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File: s-l400.jpg (18 KB, 300x400)
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Has anyone seen one of these things before?
It looks like the kind of shit poor people buy because they need to stay poor.
I think it's ten years old, I got it for free.

Anyway, it was at 3v when I got it, I put it on a battery charger and it was pulling 200mah and then I went afk and forgot it for 5 hours. Now it's at 13.6v
Whats the best non destructive way to see what kind of batteries are in this shit? I only want to know how much I should care about it because if it's not lithium then I don't give a shit anymore obviously.
But I am not sure it would recover from 3v if it was. Can't find shit online, maybe I should just take it to the courthouse and see if I can get them to xray it
And yes, it's this stupid ass block with a cigar male. Connector.
You plug it into your car and it supposedly charges your battery enough for you to start the car after a long time. Then the car supposedly charges it back up, so it should have to handle up to 15v or something
Why don't you just take it apart and figure out what batteries are in it that way?
Because it's sonicly welded together and there isn't a clean way to do that
It's most likely a small sealed lead acid battery.
Would a small lead acid get up to 13.6V? Sounds like it could be NiMH or something.
Vice squeeze or light hammer
Yes, as long as there are 6 individual cells in there.
A quick search on eBay shows one with a sticker indicating it's a rechargeable alkaline battery. Now I'm intrigued.
Based on how shitty it looks, it's pretty much guaranteed to be from the NiCd era or earlier.

Why would you even attempt to charge something like this, shit can catch fire while you're asleep.
>Would a small lead acid get up to 13.6V?
it would if it is bad.
Ok so heres what it is….another proprietary battery you have buy every 3 years. If it was worth a shit it wouldn’t be rare. Voltage means bullshit withoutva load….said yer mom
These are hot garbage. And if its 10 years old the batteries inside have just been self-draining they are mostly likely fscked anyways. Even when new, these don't have enough juice to make a difference for most vehicles. And if you actually leave it connected to charge all the time, if you leave the car lights on it will drain it's batteries as well.
After siting for 24 hours it's at like 11.3v now rip.
I think it's nicd and probably fucked.

I was thinking if it worked properly it would be cool as a UPS for the cigar lighter port since on my car it is switched. When the car shuts off, it would stay powering my phone charger and stuff.
It has a female port and would just go in between.

Maybe I'll just build one instead,

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