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Other /m/echa also welcome
69 replies and 64 images omitted. Click here to view.
there's a transformers confession blog on tumblr that's active now and i hope it gets big and popular because i need to see the infighting that it inspires
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Drop the name so that I can block it m80
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la/ost thread: >>3877485
funnily enough, we were 1 img away from making a new thread.

ITT: any western ip.
refrain from posting for properties with their own threads
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I'll be your friend...
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Jesus, and I thought I was being harsh on Blaber,
How the hell was I supposed to know that "So This Is Basically" was unironic??
Really making me thoroughly rethink everything he's made.
Also, meditating on the EE lore and overall plot has led me to conclude that, sure, why not go a little scorched earth on the lore of this badly written franchise on life support? The less of Blaber's influence there is, the better.
Had a bit of an epiphany that a big influence on my reframing of Sylvie as teenage jerkface is the way his whole appeal for me, his main internal dynamic as a character, i.e., the dissonance he perceives between his real self and his ideal self visavis his sense of masculinity, the interplay between his genius and his insecurities, all so much reminds me of that thing I read about how a widespread trait among crypto enthusiasts is valuing standards of traditional masculinity while also feeling that you're not living up to said standards. Thinking about Sylvie in a more real world context reminded me of that mutant species of angry/weepy cringe male zoomer and this kind of wounded vindictive nerd misanthropy that everyone thought was justifiable in the 80s before Silicon Valley poisoned the globe. Vaguely Childhood of a Leader.
But yea, I get this heady sense from him of a guarded sensitivity and the heart of an emotionally malformed vulnerable boy hidden under razor sharp layers of this petty, vindictive, and kinda evil boy genius mad scientist schtick, and that makes him so intriguing to me. That combined with his gullible naivete, his contrast with Molly, his incredibly cool but also kinda ridiculous anime powers, and the fact that he's as pretty as a China doll really sustain the hyperfixation
pic unrel? the older one is clearly saying my turn on the tv dweeb while both are joshin around

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Fluffy Valentine Edition

Old threads (they got new images):
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Previous Thread >>3913383
Happy New Year!
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Previous >>3952439
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I usually don't go for AUs but this would be peak
>Viktor weeping over Jayce's gored bloody body
k i n o
New thread >>3953247

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No Persona thread? Let's fix that.
Last: https://archived.moe/cm/thread/3889622
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He's been shown the torn waistband that once flapped around the top of a fence
Wish I had a bf that looked like him
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Me too, man.
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Being a teenager during the emo era was peak. I was born at the right time.
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>And you. Have proved. To be.

>A reaaalll human being
>And a real hero

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Board reset?
Time to christen it with musky gorou

But any catboys and dogboys allowed
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although if that didnt work out he could fix me ^_^
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1) Be polite to the drawfriends - they're drawing for you, after all.

2) Specifics, details and references pics are always appreciated, and increase the likelihood of your request being fulfilled.

3) Don't expect your request to be done straight away, or even at all - not every request is going to get done. If you think it's been overlooked, wait a while and relink or repost it.

4) Stick to fictional characters.

5) No nsfw requests. Stuff like that belongs in >>>/y/drawthread

6) Please limit image posting to references and request fills. We don't need a bunch of reaction pictures and such killing the thread early.

Previous thread: >>3854256

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psych, i stayed up late to finish the game and can now confirm i love this little freak. ty for introducing me to my new problematic fav and for ruining my sleep schedule
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Thank you.
Sorry I couldn't get to you sooner, thanks anon, really appreciate it
not OR, but this is amazing! absolutely adore your style

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This is a thread for the boys of all things /m/.

Post your favorite pilots and tokusatsu heroes.

Last thread: >>3913810
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protect your little bros
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is the game finished
nortubel if ur here please make a boy only game

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Duke edition

Previous thread >>3939901
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'Tis the Season Edition
Previous thread >>3913986

Some free resources for simple online (and mobile) generation:


For help/information on more in-depth generation or local generation, I recommend checking out the AI threads over on /g/ or even the AI thread over on /y/ (which has more male specific resources).

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Love these, need more artsy stuff itt.

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Previous: >>3933875
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Post the cutest angel boys ever
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If they didn't do a pseudo sequel since uprising, especially considering how good that game was, it's probably in the pile with starfox and F-Zero.
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whats a sexier color /cm/ ?
black or navy?
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Need pitto bulge on my face

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There must be an Eva thread on Christmas Day.
Previous thread >>3915318
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The marriage picture is comissioned fanart. The artist is VERY good.
Also that cafe does yuri and BL collabs. And their collab images are just the pilots in gala outfits not wedding ones.
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