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My collarbone skin stinks. I like the smell but other people might find it repulsive. What I've noticed is when I take a shower with soap then following day my collarbone area will stink. So I am thinking of grafting other part of skin bacteria from other part of my body to my collarbone skin.

So in summary...
1) Extract non-smelly skin bacteria from other part of my body.
2) Cultivate to decent number
3) Wash collarbone skin rigorously
4) transplant non-smelly bacteria to my collarbone skin.

Devil is in the details here. Any microbiologist want to chime in here? What I've understand is 95% of the bacteria are basically impossible to artificially grow.

Or am I overthinking and should just soak in 10% bleach? Are there biotech firm that sell bacteria culture that can live on human skin and doesn't smell?
Not sure if it would help your situation, but I used betadine when I had jock rash that would no go away no matter what I used, I tried everything.
Did a week or two of betadine, once in the morning and once in the evening.
The fungal infection went away. Perhaps it could make a clean slate for healthy bacteria to repopulate your collarbone.
Thanks friend. I totally forgot about iodine. I know soap doesn't work that well and ethanol/Iso cannot be applied for a long time in a wide area. Iodine can. I will try it first.
i think you're schitzo
your skin is constantly shedding, there's no bacteria living on it
>look it up
>with soap

What KIND of soap?
I have a flow hood and do mushroom cultivation as a hobby so I have some experience with fungi and bacteria and how to do sterile work. In general the idea isn't bad, but the problem is:
>2) Cultivate to decent number
How would you cultivate to a decent number with the same medium as your skin? If you mean on a petri dish with agar then you shouldn't do that. Everything will grow and the ones that are best suited to that environment will not be best suited to your skin. At best it won't work and at worst you'll get some really nasty bad bacteria on you that may even make things worse.

I also wonder why that area is stinky in the first place. Do you sweat a lot and does sweat get to that area? Do you sleep on your stomach? Do you tend to spill drinks onto that area? Do you have a long beard that may be touching that area? Do you wear clothing with a high amount of plastics?

About your idea: I would instead wash hands vigorously, take a sterilized cloth, wet it with sterile water, then gently rub a dirty area that doesn't stink before you shower in a room without much air movement. After showering, disinfect the stinky area with alcohol, preferably 70% isopropanol, or iodine but wash it off, wait for it to dry and then apply the inoculated wet cloth to the stinky area in question. Make sure while you are collecting and applying the cloth you are in a room with very little air movement and make sure you are careful not to stir up the air. It's also a good idea to wash your bed sheets on the same day and ensure you have clean clothes. You may have to repeat this process a few times to notice anything.
>What I've noticed is when I take a shower with soap then following day my collarbone area will stink.
You are supposed to take a shower every day you filthy grognard. You stink because you aren't bathing enough.
i had some rank bacteria inbetween in my pits so i changed my diet and sprayed it with isopropanol 70% for a few weeks and it returned to normal

make sure to wash all clothes that you have worn, dont wear them again before youve washed them proper

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