uncle cletus how you can now part your unibrow with your tongue
Coconut oil swish it for 20 minutes

Chlorine dioxide is very good also
You can see the wisdom teeth are still coming in/impacted, and it's not unusual for them to pull 1-2 teeth in orthodontics to make room to move the others around. If you don't, you run into crowding issues like flared front teeth. That's why shit like like mail order "braces" are really bad, because they take huge shortcuts.
>>2829478 (Me)
I just bought a fluoride gel with a high concentration that I'll use once a week. I think that should also help. Anyone have experience with them?
3% hydrogen peroxide with photolysis is apparently also effective: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1011134419302581

I guess adding a bit of bleach in kind of chemically does the same thing as hitting H2O2 with lots of light.
>Conclusion: Immersion in 0.12% Chlorhexidine
gluconate, 1% sodium hypochlorite, 3% hydrogen peroxide is efficient method for tooth brush disinfection.

Xylitol Gum helps a lot in my experience. Didn't go to the dentist for five years and the cavities were minimal with brushing multiple times a day, mouthwash and chewing gum.

Or a dremel. A dremel probably works fine too. Then fill it up with quick setting cement or clay or something, idk (please don't do this)

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