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Just boys loving boys. Any fandom, any pairing, OCs, wholesome, not-so-wholesome...as long as it's gay.
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Where are they from? Or is it just random OC?
Followup: I have to say, it looks like something that Saka Mikami would draw (the artist behind Kaoru Hana Wa Rin To Saku)

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VERY fast waka running at incredible hihg speed

Last thread: >>3912860
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Best antagonist in a while IMO
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Sorry anon above, didn't mean to quote here >>3918810

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all my robutts gone
previous: https://archived.moe/cm/thread/3908596
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I need him forcefully inseminated right now
Me too. From what I heard so far he basically seems to be IDW1 Zeta Prime which sounds fantastic. As one of his three worldwide fans I am pleased and Sentinel's design isn't bad. I love that they finally gave him wings like his comic and toy counterparts.
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I need him chained to a public toilet as a free use hole god fucking damnit
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I can't wait for the porn once the movie is officially airing everywhere.
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Someone out there is already drawing him getting tentacle raped right now
I just know it

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post your very own boys here!
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Here's another doodle i did of Atlas!

He's a pretentious hipster sometimes, especially when it comes to music. He probably seethed when Fall out Boy went mainstream.
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Frankenstein boys will always seem strangely sexy...
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More draws. I have a ton of scribbles but they can't be shared on this board.
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drew again
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Here's mine
Not sure if cute

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We're burning the estate down Edition
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Board reset?
Time to christen it with musky gorou

But any catboys and dogboys allowed
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Bump with more mlem boys
I'd cum on his fat shota tits.
why do mouthbreathing retards think twinks are shota?
Twink with bitch tits isn’t shota
Its just a cautionary tale for why you shouldn’t feed your poor doggies vegan diets.
It’s okay though. He’ll probably go back to being DFC if you put him on a red meat diet and get him to lift.
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>tried to get Kazuha so Gorou could have a better BF
>fail to roll Kazuha
Last place pup
Only thuggies want him

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Unsaged omoricaca thread
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my hapa cousin looks a lot like sunny
his mom got the bwc
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Pull the shorts up his legs then push his legs back and put the shorts behind his head to help hold his legs in place?

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Why was the last thread deleted?
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new timeline edition
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hottest link ive seen all week FUCKKK
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Nolove for fourswords?
good find that's a quality link.
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This is a thread for the boys of all things /m/.

Post your favorite pilots and tokusatsu heroes.
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Isami's birthday in few days and Anisama stage!
previous thread
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this human/insect au is so cute

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undisputed KING of roblox
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guess the jannies didn't like the seb plush kek

just post link lol
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it was on /vm/
was just aghast that all the dumb things I posted there the makeship plush link got deleted I swear the resident roblox janny acts abnormal sometimes
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A thread for posting older-looking (pubescent/post-pubescent, no prepubescent shotas!) crossdressers, traps, otoko no ko, etc. Ignore, hide, and report all bait and tranny/tranny-adjacent posts. No Genshin Impact, either- we're all tired of seeing it.

OC content is generally preferred if you can dig through the X mines to find it.

Previous: >>3913297

All traps: >>3914609

Shota traps: >>3914429
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guess i'm posting here since the other thread got taken over by her spam now
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Post fluffy boys!
Previous thread: >>3906983
81 replies and 75 images omitted. Click here to view.
GOD what i would do to him in bed
they have forgotten the ways of our 4chancestors, who were vanquished to this purgatory by the hateful god lowtax for being weebs and furfags >:(

One day, moot-sama will return and if they are not ready, they will no longer be. ^-^

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