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Are these a meme? I already have a regular gas powered saw but it would be nice to be able to do some light trimming without lugging it around
is this a covert marketing bait thread? what is the question?

Battery powered chainsaws are great for people who want to do a little more trimming or cutting than you can reasonably do with a reciprocating saw(which most people with cordless tools already have)
Much more than that, and you probably would have been better served with a gas powered smallish chainsaw.
What kind of run time do you get on a battery? How much power? etc.
My Milwaukee M18 leaf blower runs for 5 minutes on a full charge. No way the chainsaw runs longer than that and the power must be miniscule. Milwaukee Hedge Trimmer can go for 30 minutes though
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>his pussy ass needs a power saw for branches
this slings comfortably over your shoulder and costs $5. I know you'll buy the chinese piece of junk instead though, because you are gay.
>Are these a meme?
Yes they are a gigantic piece of shit. All of them, especially the chinkshit you posted.
Buy a reciprocating saw and throw on a pruning blade
bacon sandwich powered tools
The 18V chainsaws aint too bad at all for large limbs and small trees. Anon talking about his 5min blower, you’re going to run through a little tank of 2-smoke mix pretty quick if you’re running it at full throttle the entire time too.

The tiny Chinesium one in OP’s pic, who knows.

Recip saws with a good pruning blade are fast too, but you need to hold the other end of a branch sometimes to keep it from shaking like mad. Chainsaws solve a lot of that problem, they’re better at cutting trees but less versatile than the recip saw.
>Are these a meme?
no they are a small chainsaw.
your leaf blower draws 14 amps. that thing draws about 5.
OP, the biggest question is, what is your use-case? If it's literally just light pruning, get a sawzall. I have a hackzall, which is milwaukee's smaller version of a sawzall. I've wanted to get a sawzall for awhile, but this hackzall has done everything I've ever thrown at it.
One handed battery saws, or all battery saws? I have a 36V battery saw that I think could replace a gas saw for most homeowner size jobs.
These small chainsaws do the same jobs as a recip saw with pruning blade, but without vibrating your arm off.
Maybe if you have nails like OP's pic. Like I said, depends on the job. Obviously there are jobs that require a chainsaw, hence their existence.
I had the M12 one with the bar and chain from the M18 pole saw. Worked well enough for cutting up firewood for a fire pit when i needed some pieces cut in half because my fire pit was small
These little saws are great if you like to be laughed at. I cut my thick yellow toenails with one
Electric motors have way more torque then any 2 stroke. With a good blade OP's saw cut through anything like butter.
Leafblowers and vacuums run the motor at max, like 20 krpm if they could… use of 18V batteries should be criminalized on such an application.
A y chainsaw smaller than 40v is retarded. That makita that takes two 20v batteries and dewalt flex volts pass this test.

Op's abomination and half of ryobi's line dont.don't.

Also cleaning up a chainsaw is a fucking pain in the ass and really should be done if you're gonna set it aside for any length of time like a homeowner would. A Sawzall or hand saw is MUCH easier to clean.
Oh my god removing two nuts, bar and blade is so much work…oh the humanity. Get your mommy to clean it princess.
Make sure your bar oil didn't leak all over your shed.
Fill it up
Make sure it's pumping and lubricated.
Check tension. Go to town

Clean up>
Remove cover, clear channels, get all the shit out from the inside
Make sure everything is cleaned and give it some revs to make sure oil is in all the channels and ready to lube.

Sawzall> kerclck. Brrrrrrrrr
Motor speed really has nothing to do with it. Blowers consume a lot of power and do so continuously. Battery voltage also doesn't have much to do with it. You need batteries with lots of energy and most higher energy packs use higher voltage for efficiency reasons.
My blower bogs down my ryobi 40v brushless more than my string trimmer or rototiller.
This. A cordless Sawzall and a diablo pruning blade will take care of anything small enough that you don't want to break out the gas chainsaw for.
I have everything from hand saw to gas chainsaw.
>hand saw is for wannabe toughguys, only has any use if you're innawoods or go somewhere you don't want to haul tools to
>mini chainsaws are a bit of a meme, they work, but a recip saw/sawzall is easier to live with. You never have to worry about chain tension or oil on sawzall. For some cuts (large thin boards) the lack of vibration can be nice. Also easy one-handed use, a sawzall weighs way more and is way larger.
>pole chainsaws are the best thing ever, even the Ryobi 18V is perfectly fine, I got a fuckton of work done with it at 5-6 meter height with several extension rods
Battery life on everything above is fine provided you have a 5-6Ah 18V battery. Saws consume a lot of power, but you're usually working very intermittently, thus the battery lasts pretty long.
>large chainsaws need either 2 batteries or just go straight AC

For a lightweight tool for light trimming, the mini chainsaws are fine, especially given how you can easily cut one-handed with them.
sawzalls suck
enjoy vibrating your teeth out as the saw makes snail speed progress through the smallest twigs
Hold the branch against the fence of thevsaw dumbass. Reading these comments you quickly realize that being a real man is a lost art.
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if you are rachitic grandma or working as a gardener 9-5, it might make sense, otherwise you are a fool
big pruning shears will cut 95% of branches faster, cleaner, cheaper and without power
for that 5% you can get away with handsaw or big old chainsaw you already own, without too much trouble
saw like that can be quite annoying if you are pruning trees with dense branches
japanese-style garden saw is a better tool for the job
>otherwise you are a fool
Only if you don’t value your time at all. That generic ass kit in OP’s pic is probably like $60-$80. How much time are you willing to waste trying to cut branches that are too large with the lopper before you feel like you wasted $60 worh of you’re time?

Also one handed operation is super nice if you are on a ladder, plus you can take down 3”-4” branches instead of chopping a dozen smaller 1” branches witn the lopper to equal one cut of the mimi chainsaw.

And if you want loppers, let me introduce you to picrel. It comes highly recommended by Japanese mobsters from what I hear.
I've wanted to try one of these mini-chainsaws since clearing shit with a reciprocating is such a pain. I would think they would handle better since the chain only goes one way so it's only pulling itself into the cut and not trying to push and pull itself out of the cut. The design of the mini-chainsaws seems more compact and pistol-style where as reciprocating saws are more rifle-like, so balance and handling seems more one hand friendly so you can brace the cut off or clear the way to the cut with your offhand.

This is all armchair bushcraft and I'm too broke to try one so I'm stuck with the other.
Tell me you don't know how to properly use a sawzall without coming right out and saying it...
I spend maybe 2-3 hours a year pruning, so yeah, I don't think it's really worth it for most people who don't own an arboretum
plus snipping is more satisfying than using a chainsaw (purely subjectively speaking)
Tree limbs aren’t like a fixed 2x4, and when you get a pruning blade with big teeth that rip through green wood, they’re a lot different than a metal cutting blade. You always have to brace the branch with your other hand when using the recip saw unless you’re cutting right off a big limb or the trunk, and that gets even worse on a ladder. Chains are way smoother in that application, and they’re objectively better for cutting wood like that than a recip saw. Lumberjacks and arborusts would just use recip saws if the only issue is that OP doesn’t know how to use them.

Sounds like you’re doing bushes and stuff. And a decent hedge trimmer will go through most branches under an inch. I had to deal with royal poincianas that grow 4ft branches within like a week at certain times of year and it takes too long to keep up with those with loppers. Pole chain saw was super nice with those trees.
>just [do this extra work to avoid the problem] instead of [using the superior tool that doesn't have the problem]
i have one of these things,
if you go on deal websites dealnews slickdeals
they always post them, i got mine for like 25 bucks,
know i own a ranch, or a desert ranch
yes they are usefull
they are portable
and they do cut wood,
i use them a ton for cutting tree wood that is like 4 inch diameter
here there is hard woord and pruners big ones are a real hastle

i bought it asa cheap cause i eventually will get gas chainsaw
but it works really good
had it for 3 years and its still good

the blade even comes witha replacement

also you guys are missing a huge component
they are easy as fuck to use. hold with 2 hands and you can cut some tough wood,

the thing your missing is
that they are very women freindly
in fact my mom loves it
uses it prune her trees
women hate working bros wtf
but get them cheap
their cheap
25 dollars for 3 4 years use is pretty good
mine is going 3 years strong
like i said women love them
it also makes them feel boss women lol>>2822697
does not work with desert hardwood
its like a broom stick but it like a piece of iron
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blade made in Korea, QC in swizerland.

ihis this is probably faster than ops saw, doesnt need oil or a charge, and will make a cleaner cut.
I have two of them that we got for free via Amazon Vine, both chinesium no-name quality.

Both work fine aside from one that has a bulb style bar oiler that doesn't work...I just hit it with some spray lube before using it. For pruning on a ladder they are in many cases superior to a Sawzall because they don't require holding onto the branch to steady it...people saying "just hold the branch against the fence of the saw" are fucking retarded, you can't always fit a Sawzall in that close to a cut where it needs to be The mini chain saw not only gets in most of the same places a Sawzall can, you can also use the tip to plunge cut into tight spots encountered when pruning and also when carving wood and in some construction scenarios too.

The other thing is that one of my mini chain saws has an extension pole that snaps onto the battery mount so you can use it from the ground and because it's a chain saw the approach and room needed to make a cut is way more forgiving than with a reciprocating or manual.pole saw.

They're handy as hell if you have lots of <6" windfalls to deal with or ever need to do intricate cuts for large scale wood carving, and are way more forgiving of angles and space requirements than a Sawzall.
ah yes the “should have paid your gambling debts oppan” seoulturday night spesaw
Hot a little 8in HART 20v chain saw. Light little chopper glad to have mine.

Obviously not a replacement for a real saw or nice loppers.
oh yeah my little chain saw blows the sawzall out of the water for yard work applications.
Does the purpose built blade migrate the inherent vibration?
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>Does the purpose built blade migrate the inherent vibration?
It does not. If anything, it shakes more because it’s a low-TPI pruning blade. Using a metal cutting sawzall blade would be slower but smoother. I think I got the 12” blades first, and searched out the 6” pruning blades because it’s easier to keep the tree limb up against the shoe of the saw when cutting in a tight area

They rape wood, but I still prefer the babby Ryobi chainsaw in a lot of situations.
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Its quick. Lots of non-pruning people in this thread however, pic related is the manual equivalent (also pretty fast tbqfh). Can be any brand but get the hollow handle pole mount type you'll eventually need that pole extension.
Yes and no. I found a $20 one on amazon that I used to take down a 8" tree with. It worked until the batteries stopped charging. Replaced it with a different one and it sucked so bad I gave it the over the shoulder "get it away from me" toss and left it out in one of my fields. My neighbor has a bigger one that looks like it must have cost around $100. Things pretty good.

But really the only use for them is when you just dont feel like grabbing a chain saw. Anything that those little things can handle would take at most 3 swings with a machete or ax.
Its a godsend for when you need to cut something from a ladder, double so when its in a hard to reach place, triple so when its actually too flimsy to go at with handsaw.
Literally a chainsaw you can hold in one hand, If you do gardening as a job, I strongly advise you get one. It can turn a 3h torture job into 30min breeze.
Im using some chinkshit noname and its fine, basically cutting shit almost as thick as the bar allows, sometimes more if its softwood. Battery holds fine, if you're using it when you actually need to and not willy-nilly for shit you could easily do with another tool. That being said, having two batteries brings a great deal of comfort.

If you do gardenwork once a year, its a waste of money in my opinion.
>chainsaw from a ladder
Don't do this
I wouldn't dare with gas powered or even two-handed electric one, too spicy.
One-handed battery tho? Relatively safe-ish enough for me to carefully attempt.
Sometimes you just can't get in from the ground with a pole.
Thanks for the warning tho.
Does your hoa complain you leave broken tools in your yard? What motivates whites to abandon equipment in such way?
I got the Milwaukee M18 chainsaw, lasts a good bit and rips pretty good.
i have dewalt one + i have the 30cm normal one
its ideal for remote confined places or when the big one is to big

just dont buy no name brant they die fast and you dont get replacement parts
kind of a meme, i considered a purchase of one of these for camping because an axe is kind of exhausting aspecially when all i want to do is sit next to a bonfire and drink alcohol.
if you want to do garden work get a telescopic one like pic-related. it will make a whole load of more sense as it comes to trimming, i have a 4-stroke powered makita at work like this but if you need electric then that's on you. corded one will also have more power and you wouldnt need to care about batteries, also corded is waaay cheaper.
trimming trees btw. if you dont have trees on your property and you trim bushes then just get whatever else people are recommending here like
it really depends what kind of specific work you'll be doing
These are a godsend when it comes to hardwood. Even a 2” branch with a brand new Fiskars manual pole saw will tire you out of it’s one of those hardwood trees.
Too small, a bit larger in standard chain saw form factor gets much more done.

My DeWalt and Makita replaced my gasser fleet which hangs on the wall since shoulder replacement. I've dropped ~15 trees (mostly gums and pines) over a foot thick and a shitload of smaller trees.

The larger ones were beyond most homeowner cutting but the saws other than being slower than my much larger (and excellent) Echo Timber Wolf posed no problem and by the time the batteries needed charging (I have several for each brand and many other tools) I was ready for a break. My DeWalt blower works great too.

I do know how to use them (including the Milwaukee I just modded to take a windshield removal blade, I fucking love recip saws) but would rather cut the frame off a truck than the tedious fuckery of trimming shrubs with them. I can one hand my Makita far easier than using two hands with a recip (whose short blade length also sux for shrubs).

Your post was a troll or you only have one very small tree to cut.

I have both. The pruning blades suck for shrubbery and small tree work but aren't bad for cutting tire sidewalls when harvesting rims.


The metal blades clog, even my beloved Diablo Auto Dismantling and carbide blades.
BTW if you cut steel these are magnificent. Even the local pullapart use them but they ration the Diablos so workers don't steal them.
I got one similar to trim branches to clear my power line before removing the tree.

I duct-taped it to ~ten feet of PVC pipe, zip-tied down the power switch and ran an extension cord down the PVC using zip ties then used a power strip as an on-off switch. Flawless victory.
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Speaking of meme tools... would I be stupid if I bought into the old Ridgid JobMax stuff?
anons trolling for bepis, but kvd seems to be on vacation this week instead of shitposting here
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I went camping once and had this great idea to bring my sawzall to cut firewood
6ah battery ran out on a 6" branch
What kind of chinkshit brand were you using? I've cut an entire pickup load of railroad ties into blocks using a single 8.0ah milwaukee battery and Diablo pruning blade...

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