Eva threads will never die.Previous >>3905838https://archived.moe/cm/thread/3905838
It all returns to nothing...
Somebody has got to stop kaworu
Shinji TOES?!
>>3915365very smoochable
>>3915368You want to do WHAT to Shinji's cute and kissable toesie-woesies?!
>>3915364me on the left.
good morning
Kaworu anonymously cyberbullying Shinji until Shinji comes crying to his shoulder
shinji toes are for slurping
>>3915754Need them in my mouth and in my...
and in my pocket for snacking on later.
sometimes you just gotta post eva feet
>>3915754need shinji footjob...
>>3915867Their feet look like they're melting
>>3915754they are for tickling
Shinji extremely constipated :(
Doodling in space
Sharing an umbrella
>>3917493why is shinji so gay, bros?
hug :)
Kaworu feet O_O;
Best, most wholesome ship that heals my heart.
>>3920106>never had this>too late for itthought i'd gotten over being sore over this sort of thing.
>>3920236Aw, what makes you think you're too late for it? I'm sure things aren't quite as bad as they seem :(
>>3920256Save your sympathy. I'm literally just not a teenager anymore. I could hypothetically date people, but I actually just prefer to be single now. Plus it wouldn't be le epic kawoshin-tier cute young love anymore.i just thought i had gotten over feeling like that was something i'm jealous of
>>3920271you sound like a whiny faggrow up.
>>3920236shinji's choker in >>3920106 indicates that he's from the 3rd rebuild movie and he's almost 30 in that one, so you still have time>t. have this at 21
>>3920271The whole appeal of Kawoshin is that it's beautiful and pure and perfect and unattainable, it cannot be achieved in real life, which is what makes it so captivatingYou're frightened to put yourself out there and risk getting hurt in the process (much like Shinji himself) and so you hide behind this standard for relationships you know is impossibly high and decide it isn't worth trying in the first place
>>3920338I did. It sucks. Say less. >>3920405>>3920365I need to make peace with being single. Just post more Kawoshin.
>>3920405> it cannot be achieved in real lifeI still believe it can be.
Need Shinji bf
I just watched 3.0+1.0. Had avoided it since its release because, for whatever reasons, I had a bad feeling about it, and then my feeling were sort of confirmed with the Mari situation, hearing about the "intentionally bad" stuff (like the Rei CGI head, or seeing clips of the shoddy CGI fight between Gendo and Shinji), and also not liking what I was hearing about what they did with Kaworu. Maybe I was at a point in my life where I had already sort of decided I was done with Eva. I'm not sure why I decided to watch it now. Had been thinking about Eva for a few weeks, and saw a thread about the rebuilds on /tv/, and I guess I just thought "fuck it" and went ahead and watched. I think I'm pretty angry about it. I'm not sure if other people interpret it this way, but it seemed like Shinji was sort of willing himself out of existence in the ending sequence. He "saves" his dad, Asuka, Rei, and Kaworu in the Anti-Universe, then sits on the beach and the scene shifts into roughly animated storyboards, as if he's sort of fading out of existence. It felt a bit suicidal. Then of course Mari drops into the water in her Eva and all the color comes back, yadda yadda yadda, it's about Anno's wife rescuing him from depression, or something. Something about this came across as incredibly cynical, like soulless to an EXTREME degree. Like an attack. The Evangelion rebuilds were a massive big budget production. Calling back to the show's original ending with the unfinished animation sequences, which were done because they had run out of budget, while implying Shinji/Anno suicidal depression, then Shinji snapping out of it because of Anno's new waifu character - instead of like, I dunno, actual footage of his wife - no another waifu who is marketable and has merch and big animated boobs and scale models of her Eva unit and figures and posters, etc. etc. ...like an attack on the soulAnno, I hope you're happy.
>>3921470Interesting interpretation
>>3921902after thinking about it for a few days, it's also REALLY bothering me how most of the main characters end up with someone without any development of their relationships.Like little girl Asuka says "I want a headpat" and Kensuke appears, and suddenly they're an item, despite basically never interacting previously in the series. Mari has basically zero interactions with Shinji except falling boob first on his face in 2.0, and then going Ara Ara in literally one scene in 3.0+1.0, and then we just timeskip to Shinji being a young man, and they're in a relationship. Kaworu and Rei are suddenly implied to be interested in each other at the train station, despite saying like 5 words to each other in the series. None of these relationships are earned at all. Which is INSANE considering we had 3 movies that could have built up Shinji and Mari, which you'd kind of expect for the main character and his love interest.And what's really the kicker is that it's implied Shinji is rewriting the universe from the Anti-Universe; as if he's the one pairing these characters up. And then he gets told at least 3 times in the movie that "he's grown up" and "is mature" - as if it's Anno telling himself how mature he is, while pairing up his characters in the most immature way possible, giving zero attention to their relationships. And to top it all off, he wrote a pretty compelling and interesting adult relationship with Misato and Kaji (at least their relationship was compelling in the show) ... so did he forget how to write this stuff? Maybe it's not Anno's fault, and some outside demands were placed on the movie to force everyone to awkwardly pair up.But like genuinely what the hell Anno, what happened here?
forgot pic
What did you do when you realized Llamas with Hats is a karlshaun yaoi fichttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aaSRUHbd2Rw&pp=QAFIAQ%3D%3D
>>3921999I think enough time had passed without Anno finding a satisfying way to conclude the series. So he just said, look, I need to push this movie out for the sake of my employees, so they can get paid and stuff. So Anno just handwaved a bunch of shit and said, "good enough, let's ship it."
>>3922217you might be right, and there's also the Shinzo Abe birther propaganda funding angle, forcing them to wrap it up this waybut it creates this situation where the show and EoE are pretty good/soulful. Flawed in places, but quite entertaining. And then the Rebuilds, at least to me, are mostly a well produced but baffling mess. Just kind of a shame for things to end up that way. In recent news Anno just announced he's doing a Shin Battleship Yamato anime, which I am optimistic about. Shin Godzilla was great.Have not seen Shin Ultraman or Kamen Rider, but I'm optimistic about Anno moving away from Eva.
The threads here when 4.0 came out in Japan were a delight. The most fun I've ever had on this board, and perhaps even on the site as a whole. This raw agonised explosion of anguish at how badly the story ended, seething contempt for Anno for ruining Kawoshin, sheer catharsis that the thing was now finally over and we could all move on with our lives.4.0 was indeed terrible, and in places it felt like a deliberate "fuck you" to Kawoshin fans, the metaphorical use of the piano particularly. Which would've been bad enough in itself, but to reverse course so dramatically after 3.0, which baited the Kawoshin demographic so cynically and mechanically, was especially cruel. But I think ultimately the joke is on anyone who was naïve enough to expect a good outcome for Kawoshin in the first place (and I was sadly among them)
>>3922664>to reverse course so dramatically after 3.0, which baited the Kawoshin demographic so cynically and mechanically, was especially cruel4.0 definitely went out of its way to shit on Kawoshin fans (as well as Asuka and Rei fans - and pretty much everyone), but I'm not sure 3.0 was so intentionally cruel. It comes across as the most raw and real of the Rebuilds, and the "I'm sorry this isn't the happiness you wanted" line might have been Anno using Kaworu as a mouthpiece to say he's genuinely sorry he didn't know how to end Eva properly. 3.0 has only gotten better for me on rewatch.
>>3922282holy jesus shinji sexo
>>3922887why'd Gendo do it to him
>>3922955he deserved it tbqh
>>3922990me on the right.
Why is Shinji so delicious
>>3923160I'll go out on a limb and say it's his personality. His design (when not in a plugsuit) is a step away from being completely generic 90's boy. There's something genuinely very charming about him.
No homo no homo no homo no homo no homo no homo
>>3922664Never did I ever, ever, in a million years, expect kawoshin to be canon. I felt like we had already got away with something with Sadamoto's manga, and that was good enough for me. When I watched 4.0 (which I only ever did once) I felt like it "deepened" (I guess?) the relationship between Kaworu and Shinji a good amount, even if it did make them into a rehash of Homura and Madoka. Kawoshin fan artists can work with that, and they have.
I will never forgive Anno for introducing this chad without giving him enough screen time for fan artists to latch onto. Even worse, Anno named him the exact same as his dad so even if there's content out there featuring this guy, it's completely unsearchable.
>>3923248cute :(
>everyone was having a good time and then THIS faggot showed up
>>3923245I wasn't expecting canon Kawoshin, but I was hoping that, basically, we'd get a repeat of how the TV series went. A very, very strong dose of Kawoshin right near the end (episode 24 / 3.0) and then we get to the finish line without Shinji overtly pairing up with one of the female characters. Nobody clearly wins the Shinjibowl and you have lots of ammunition for imagining him as a homo.> I felt like it "deepened" (I guess?) the relationship between Kaworu and Shinji a good amountYeah, I liked the attempt at actually giving Kaworu a bit of an interior life for the first time. Up to then he'd never been very deeply drawn as a character, which from one perspective was fun (all the many wildly different interpretations of him in doujins and fics and stuff), but it also meant he didn't really exist beyond just being this thing for Shinji to bounce off. I liked that 4.0 tried going into his brain a bit, even if I wasn't necessarily that pleased with the execution.
Autumn is upon us
>>3923293You can tell it's autumn because I've just "fall"-en in love with this cartoon character
commander nagisa at his desk, plotting to groom more 14-year-old boys
gotta b honestI despise what 4.0 did with Kaworu. The idea of the whole thing being a cycle was already present, all the way back in 1.0, and then it's spelled out pretty explicitly in 3.0. All 4.0 really does with Kaworu is recontextualize him as a cosmic creep, instead of just another Eva character caught up in the cycle. And it's not even that this is true to Kaworu's character, it's sort of forced on Kaworu when Shinji re-writes reality from the Golgotha object. No I don't think this "deepens" Kaworu's character at all. If anything it re-affirms that Shinji should be stopped before he rewrites the universe.
>>3923417>All 4.0 really does with Kaworu is recontextualize him as a cosmic creepI get why it rubs you the wrong way but I always thought of Kaworu as kind of a creep anyway. Since Kaworu is the soul of Adam, he's sort of a demigod, which makes the idea of Kaworu being in love with Shinji a liiiiiiittle suspect. But to me all the weird psychosexual stuff going on in Evangelion is part of its charm.
>>3923424>Since Kaworu is the soul of Adam, he's sort of a demigod, which makes the idea of Kaworu being in love with Shinji a liiiiiiittle suspect.I'll be honest, I give zero fucks about Evangelion lore. People read so much into it, but it was all stitched together on the fly, and frankly the lore is shit.I really don't care what he is "in the lore" - but what's self evident in the show is that he's the last angel Shinji has to defeat. An angel who *could* easily kill Shinji but chooses not to (this plot point is completely lost in the rebuilds). So, sure, he's "creepy" as the last angel - but to me the horror aspect of what Kaworu is came from him being sort of this alien imitation of a human, not from his own personal problems. Kaworu was cosmic horror bottled in the body of a boy. Now in 4.0 we're asked to believe he's basically just another character with normal human issues, who was kind of creeping on Shinji in a very human way, instead of being the avatar of unknowable cosmic horror that ended up deciding he liked this human and was willing to give up the Angel's plan for him, per ep. 24. In fact, Kaworu's characterization n Ep. 24 seems to have been wildly lost in every iteration since the original broadcast version of the show. He's just gotten worse with every version.
>>3923460I think we are actually on the same page here. I will say that I think Kaworu's bond with/attraction to Shinji and his decision to spare humanity are a result of his Adam soul being corrupted by his teenage boy biology/neurology. In other words: If Kaworu (who is a cosmic horror) has to deal with normal human issues such as eating and pooping, then it's plausible he'd also have to deal with other normal human issues like puberty, alienation, attachment problems, etc. So if Kaworu in 4.0 looks to you to have normal human issues, to me that's a direct consequence of the fact that he's an alien imitation of a human.
>>3923475One thing I forgot to mention also is that I think what bugged me about 4.0's ending was how it turned Kaworu into a real human boy. But Kaworu never wanted to be a real human boy, right? He seemed pretty secure in his identity as child of Adam. I thought that was a weird thing to do to Kaworu.
>>3923475>>3923479I mean ... from my limited understanding of (and limited capacity to care about) what was supposed to be happening in Eva, my interpretation was that Shinji basically rewrites the universe in the end of the show/End of Evangelion. For multiple IRL reasons, Anno decided to take that as an opportunity to create the rebuilds which are technically sequels to the show/EoE, from the angle that it's basically Shinji himself re-creating the events of the show in a way that he(and Anno) likes.But the second version of Eva also ends with Shinji re-writing the universe: and he re-contextualizes every character in ways that are simply bad and dumb. Like I'm not even an Asuka fan, but pairing her up with Kensuke when they've said probably two sentences to each other in the show, and never really shown any interest in each other, is just bad. Like it's actually just bad writing. Even with all the pretense and meta context of "oh woah, Shinji went into the anti-universe using the spears of cassius and longinus and Eva 1 and 13 to fight his dad at the Golgotha object to rewrite the universe into a happy ending" it's just like ... yea but the ending is badly written regardless of all the "cool eva-ness" of it.>so if Kaworu in 4.0 looks to you to have normal human issuesI was holding back a bit, but the way Shinji (and I guess Anno) frames Kaworu as he creates his ending to the story from the anti-universe, he basically frames Kaworu as this immortal being that was sort of a pedo attracted to Shinji. Which I think is very different from his characterization in Ep. 24, as this angel, some kind of unknowable force from on high, taking the form of a human ... who just happens to become attracted to Shinji, and lets Shinji kill him so humans will survive instead of the angels. Idk if I explained it, and I'm at the char limit, but I think I'm just at the point where I think Eva is really shit. Rebuilds ruined the characters.
>>3923524Yeah the pedo angle was the most discomfiting part about it for me.
>>3923527they used to just be two teens who felt funny looking at each other. Even if one was an angel.
>>3923529Jesus also promised he'd pay me back the forty bucks I lent to him. He kept saying he'd pay me back, he needs a little more time, just be patient. And I was for a while, but at some point he ghosted me. Jesus is a sketchy guy, homeless, hanging out with fucking IRS goons (who does that?), hookers, he smells like hooker perfume mixed with some nasty greasy incense. So it wasn't unusual for him to pop in and out of our lives, and I didn't mind it back when he didn't owe me forty dollars. But Jesus went totally no contact, and anyway I got tired of waiting, so I started asking around and guess what everybody kept telling me? Jesus is gone, he went back to stay with his dad, he's out of here, we haven't seen him since. And they tell me don't worry, Jesus said he'd come back again soon, real soon, we just gotta be patient. I'm like, did Jesus ever borrow any money from you guys? And every single person said yes he had. That's when I realized we got scammed big time. It took a while to work out but we think between all ~500 of us Jesus made off with like twelve grand, plus a lot of small things people keep around the house like silverware or wedding rings, fancy house idols, that stuff. So I wouldn't put much stock in what Jesus promised, okay? Jesus promised a lot of shit to a lot of people. Christ that guy pisses me off.
>>3923529Romans 9:16"So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy."
>>3923460Kaworu, and everything the series was building up to until that point with the angels, was ruined the moment he stopped being Tabris and became Adam.Whew. Feels good to finally say this out loud.
>>3923628>the moment he stopped being Tabris and became adamhttps://youtu.be/So9vLZbQg7w?feature=sharedSo Tabris is his angel name yea?It's been a while since I watched the show but at the very least I know they directly call him the 13th angel, if not Tabris, in the show. But at what point in any of the movies is he ever called Adam?Like that's never communicated to the audience directly, is it?This sounds like either fan theory wankery or shoddy Anno writing
Is shinji ticklish?
Shinji and Kaworu double blowjob
nuke my chud life I want a kaworu bf again
>>3925565>AgainLucky bastard
>>3925565I used to be a kaworu bf but I'm a bit jaded now
this too risque to post here?
>>3925983 Eed to tickle shinji feet
>>3923524>he basically frames Kaworu as this immortal being that was sort of a pedo attracted to Shinjijesus Is that how some people saw the beach scene?also Oh godThat reminds me how one of the scrapped storyboards was Kaworu, in a fully actualized teenaged body, was looking down from the moon as Shinji was conceived. Come to think of it, even when you calculate Shinji's date of conception, you get Kaworu's birthdate.
>>3926969>jesus Is that how some people saw the beach scene?It's not really the beach scene particularly. It's an odd scene, but it's not where the real damage is done. It's the fact that Rebuild 4 gives backstory to Kaworu that makes him this endlessly reincarnating being, whatever he is, who "wrote shinji's name in the book of life" so they'd meet each other every incarnation. Which frames the whole thing like Kaworu's creepin on him in some crazy cosmic way, instead of the idea that they were meeting for the first time and Kaworu fell for him, like in the original.4 makes their dynamic a lot worse, and then the beach scene where Kaworu's naked and Shinji's a little boy saying he's like his dad is just ... I'm disappointed, Anno.
>>3927034Yeah so I have no idea why they chose to make Kaworu naked for the beach scene besides like, "vulnerability" reasons. Sure birthed a lot of Pedoworu x Shinji fanart. Though the beach scene seems representative of the concept of people losing their ability to easily bond with others as they get older. Present Shinji found it hard to let others in and was too mentally ill to properly give back Qworu's affections. Qworu was mainly the only one who extended his hand to Shinji. In contrast, Little Shinji had no problem and is naturally filled with hope and innocence, so he held his hand out for Qworu to take. He wanted equality. The dad comment is kind of before this, referencing Kaworu's dependency and obsessiveness on par with Gendo's, unable to find a reason to exist without Shinji. I think it's a messy and fun concept, emphasis on messy. Not explored enough on the psychotically messy part in fanart, frankly. But you're correct: it's deeply disconnected with 90sworu. The more Anno explored Kaworu, the more he lost the original him.
>>3927105>emphasis on messy>it's deeply disconnected with 90sworu. The more Anno explored Kaworu, the more he lost the original him.I think that's true of the whole thing really.I think my biggest problem with Evangelion as a whole, is you have the show, specifically the original TV broadcast version, which has all these interesting characters and psychological subtext, and they're all interesting and stand on their own. They're all interesting character studies, and the story is messy but it's complex enough to be thought provoking.Then with pretty much every re-release you have Anno re-interpreting the characters in this self-referential and reductive way, that reduces your need to think about it. This starts with the directors cut of the show, which blends Gendo and Adam, and I think implies Yui and Lilith to be the same character? Idk. At some point I know Shinji's mom is also the Eva itself, Rei, and possibly Lilith, all at once. Meaning these characters all get blended into one concept. Kaworu eventually gets conceptually blended with Gendo and Adam. If I remember there's some comparison to be drawn between Kaji and Kaworu in both Rebuild 2 and 4, Asuka in the rebuilds is apparently a clone of the Asuka in the original show (making her comparable to Rei). I think Misato gets compared with Shinji's mom, or makes some comment about sort of being his surrogate mom iirc. That might have even been in the original show, but at least it makes sense there in context given she's his caretaker.Point is, the original show was fascinating, but every subsequent version of it reduces its complexity until it seems like it's all just about how Shinji sees every person in his life as some kind of embodiment of his mother or father (or how they literally are in some more than psychological way). I don't think I'm articulating this idea in the best way, it's hard to put into words, and maybe I'm not interpreting it correctly, but that's how I felt after 4.0
>>3927134>This starts with the directors cut of the show, which blends Gendo and Adam, and I think implies Yui and Lilith to be the same character?>every subsequent version of it reduces its complexity until it seems like it's all just about how Shinji sees every person in his life as some kind of embodiment of his mother or father (or how they literally are in some more than psychological way)Agreed on all points. And nah don't worry, I think you expressed your views well. I noticed the rebuild counterparts are watered down characterizations of their og, but not the heavy extent of their fused characterizations. Like making Asuka a clone. Fuck it. Rei's a clone, Asuka's a clone, Mari's a clone, and then Anno gives two of those girls the alien "isn't conscious of their own nudity nor possesses shame" trope. inb4 Commander Qworu pulled a Gendo and was making a bunch of clone Shinjis during that time Shinji was suspended up in the EVA unit with Reialso>in the og tv broadcast Kaworu wasn't AdamI find myself learning new things every day. Vaguely heard director's cut ended up adding things to align with the theatrical films, but not that it birthed the clusterfuck that was Kaworu's motivations. Thanks for explaining your ideas. They were interesting to read. Rebuild criticisms are pretty common, but more often than not those criticisms praise Qworu.
I want to have so much sex with Shinji it's insane
>>3920271is 19 years old too late? asking for a friend....
>>3920405actually woke take. very smart.
>>3920429People in real life are too evil
>>3920429It can be but it's rare
Happy "nice ass day"!
Play once again with me, our quatre mains!
one instance where i've felt jealous of an mpe
>>3931510I really really like this image
Shinji needs to experience the most intense prostate orgasm ever
>>3932428I agree with that.Followed by extreme cuddling.
>>3932428Imagine his face
kaworu toes
>>3920106My new phone wallpaper>>3931839My new lock screen I'm looking forward to someone catching it in public
>>3935943this is funny, I think I used to have the shah of iran from the sopranos as mine. Thinking about it now I wanna put it as Reagan.
>>3935974he is powerful
>>3935982Kaworu cocoon
>>3935957You compromised
Why is kaworu never depicted as a bottom?
>>3938134because he has big dick energy, especially when he turns gigantic at the end
Need new bread...
New bread: >>3938589Merry Christmas