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A place for anything to do with Welding.

Post your welds, ask questions and discuss sticking metals together.

IDK I just want a place to talk about welding.

Old thread: >>2763067
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At work I use picrel torch kit. Carrying that shit by the handle sucks so I was thinking about using some of my ALICE straps I have laying around to nigger rig some sort of backpack kit. The closest existing product I can find on google is a multiple thousand dollar US military backpack kit. Any suggestions before I start dremeling slots and tying knots to make my life trudging up and down attic ladders less terrible?
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what about an old school aluminum hiking backpack frame? some have a shelf at the bottom and you should be able to find one at a thrift store cheap
packframes are awesome, look at the roycroft packframe made of three sticks
I'll consider that, I've even got one laying around. Mostly worried about adding bulk that would make the thing a pain to store and extract from the brazing compartment of the truck.
Cart. Longer hoses.
maybe you should look into strapping on some balls you fucking fairy
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I use one of these to carry the welder and all the welding bits around sites.
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I was at a flea market and found a few bits for too little money to care but I have no idea if they're carbide or HSS, can someone identify them?
Those look like metal to me
1st and 3rd from the left look like they're brazed to a shank so they might be carbide, not sure about the other two they look machined from a single piece
No shit, someone said last thread to grab an old ironing board out of the trash to use as a welding table, and I found one same day.
It is indeed all metal, and folds up. Thanks for the suggestion bros.
I remember using one when I just started out kek, it was wiggly as fuck but I combined it with a stove top, the cast iron one and clamped shit to it.
I've had ideas of using pieces of sewage grating as a fixture table but can't find them for sale.
Might hire some gypsies to aquire it though
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I use an old backpack without a frame for my jump pack which weighs nearly the same as your torch rig (which I have several of worth of components, I just grab what I want and go).

Your idea is fine. I would avoid a bulky frame which is pointless. Other welders etc solved the problem in multiple ways long ago. The plastic tote is more compact and thoughtfully strapped will work fine. Shoulder pads (and rifle sling pads) are cheap and worth using for that weight. Many are velcro'ed so no web cutting to install.

For less weight I sometimes use medical oxygen cylinders with an adapter like this one:


Picrel is mine from an old WeldingWeb post. I've used an old scuba tank harness for a fire extinguisher I modded to spray weed killer but haven't looked at dual cylinder rigs. They're often cheap used.
Saw horses and some cement board are a popular quick hobby welding surface that's fireproof. I find using a Rigid tristand or equivalent handier for most work than a table. I welded a plate for my bench vise to some pipe then clamped the pipe in the tristand chain vise so I have choice of both and the bench vise rotates.

It's easy to weld a tripod from pipe and scrap if you get that cheap instead of a tristand.
How about this idea
Rebar + self leveling concrete slab
Doesn't even need to be thick and you can make holes with pvc pipe before pouring it
How level do you need and how large? It really depends what you're welding. For example mobile welding rig trucks don't have very large work surface areas. You can use a light metal folding table if you're not doing heavy work.

For practice a practice "tree" of vertical pipe to which items are clamped or tack welded is common in welding schools. We build them in our welding booths are the one I attended and worked for but it's also a handy way to hold parts by clamping. What you're welding is what matters. when it comes to a working surface.

Any stout workbench will do if you don't weld against it and set it afire. A used stainless restaurant table would do for light work and those are common used.
I work out of my garage and frames are a bitch to keep flat and right angle, my floor isn't that flat so I've been brainstorming ideas on how to improvise since I'm a poorfag
Most important thing is to line stuff up.properly and then tack it. Check it, adjust it, and then tack it in another place to lock that plane down. Do this at every joint and then check the overall frame for squareness and adjust if needed. Then start slowly laying some stitch welds in different corners to keep pulling at a minimum...
fix your floor ffs
why is weld through primer so expensive
all primer is weld-thru primer if you're brave enough
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Quick question guys. I am depowering a power steering rack and part of the process is welding the pinion in order to eliminate any play from it, as it is a 2-piece part.
I had a guy I found on Facebook TIG weld it. I told him I am concerned about distortion, but he said that there's no way it'll warp and he's been pipe fitting and welding for 20 years so he knows what he's doing. Well he welded it and it's warped af.
Should I be able to grind one side of his weld and MIG weld it myself with the heat turned way to shrink that side and straighten the shaft? I'd say I'm a pretty average hobby welder.
Fuck that part was overheated, if you try to weld it again so it pulls to the other side you'll just risk warping it again
Did you immediately tell him about the fuckup? 20 years doesn't mean anything in any field if someone spent 20 years doing shit work
that's fucked. first off he should have used 309 or 312 stainless rod because it was heat treated high carbon. he barbecued that fucker. way too hot and underfilled. it'll crack for sure
you can try to straighten it but you'll need a press with vee blocks and a dial indicator
or just hit it with one rock against another because thats the level youre working at now
you took an engineering job to a welder, it got welded instead of engineered.
It was too hot to properly check for warping without gloves so I only noticed when I got home. I told him about it over the phone and he told me to drive over tomorrow. He'll try to fix it. I want to suggest heating it with his TIG torch little by little, bit by bit and seeing if that will pull it back.
Nah there's no way it's high carbon. Countless boy racers have MIG welded this stuff and there isn't a single account of cracking on the internet. It's some kind of hardened steel.
There's a reason why shafts get welded and *then* machined, and it's because you always have warpage and dimensional errors. Doesn't matter what process or filler you use, if you're welding a shaft it's gonna need machine work.
This isn't the kind of application that usually requires machining. Some warpage would be fine as long as it doesn't bind inside the housing. The problem is that this shaft in particular got so shafted that it has like 2mm of runout or something. You'd remove half the shaft if you were to machine it true.
Here's a video of me spinning it. https://streamable.com/h5qjcp
Hey guys this is the closest thread i could find related to the thing I'm doing
I want to make an ITX computer case with sheet metal, but I'm pretty new to CAD and sheet metal construction in general.
The company I'm going to use can laser cut 1mm to 3mm SS or aluminium but cannot bend anything. Because of this I'm limited to using tabs and slots for making the case (out of 6 individual sheets) which honestly look retarded and i doubt I'll be able to make it easy to open and clean.
Is there anything i can use to join together vertical and horizontal metal sheets? I can buy cheap L brackets but I'm not sure if the case would be sturdy enough?

tl;dr non permanent methods to join vertical and horizontal sheets of metal together
overheated and undercut to shit. no way that mans a pipe welder.
Any type of welding is gonna warp the part, He hasnt a clue what he's at.
metal will shrink as it cools so a round part will pull towards where it was heated. ideally you'd heat it with an oxyacetylene torch or a tig torch to straighten without adding anymore weld.
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try a purse
Any advice for building a welding cart, or should I just bought a harbor freight cart with the price of metal atm. I'm just a hobbyist.
consider whether you need a cart in the first place.
if the welder only moves once a month and you only have a 1-car garage, wouldn't a storage box to keep the dust and mice out be better?
hmmm you might be right. Maybe even just one of the harbor freight service carts would be nice, i'd be using it for plenty of other things as well, so it's not just serving a single use.
I don't know which software you're using but in solidworks you can draw lines on the flattened sheet metal pattern and they'll get cut with laser cutter if ported in dxf. You can use this method to create perforations or precut lines in the part.
Otherwise create right angle brackets out of any metal, drill holes, place them inside the case and rivet them together if you can't weld. It's not permanent since you can remove rivets with a drill
Kek I forgot to say the stitch lines (- - - -) will help you bend sheet metal precisely without a brake, they're useful for short bends that don't have leverage
find yourself a different company? Unless youre getting a very good deal, tons of outfits online so laser cut + bending now. sendcutsend is a good one
burs are pretty much always carbide.
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I think he just didn't give a fuck because I didn't even see him adjusting his machine before welding.
Anyways I brought the part to a machine shop specializing in the manufacture of splined shafts and gears. After some hesitation they took the job and managed to straighten it from approx 2mm runout to 0.25mm. Hopefully that's good enough not to bind in the housing when turning it. Not sure why they couldn't get it completely straight but they said it's as good as it's gonna get.
Btw they used a hydraulic press on it.
Good luck
Welding stands are designed to level work outdoors on dirt. They can be had folding or fixes and most are reasonably priced. Four is a useful number to have but more is always better and they're good for many things.
Take the next one to a real machine shop as they can chuck it in a lathe to control movement.

Real machine shop, not some bubba. Many welders don't think like machinists who are the most precise metalworkers.
Bounce them around a bit in your hand. If they're heavier than they look they're probably carbide.
How do I make a 7 foot by 5 foot frame out of angle iron while keeping it square? I have the biggest 90 deg magnets I can find and still no matter how accurately I cut it's still a bad fitup. No fixure table, special clamps or flat floor
you again? all you need is a tape measure.
tack it up and adjust until your diagonals are equal, should be 8 foot 7ish.

if you're too dumb for trigonometry, a 3x4x5ft triangle always has a square corner.
I'm going starting a pipe welding class in fall. Any advice for a newbie?
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pipefitters are gay
You need to git gud with a tape measure. Measure your pieces, tack 'em together using a framing square, and measure the diagonals. Hit the long side with a hammer until it reads the same across both diagonals, then weld it all up and check it again. Note, if you can't rotate an apple in your head, you should probably stick to flipping burgers.
Get an eye exam even if you imagine you do not need one. Your opto can write multiple prescriptions so get either "computer bifocals" or a near vision scrip for a distance of about one foot from your face. "Cheater" magnifying lenses exist as do different tints of clear lens so try them AND an autodark, but be able to weld with both in case your fancy helmet breaks in the ditch. I stocked cheaters when running a welding school toolroom and it saved the school much more in rod waste than it cost but I've not heard anyone else doing that.

I and many others prefer the Fibre-Metal Pipeliner. I have a couple, one with autodark insert and one for fixed shade. Whatever helmet you buy have MANY spare clear cover lenses so you can see. Expect to burn up one a day welding steady. We put one on each side of clear lenses both to protect them and so the inner one would be a ready spare, a good habit to have. Buy plenty of extra gloves. Many prefer using heavy TIG gloves for stick and MIG and accept burning up more of them. Tillman make a nice variety. See your local welding supply and get the list of required tools from the school then buy your own because while they get deals on klts most helmets aren't great.

I brought my own 4-1/2" corded angle grinder but later switched to a 6" Metabo I love. 6" lets you run 6" thin kerf cutting discs as well as smaller 4-1/2" accessories. Flap discs cost more than rocks in volume so I brought my own. WATCH YOUR TOOLS AND DO NOT LEND THEM OUT. Mark them legibly. Everything in welding is consumable so a fine custom is to uglify your grinder (pink paint crudely applied etc) and write your name or initials all over it with a soldering iron. Many contractors do this too. Distinctive stickers (any kind) on your helmet proves its yours.

Pails are love, with 7 gallon heavy floor wax buckets the best. They get a rope handle for easy carrying. A large and medium Crescent style wrench will do for gas fittings.
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>you can reuse that cylinder rod end, it's in good shape
>my wife loves me unconditionally and is absolutely faithful
>those cracks are only on the surface
lies you hear in the repair world. the airarc exposes all sins and flaws
are you gouging for practice? that doesn't look like an economical repair
getting back running asap is usually the request. that crater was only 20 minutes to fill back up with .052 dual shield before it went in the lathe
Does anyone make prescription low shade IR glasses? Ideally grey tint instead of green in shade 1.5, 2 at most, I'm having trouble finding any at all much less something specific like that.
I do blacksmithing as a hobby and I find myself staring into the fire to watch the steel colors and getting a bit of eye strain at the end of long sessions, just need a little bit of reduction but not so dark I'd have to take them off to do other shit.
I run a sub arc. I am unable to build a killdozer with a sub arc. But I can write my name on a roll.
You've never met a union pipe welder, apparently.
3 4 5 rule, bro.
The second from the left is a full carbide, the rest are brazed carbide with hss shanks. Ball files can be useful but if you aren't careful they can fuck shit up like crazy.
bug people shouldnt be allowed near welders
The only thing more iconic than "Don't touch it, it's hot." is "Watch your eyes."
Got a 1980s car I'm restoring.
Completely fucking rotten unibody, and I have to decide whether to splurge on an oxy acetylene setup, or an electric one.
Can't buy a parts car, this is the only one in the country. Importing will cost $10,000+.

I ONLY HAVE 110V; 220V IS NOT AN OPTION, BECAUSE 110 IS WHAT MY ACTUAL HOUSE GETS (it's a secondary building on another property, the 110 is piped straight in from the main building).

What's better for repairing frames / pinch welds / unibody parts / suspension components / exhaust / body panels -
>oxy acetylene
>110v (220v unavailable) MIG or stick

Thanks a lot in advance, anons.
neither are suitable.
abandon the project.
120v modern miggers will do 80a and run .030 wire just fine nowadays. more than enough for autobod work. boomers with lincoln coffin box 225ac stick welders tongue my anus
A very common combo is both plus OA, but stick of course is for heavier work.

Owning the correct tools is not splurging. Every mechanic should have at least a small OA outfit, used is fine and new hoses are cheap. I prefer older US-made torches for quality. They should also have either a dual-voltage MIG so if they need to weld at higher amps they can either do that elsewhere or rent or buy a generator.

OP will also need a proper MIG, not garbage FCAW. There are plenty of decent offshore wire welders, just check reviews, Dual voltage machines exist so if you can run a custom cord to 240v that could save your arse, as could a generator.

Does the car have a make and model and why do people hide that shit when it's relevant to repairs? Not everything suits 120v machines but you can use an OA torch to preheat the area before wire welding.

OP, how far away is the nearest 240V source you could plug into if needed occasionally? Do you have a truck and car trailer? You'll need a plan for welds you cannot make with a tiny wire welder. Torch welding can be awkward next to flammable parts.

Get a welding blanket and some heat barrier putty like plumber use to protect areas next to your weld area.

Post pics of the vehicle. What you may consider restorable may not be or be insane. It's only a car.
Nah. Go buy a Tesla.

Thanks for replying, anon.
The thickest metal used in the car is 1/8-1/4 thick.
I will only be needing to weld 1/8 and thin body panel sheet metal.

Heat won't be a problem, as I've removed everything. It's just a shell, engine tranny interior electronics are all out of it.
Nearest 240 source is 800 feet away.

No truck, no trailer.
I was hoping to use oxy for the bigger welds - do you reckon it won't suffice / isn't for that sort of work?
If I should just get MIG, maybe I'll buy a 6kW generatorn- there is a cheap one for $200 on Marketplace.
I would've preferred to use oxy, but I can do MIG if necessary.
NTA but maybe I can add some input.

If you're set on using oxy a lot it's going to get costly, you'll use a lot of gas. The part will be glowing red when you're finished. For panel work if you're inexperienced it's going to put a lot of heat into the panel. MIG with short tack welds spaced far apart is better. Do a few tacks, cool it down with air or a damp rag, do a few more tacks, etc, join the dots and fill in the gaps. It's how I did it an never had any problems with warpage. Thick panels it doesn't matter so much.

If you use .030 wire you can do the spot weld trick on thin stuff but will also have enough balls to do 1/4" plate if your machine can do it. On that note I can't advise because all my machines have only ever been 240v.

On 240v with ~180A output roughly you could expect 25A input demand depending on the machine. 120v would be literally double the input current or halve the output current. Thick sections with 100A max is torture. Or you're pulling 50A from the mains which no extension cord can do.
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saturday night bump
I’ve never touched a welder before. Is this something I can buy from harbor freight and learn? I don’t think I would use it often but something about being able to fabricate with metal sounds radical. For example if I wanted to build some kind of custom metal armor for my truck, I could.
>when the room is just a little bit cold
Yeah, welding machines are pretty cheap now, and you only really learn to weld by actually getting time under the hood.
I'd be careful about welding stuff to the outside of a truck, but it's your insurance and/or second degree manslaughter charge after it guillotines someone instead of crumpling.
What is the gayest welding method? I'm thinking TIG.
Short cycle stud welding.
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>be reddit
>make manilest activity of welding gay
the internet was a mistake
also, aluminum stick welding is the gayest
In the trade school I went to there were multiple jewish trannies doing TIG. Everyone else was normal and white. TIG is 100% the gayest
>TIG = Today I'm Gay
>MIG = Maybe I'm Gay
welding is gay
any anons use kiswel wire and have anything good or bad to say about it?
what does STICK =?
SMAW is stick
What are some things I could fabricate to sell on FB marketplace or maybe even online (although I've never done this)? I had some success selling trailer ramps but I feel like the market must have either dried up or someone else is beating my price or something cause I haven't had much luck with it in the past month or 2. What else made of metal sells on FB marketplace?
Nah man, aluminum stick welding is based as fuck because obscure process that everyone sucks at unless they go out of their way to learn how to do it. Like OA welding aluminum.
STICK it in a dudes ass
I've never sold on FB marketplace but in my experience most fabshop work comes from custom making railings and gates.
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i have to stick weld multiple chromoly tubes together. the structure has to be strong.

can i do the welding one after the other or do i have to weld all the tubes in a single pass
single pass is stronger but it's physically impossible most of the time. all you can do is grind out your starts and stops to a feather edge before you weld over them.

make a mockup of the joint out of a few stubby offcuts, take it out into the back yard and beat it flat with a sledgehammer to see if your welds will tear open before your tubes collapse.
Try to control your heat and make sure to clean up the weld between each bead. I honestly don't know what the optimal temperatures are for that alloy, but usually you want it somewhere above 100F and below 300. The cleaning is something I can tell you about though, make sure you don't weld over any slag or grit, grind out rollover and lack of fusion. Also take precautions against hexchrome, that shit will kill you.
yeah I weld a fuck ton of stainless for submarines, seen that shit kill 5 of the old timers here. always wash your hand and shower when you can ASAP. I always wear a respirator but I have Heard it really doesn't matter scary shit
You just have to make sure to vacuum everything up and wash your face and hands immediately. With HEPA ventilation at the weld, the danger should only be particles that have settled around the area.
I have a question- would any of you happen to know which direction to point me in on 4chan or this board maybe for commissioning someone to make a few parts for me on a lathe
mail order or a glownigger meetup?
that's not a thing. take the work to your local machine shop.
Mailing I assume.
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I dont understand how the band "Killdozer" was able to come up with the band name years before the Granby colorado incident.
good band. The name was from a science fiction book where alien demons possess a bulldozer and go on a rampage.
I'm learning how to TIG.
This is really fun. I love it!
Also tried out stainless piping. Anyone got some real helpful hints for me?
He should troon out
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it should okay to use an old oil drum for a bbq smoker as long as I burn it out good right?
60+ years old oil barrels were lead lined (terne plate)
newer barrels are just varnished inside and should be ok
Is it honestly worth risking cancer and shit just to save two hundred bucks vs buying a new drum?
Or hell, buy $200 worth of 16 gauge steel and make a smoker twice as big as a 55 gallon drum.
I was traveling thru Granby when this happened.
I thought it was a movie. It was cool af
this is bullshit, but i believe you
that is like a million dollar in steel alone.
can anon figure out the materials used in this video?
his steps can be translated as follows:
- draw on the metal sheet using a template
- cut the metal sheet
- hammer the metal sheet to shape and apply gemstones
- gild the crown
Does anyone make shade 3 or 5 glasses without the green tint? I do a lot of cutting at work and am sick of everything being tinted green all the time. It really fucks me up when I take my glasses off and it's like playing Oblivion with the bloom turned to max.
i like the jackson nemesis smoke mirror safety sunglasses for cutting as well as everyday wearing. they might be a bit light for some though
How much should I charge some random guy to weld his exhaust?
Assuming it's a minor repair

I live in bfe and the government is making him get it fixed, it doesn't sound that bad but he's still required to fix it.

I have a welder and gas but I don't really do commercial work so I have no clue what to charge
ass-u-me ing a sub 1hr job
is he a friend? = $50-100
rando = $150-250
basically $100 per hour with a $200 minimum
Depends how good you are at welding and how much you understand exhausts.
No one is gonna pay you 200 an hour if all you know is how to stick two bits of metal together with a MIG gun.
Imagine you are the customer and think how much would you be willing to pay for your work and then add maybe 20% on top.
He's a random, thanks
>No one is gonna pay you 200 an hour
Then go find someone else bye
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Anyone done pig welding?
Every welder is a former convict. That's what every person thinks about you.
Not all. Some are just aspiring criminals.
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AC tig noob here
Gonna need some help with this, japanese bike, front fork has developed a crack along the axle retainer on the front wheel.
I only have 4043 and 5356 wire and zero experience with welding cast aluminum which is what I suspect this to be.
Any suggestions are welcome, also I'm worried that this will overheat the oil in the forks and blow a seal, am I overthinking it?
you're underthinking it.
the fork's gotta come off the bike and come totally apart and be very thoroughly cleaned and degreased.
might as well sandblast the powdercoat off too because it'll catch fire and the smoke is annoying.
you're gonna have to grind out a wide Vee down to the root of the crack and fill that back up with weld. the countersunk holes for the two clamp screws will be annihilated, hope you've got a plan for re-drilling those in the right positions.
the bore for the axle will distort and shrink, you're going to have to pack a shim into the split and ream the hole back to size and roundness so that it actually clamps on the axle.
I've thought about either using other pair of bolts to avoid plugging the holes or just welding on the sides and avoiding the bolt holes altogether, just for reinforcement
What about keeping the axle in to avoid distortion?
>Every welder is a former convict. That's what every person thinks about you.

Most serious contractors don't hire felons and haven't for years due to TWIC etc requirements or working on military bases. Most normals are retarded trash so no esteem lost that mattered.
Unless it's exotic best to use it for scrap as TIG practice then get a slider to use off Ebay. Never practice on your workpiece.

Year, make and model?
Been welding professionally for 8 years and I only ever met one single guy who did time and no one wanted to hire him after his internship but you can believe whatever retarded shit you want, retard
Spare parts are unobtainable since I'm in bumfuck of nowhere and it would cost too much even if I found a fork
'04 Yamaha xt660x
You need to purge the inside of the pipe with a little bit of nitrogen. Try doing a full pipe weld.
Easy purge setup is two flowmeters on a tee (NOT a dual flowmeter because if one gets broken the whole thing gets sent in for repair unless you can do it yourself which is easy if you can get the parts).

We purged with the same argon we welded with but if you don't mind adding a nitrogen cylinder that works and of course they use the same nipples. You can also use the nitrogen to pressure test vehicle air conditioners (far more reliable than vacuum).
You're not fucking risking cancer. Burn a nice hot fire and anything that was in there goes away. That's why home heating oil tanks are so popular as are large LP tanks (Fecesbook Marketplace is a good source).
^This. 4chan is full of young morons who should be gutted for existing.
As I said here
Not all. I've worked with welders up in fort mac for 5 years and almost every single one was committing tax fraud in some way, or drinking and driving to work, or selling rock cocaine in the camps.

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