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I fucking give up i have to move back in my mom's basement...sorta. small RV actually to save money to be a person again in a year. I am terribly allergic to cats and she used to have them there a few months ago. How can I best clean the place to eliminate any leftover allergens? I hear they're very persistent. Will steam cleaning do the trick? Anyone succeed at this in the past?

no one at adv helped me so i guess this is sorta like a DIY project...
steam and hair tend to not work well together
i'd air it out for a couple days with a fan pointing outside: bring in fresh air and push out everything inside
vacuum the shit outta everything
stop being a bitch
I developed many more severe food allergies after being exposed to persistent allergens from cats from a couch that a roommate brought in, which was “heavily cleaned”
>inb4 whatever
I’ve had the blood panels, I’ve done numerous scratch tests, from childhood until now. I got so many more allergic responses from what I believe was just a year long heightened exposure to an allergen.
OP. idfk what to tell you. Take cetirizine nightly, I do 10mg, but doubling or tripling the dosage may help, perhaps add in benadryl. I was fairly inconsistent with my medications at that time as well, which certainly didn’t help.

Additional allergies fucking suck dude. I would almost prefer to live in a tent than live with that allergen couch again because I am going to go insane because now I cant eat fucking bananas, avocados, raw vegetables/greens, onions or any derivative. Any time I go out to eat it’s like playing Russian roulette with a fully loaded gun minus one of the chambers is empty.
OP here holy shit i didnt know this could happen sorry that's happened to you. my problem is i start wheezing and coughing up black phlegm when in a cat-place too long i dont know how im gonna do this but i have no choice i thought if i threw money at it i could clean it to an almost unnoticeable extent though but everything i've read seems to say cat dander is there to stay.
the RV is part linoleum, part carpet, if it makes any difference
Dont live with MOMMY is the best advice
Why? its the only way to save money. Otherwise i am working all the time and not able to keep any of it
>moving into the basement of your mom’s small RV
so wait
are you going to be living in an actual hole in the ground?
no im just joking that its like a basement on wheels
any other input toward the actual question here?

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