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due to circumstances, i have an old fridge that im trying to get rid of
so i thought hey it fits in my car ill just scrap it for some cash

>scrap yard wont take fridges with freon in them so there needs to be a hole drilled in the compressor before they take it
>it is illegal to drain the freon yourself and comes with a 6 gorrilion dollar fine if caught
>start calling hvac companies, appliance repair companies, recycling companies
>no one is willing to do it
>call the scrap yard to ask how to get the freon out
>the guy on the phone is genuinely confused why im asking because every scrapper just vents it to atmosphere
>finally get the name of a place that supposedly does it
>haul the fridge 10 miles to the refrigerator recycling place
>meth head roastie doesnt know if they do it
>shirtless tattoo guy on the forklift goes ah jeez dood the machines all the way in the back and ive got all this shit to do its gonna cost you like $15 probably isnt worth it lemme call the manager to see if its really $20
>ahh man he says its gonna be like $30 probably not worth it huh
>nope out and drive all the way back home
>look up on yt how other people scrap fridges and every time they get to the compressor they just say "ive got a buddy" "this one doesnt have freon in it so its fine" "be sure to follow the law (^:"

what the fuck is this shit
why is this so hard
why is there this retarded catch 22
apparently everyone just commits felonies all the time and im the asshole for trying to follow the rules?
>apparently everyone just commits felonies all the time
yes. youve now burned more fossil fuels driving around on a pointless goose chase in addition to the freon that is inevitable going to be released
don't you have some friendly neighborhood scrappies that you can drop it off? the hillbillies near me will take anything, even cars without titles and haul a few loads a week
Yeah, you’re a pussy and a fool.
(((accidentally))) break one of the copper lines accessible from the back on the bottom of the fridge.
On some older fridges, there are steel tubes on the back side of the cabinet that will cause all the refrigerant to leak out if they are damaged.

Be careful out there.
i dont know anyone like that no
ill probably just put it on craigslist "untested" and hope someone hauls it off for me and makes it their problem
thats how i got rid of the last fridge i had

and if that fails then i guess ill do it like the youtuber fags do "my buddy checked it :^)"

listen nigger
all it takes is one uppity scrapyard wagie to decide to start reporting crimes for the first time ever and im out a $10k fine for crimes against science or something
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don't maybe the mistake i did. had a fridge die and it was going to cost $50 bucks to dump at the transfer station. saod fuck that, i own a sawzall, i'll just chop it up and throw it away a little each week in the can. jesus, that made the biggest fucking mess. there'll forever now be spray foam sand all over my driveway and flowerbeds. but the fridge is gone
buy new fridge, they take old one
simple as
just put it on the fucking curb with a sign that says
It will be gone soon enough
>it is illegal to drain the freon yourself
how are they gonna know?
>apparently everyone just commits felonies all the time and im the asshole for trying to follow the rules?

Yes, but I like them compliant. Poast bussy on /b/ and preferred boot flavoring.
while its a crime to release it, it's not a crime to negligently store it, toss a cut of salt on the ground in a fridge shape and pour a bunch of water on it, then lay the fridge back side down in it so the coils are on the ground
wait half a year
its now empty and no law was broken
is it even freon inside? a lot of refrigerants these days are basically the same stuff as propellant for aerosol cans that nobody cares about spraying everywhere. but if it's an AC system suddenly a union certified guy has to work on it or you're a criminal.
You’re not a business they’re not looking for you

They’re looking for businesses that haul old fridges and dump gorillans of Freon in a single environment
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imagine using freon when efficient hydrocarbon refrigerants are available at your local gas station
its funny people hate this and then accept r600a everywhere which is just lighter fluid
>its funny people hate this and then accept r600a everywhere which is just lighter fluid
Lighter than what, son?
And a week later you mysteriously have a brick through your window
you can legally vent r290 and r600
Or anything else too if you dont get caught
Did you check which refrigerant it really has?
Maybe it's not freon.
My fridge has r600, which is butane
If you live in an area with blacks, put a sign that says "$50" and it will be gone faster than if it was supposed to be free.
>one scrapyard Jannie reports me
These big fines are for businesses that are intentionally venting and there’s PROOF. How tf are they gonna get proof you were intentionally venting?
drone surveillance
>be me
>take broken frezzer to town dump
>they charge $20 bucks for it
>they open the door to make sure it's empty
>they duct tape and zip tie the door shut
>tell me to put it in the corner with the other fridges and air conditioners
>drop it off and drive home
Did you really need a thread for this?
next time just put it by the road with a piece of paper that has FREE written on it, somebody else with scrap it for you, probably my uncle
>all it takes is one uppity scrapyard wagie to decide to start reporting crimes for the first time ever
They already have to watch out for catalytic converters and fresh copper, already tired of paperwork.
>And a week later you mysteriously have a brick through your window
Put it out at night. In front of someone else's house.
Take to gravel pit.
Use for .50 cal target practice. That's gonna be fun when they switch to propane.
yeah sorry for posting about doing it myself on the /do it yourself/ board
shoulda known better
This guy is right.
About 80% is vented, there is no point in capturing it.
Of the remaining 20% that is captured think about where it’s going… nowhere… *eventually* it will be released into the atmosphere.
Finally, after many decades, we’re mostly off the insane “new” boutique freons that they make every few years, and we’re down to r600a which is a hydrocarbon like butane or propane which you can just vent. There’s only a few grams of it in a fridge anyway.
The government-supported DuPont monopoly is at a close, pretty much.
Unless you want to make the argument to ban lighters, and gas sto… nvm.
>apparently everyone just commits felonies all the time and im the asshole for trying to follow the rules?
you're new to this planet huh?
>all it takes is one uppity scrapyard wagie to decide to start reporting crimes
I'll take "things that will never happen" for $1000 alex.
no you bitched about your own stubbornness and stupidity.
i dont think making a good faith effort to follow the letter of the law to protect oneself is particularly stubborn or stupid althoughbeit desu
A pair of pliers to a copper pipe and a hissing sound isn't really "doing it yourself" territory.
Get your 608 online, it costs $90
Freon is expensive, you can collect it and sell it to storehouses. Seriously look on craigslist for old fridges and ac units, you'll make your money back.
Might be in a big city where there IS no publicly accessible town dump. That's how it is where I am, the only way to /diy/ dispose of bulk garbage is to go to a private collection yard where they charge like $85 a ton (with a one-ton minimum charge) and have all kinds of rules about what you can drop off. We do, however, have free hazmat disposal places that take all kinds of scrap electronics, chemicals, batteries, and whatever else and I bet they'd take a fridge but it seems like OP wants to get scrap money for the fridge.
>there'll forever now be spray foam sand all over my driveway and flowerbeds
Microplastics in your balls
Pump the Freon into a tank for use in a future project.
Dude get yourself a valve set and a vacuum pump on aliexpress, you can harvest R-22 and sell it to companies. I hear they charge $100 per lb to refill legacy systems.
>Get your 608 online, it costs $90
type 1 which is what would cover this is only $25 and is a open book test at mainstream engineering

you dont need either, you need a recovery machine which starts at about $600 for something not chinkshit. and r-22 isnt that expensive, nor is it generally used in appliances, nor would an appliance have a lot of refrigerant
Just do it. The government is fucking retarded and makes all this stuff harder than it needs to be. Companies are supposed to do it when they process it but the epa has all sorts of really gay ass stuff. Don't feel like typing more atm just trust me.
Uncle Sam, sir. You are awfully bright. You have an aura, actually. Fuck me you appear to be glowing.
Ah yes we, I mean they, will track you down in a heartbeat for a broken line on the back of an old fridge. Man what is wrong with you lol
get a fuckload of balloons, tie them to the compressor, and the problem will float away to be somebody else's problem
checked. best solution in the entire thread
"Freon" aka R12 hasn't been used commercially as a refrigerant in over 30 years. Freon is a brand name of a specific formulation, it is not a generic term for all refrigerants. Modern, as in within the last 15 years home appliances like refrigerators use R290 or R600a as refrigerant, which are also known as literal propane (290) and camping stove fuel the stuff you buy in the green cans at walmart (r600a). This is all to say you're a retarded faggot who doesnt know anything OP.
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>catch 22
OP do you live near the ocean, perchance?
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>"Freon" aka R12 hasn't been used commercially as a refrigerant in over 30 years. Freon is a brand name of a specific formulation, it is not a generic term for all refrigerants.
Freon is a brand name applied to a range of different products with varying formulations. It is also a generic term colloquially applied to mean any refrigerant.
Just put it on facebook marketplace as a "free refrigerator" and make it someone else's problem.
>cut some pipe in your fridge
>freon now leaks out
>you hand it in because its not working....
>you know nothing of it but its clearly not freon left in it?
i do so all the time at work, and while im totally into the gretha thing of it, a single fridge containing 1kg of r22 is nothing compared to the 500kg++ we used to blow straight into the atmosphere back in the days.
I just chunked mine on the side of the road.
Propane is a direct replacement for r12
I put r152 (air duster) in a new old r12 system, works great. Hilarious how many think a can of air duster in a ac system is like a driving around with a bomb, but think nothing of driving around with 20 gallons of gas in the back.
>r152 (air duster
r134a is air duster
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>r134a is air duster
So is 152a
A few years ago, HFC-152a was the most common for air dusters.
I haven't bought any recently so I can't say for the current market.
absolutely not, completely different.
A lot of the freon is actually in the insulation material and not in the coolant system
who the fuck uses startpage? also hfc-152a is flammable so few people are going to use it.
The allowable leak tolerances for a commercial hvac install like at a Costco or whatever vents hundreds of cars and fridges worth of refrigerant, morally speaking it's fine to give the atmosphere a little r134a as a treat.
Sometimes the utility companies does buyback programs on old fridges because of how power inefficient they are, I got $100 for a clunker that was in the garage once.
>apparently everyone just commits felonies all the time and im the asshole for trying to follow the rules?

yes, that is literally the point of a police state. the danger of the police state isn't some cartoon villan stepping on you with his jackboots, but the very fact that all citizens are technically breaking the law every single day in ways they dont even realize and its impossible to live without doing so. The government simply justifies its abuse of power by claiming the law was broken and thus you are caught in a never ending cycle of being a potential criminal while all other citizens shake their head and cant believe you would break the law. Thus, you keep your head down and never rock the boat, least the police show up with a swat team to arrest you because you have too many frozen fish in your freezer or because the feather hanging on your wall as part of an art project your child gave you that they found on the ground actually belonged to some endangered species and ownership of said feather carries a mandatory 5 year sentence.
goyim, expired patents are dangerous for our democracy. you must use product-a1, product-a was conviently discovered to cause climatechange 5 days before the patent expired. dont question the science goy, look at this report about how chemicals released into the upper layers of the atmosphere could create an unstopable chain reaction that would deplete the entire ozone. just trust the science... dont ask how a gram of freon in your fridge could some how make the journey into outter space to do this. It's theoretically possible so replace your coolant today!
>>the guy on the phone is genuinely confused why im asking because every scrapper just vents it to atmosphere

if the powers that be cared that much about the environment, they wouldn't have pushed to have all our shut made overseas and shipped here
>all it takes is one uppity scrapyard wagie to decide to start reporting crimes for the first time ever and im out a $10k fine for crimes against science or something

how you go through life is fascinating to me
my grandpa did scrapping for a hobby. he told me he told me his vacuum pump was a .22 caliber and the refrigerant recycling place was located in the woods behind his house
>r152 (air duster)
Wish it was like that in euroshart.
Up to a few years ago it was literally r134a. Now its a shitty butane mix that doesnt work well in AC
your grandfather was retarded, you dont use a vacuum pump to recover refrigerant from a system, that would be a recovery machine. also you dont need to waste ammo on this, you can just unscrew the schrader valve a little bit.

> my grandpa did scrapping for a hobby
so he was a poor spic?

it still is r134a in plenty of brands
Probably the same way most law abiding citizens do, honestly.
>> my grandpa did scrapping for a hobby
>so he was a poor spic?
anon said hobby not a living
It is funny how much environmental regulation shit just encourages dumping. If governments were serious about this stuff they would make it easy for people and just have a corner of the dump for old fridges with people who come by and do the needful once a week or whatever.
The whole point is that r12 won't ignite. Your car has a safety mechanism that will cut fuel on the engine so it won't ignite if it leaks.
Truthfully , it's fake and gay.
>Your car has a safety mechanism that will cut fuel on the engine so it won't ignite if it leaks.
Cut the compressor out and turn it into an air compressor by cutting some foam into an intake filter on the low pressure side and throwing a compression fitting on the high side. These compressors will run for years with intermittent use and do 300-400 PSI easy (with pitiful flow/GPM). Last time I checked we were in /diy/ not "throw-useful-stuff-away-and-get-$5-for-it-land."
The scrapyard will obviously take the rest of the fridge.
Dumbass, you’re supposed to get the methhead roastie is to huff it all out.
you can always dump it in the woods or at a playground so the kids have something to play with.
these are the people telling you EVs are a death trap
I had an old fridge in my garage, it was here when I bought the house.
The former owner offered to take it away but I said "no please leave it there."

Joke's on them.

The electric company actually paid me $50 to come take my old fridge.
I made $50 and all I had to do was open my garage when the men came to haul it away.

Good luck OP. I know my story doesn't help you, but you might want to check with your electric company to make sure they don't have a similar program.
you can donate it to me if you want
i need target practice for a field gun i'm building
I’m sure Karen reporting you to the law who gets their rocks polished by being turbo Karen will certainly look the other way and won’t say “well it was just an accident so the law isn’t the law today :^)”
Yeah then you’ll get the EPA on you demanding you get a whole hazmat crew to bulldoze your property, replace the “contaminated” top soil and incinerate the old soil at your expense with a nice lien agains your property. Then you’ll never be able to sell the property because of the lien. It’s like you animals just love to pretend there isn’t a fuckhead around every corner just waiting to squeal on the next schmuck.
FWIW most utility companies and municipalities that do this will want to see the unit plugged in and functioning (cold) before they will accept it for the buyback program, precisely to avoid becoming the go-to place where people dump dead refrigerators they picked up on the side of the road.
Around here (QC) it's subcontracted out to look rag pickers and they DGAF.
Take off your plates of your truck, drive to a very remote Walmart (like in a different state), and dump it in the parking lot at 1am.
You might try talking to your local hazardous waste company.

That being said, I'm surprised HVAC companies dont want it. Nobody is allowed to manufacture *new* freon systems or manufacture *new* freon, but you CAN still maintain existing freon systems, which means they need a supply of old freon to use to re-charge existing legacy systems that people dont want/cant replace for whatever reason.
Refrigerators have very little in them, and it’s pretty much never the valuable kind. Also, even if it was, say, R22 (which is in demand) you can’t just collect a bunch of random unprocessed refrigerant, collect it all in a can and then pump it into a system.
are you retarded? freon is a brand name owned by Chemours and used for various refrigerants. and if you're referring to things like r22, you should really stop posting because all you do is prove you know fuck all about what you're talking about

>what the fuck is this shit
>why is this so hard
>why is there this retarded catch 22
>apparently everyone just commits felonies all the time and im the asshole for trying to follow the rules?
welcome to (((america)))
just put it FREE on craiglist and somebody will take it a way
yep anon that's how environmental stuff works. same deal for recycling automotive coolant. nobody in my city does it, nobody in my parents city does it. we had like 15 gallons of coolant and wound up having to wait like 8 months until there was some community recycling day where they took it. everyone I knows just dumps it in the river.
freon is at least just some type of greenhouse gas I think, so it's not going to pollute your water supply, just contribute some amount to global warming.
>all it takes is one uppity scrapyard wagie to decide to start reporting crimes
There is zero risk of this as long as the fridge is less than 28 years old (1996). Anything newer than that doesn't have CFC refrigerant. The EPA doesn't even require reporting of HFC refrigerant releases under 50 pounds (a residential fridge will be around 5-8 ounces).

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