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File: Gcr6_zubcAISNLl.jpg (252 KB, 1033x1033)
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i re-uploaded even though the watermark told me not to fvvvvvvck
i always loved the contrast of a determined shota taking advantage of an older guy but it always gets too dommy and doesn't hit the right balance of a kid that just does whatever he thinks feels good and a horny but guilty dude going along with it
Isn't Wallace one of the older guys in Scott Pilgrim though?
Wallace Wells isn't a shota, you braindead faggot.
Wallace is older than Todd lmao
nta, he looks younger in the picture so the assumption is justified
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He's just a manlet
>draw a young teen
>say he's actually 30
is it really that easy, bros
from where
The Stranger by the Beach (2020)
i want a boyfriend again so bad it's not even funny
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What do you bring to the table for your fbf?
straightest thread on 4chan
Where do the hell do you think you are?
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I love it when its borderline porn
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what are they from?
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