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I want to put zinc strips on my roof to prevent moss. I trimmed the trees as best I could but even with a ladder and pole saw I couldn't reach everything so there's gonna be more moss. I spray moss out, but that just kills it for a season then it'll come back.

I need your tips and encouragement for working on a roof for the absolute beginner, and any tips for a good installation that won't require going back up there.
Never heard of zinc preventing moss.
Eliminating permanent shade, regular maintenance or changing the roof material to steel seem like your only options to me.

A chainsaw at the base reaches all the branches if you get my drift
It's a real thing, Home Depot sells them

Moss is good
Looks like a railroad for retards
You would know
I would you posted it
Before you go buy supplies, need to get up on the roof and try CAREFULLY rolling/lifting up some of the shingles. The strip should probably only be unlaid about an inch, but check the manufacturers recommendations. Depending on the type of shingles and age, you may not be able to get them to move much without cracking. If they fold up well enough to give you the room to swing a hammer, would recommend nailed installation. If they don't, use construction adhesive (tiny bit). GAF (major roofing manufacturer) supports both and either is covered by their warranty. Advantage of nailing over adhesive is that they can be removed. With adhesive, if you need to replace them in 20 years you're gonna have to rip up and replace the ridge.

It works. Copper was used for a long time, but with the price of copper has gone apeshit over the last few decades it is pretty rare now. Last time I looked at it a few years ago doing it with copper strip would have been something like 6x the price. Both are usually good for 20+ years.

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