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Critters, but also Yarnaby.

New trailer:
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thread for guilty gear boys nobody likes or cares about!
44 replies and 41 images omitted. Click here to view.
me on the right
>we will never get to play the most mechanically insane character to ever grace fighting game history again because they fixed his possessions
I will never forgive ArcSys

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Why was the last thread deleted?
154 replies and 144 images omitted. Click here to view.
Nevermind, I should have just read their asks.

The artist had an older DA account called crackcat911 where they first posted these images. They linked the fic in the comments, but the LJ account has been deleted.

The title is "Everything You Are" by Veilluse. I'm sorry, but the Wayback Machine didn't save everything.

Parts 1 and 2: I can't find a direct link to check the archive
Part 3: Not archived
Part 4: http://web.archive.org/web/20091011213413/http://community.livejournal.com/gorillazslash/375914.html#cutid1
Part 5: http://web.archive.org/web/20091011213417/http://community.livejournal.com/gorillazslash/376422.html#cutid1
Part 6: http://web.archive.org/web/20091012063843/http://community.livejournal.com/gorillazslash/377489.html#cutid1
Part 7.1: http://web.archive.org/web/20091014040543/http://community.livejournal.com/gorillazslash/377920.html
Part 7.2: http://web.archive.org/web/20091011131147/http://community.livejournal.com/gorillazslash/378206.html#cutid1
Part 8.1: Not archived
Part 8.2: http://web.archive.org/web/20091010184928/http://community.livejournal.com/gorillazslash/379450.html#cutid1

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Anon holy shit this it it, you are incredible. And yes, crackcat911 was the artist. You are damn good. Yes, ti was posted originally on LiveJournal on a gorillaz shipping blog. God damn, thank you so much! The sex scene is amazing in this fic, hopefully I'm not wearing nostalgia glasses when saying that.
Glad to help! I enjoy trying to track down old fan content. I'm just sorry that it's incomplete. There may have been more chapters after 9, but I also could not find any more direct links to check the archive with. The captured page where I pulled all of these links from is below, if you wanted to try and sleuth a few more chapters out of it.

There is also a subreddit dedicated to finding deleted fanfiction. You should be able to post this information there to see if anyone has the completed fic.

From the small amount of it I read, the writing style seemed very good. I really like 2000s era fanfiction, and I think a lot of newer fans in older fandoms are too quick to write off anything written pre-AO3. It's so frustrating that the author only posted it on LiveJournal, and not some place better for archival. Never forget that everything not saved will be lost.

Also, the sketchy style of crackcat's old drawings is really charming, but it's incredible to see how much they improved over time.
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All this time and all we get is MERCH?

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Double dragon edition

Previous >>3929511
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What if scara were a femcel girlfailure?
(They shopped the image to make it male/crossdressing)
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He suffers greatly living with a Thot roomate

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Kemoshota edition

Old: >>3938869
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It's almost Valentine's day, so only the gayest kemonos are allowed.
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there is one last space to be filled by a silly boy
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Another space filled.

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Raidou's new game, offical announcement one of these days edition.

Anything SMT besides Persona is welcome
Previous: >>3913742
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Chat Noir!
42 replies and 40 images omitted. Click here to view.
>"Officiér! Officiér! Zat malhomme over zere said ze N-word!"

>"Sorry, I can't hear you right meow."

>Not gendarmerie
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he's not from saint-tropez tho

Post the cutest angel boys ever
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Another valentine sitting at home and thinking about silly Nintendo deities
Maybe they can (S)Pit roast you.

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brave bang the new year.
previous thread >>3934890
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Happy tenth anniversary, swords.
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Is the new guy a weatherman or air traffic control?
I think so. I've seen fanart of him forecasting the weather. I don't know about air traffic control
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Tofu Edition
Prev: >>3913132
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Waiting for Brant edition
Previous thread >>3935693
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shota brant
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a thread for cute boys from colorado
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Nemlei makes cute boys
Everything from Coffin to Jack in a box is welcomed her
Sure some of them are a bit cannibalistic and total losers but they need just a bit of love
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Been there, done that

Previous: >>3938683
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Can't spell Valentines without Len

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