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Henry is the perfect shota.
henry is built for bratbreaking
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Isami's birthday in few days and Anisama stage!
previous thread
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this human/insect au is so cute
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Well, this sucks. Time to start again.
The old thread was >>3829749
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Hanako-kun did it again...
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404 Error edition.
Previous thread: https://archived.moe/cm/thread/3905873/

Some free resources for simple online (and mobile) generation:





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that's seriously cute

Lederhosen are so underrated boys wear
I don't know what that is, but how do you prompt it?
Good to know that this stuff will only get better and better

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Wow we need a new thread already? SMT is so popular now!
Nah, the mods fucked up:

Anything SMT besides Persona is welcome
Previous: https://archived.moe/cm/thread/3911466/
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And the last one I can find. That was a lot. Glad to see he got so much art though.
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Post FNF boys! Mod characters are allowed.
Whitty blew up the last thread
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Pico's update is out!
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all my robutts gone
previous: https://archived.moe/cm/thread/3908596
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Me too. From what I heard so far he basically seems to be IDW1 Zeta Prime which sounds fantastic. As one of his three worldwide fans I am pleased and Sentinel's design isn't bad. I love that they finally gave him wings like his comic and toy counterparts.
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I need him chained to a public toilet as a free use hole god fucking damnit
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I can't wait for the porn once the movie is officially airing everywhere.
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Someone out there is already drawing him getting tentacle raped right now
I just know it
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Reviving the My Hero Academia bread.
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Suneater is best boy. Anyone have more art to share of him?

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Previous >>3910186

>Suicide Boy
English: https://www.lezhinus.com/en/comic/suicideboy_en
Korean: https://www.lezhin.com/ko/comic/suicideboy

>High School Boy

Parkgee @ Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/ch960116
Parkgee @ YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@Parkgee
106 replies and 21 images omitted. Click here to view.
Green hair dude is a little fag too. He likes when people call him a cute and he gets so blushed uwu~~

That's kinda gay if you ask me.
Tf does that mean?
> iltaks not gay (unless i missed something) doing gay things, black hair is actually gay but trying to do not gay things
Neither one is gay. Black hair is just being cosmically coerced into getting boners from Il-tak, who was cosmically screwed into looking like perfectly like a girl. Black hair is basically a trans/gay fantasy bf of the straight man who gets turned gay just because the person is that attractive, but he is still totally straight.
Green hair is def, like >>3918757 said. Either that or metro, which is super gay.

Now, as for red hair, I'm leaning on homo. He has shown no homophobic traits that I can remember. Plus, as you mentioned, him having Il-tak in mind when thinking of using a condom, even if as a joke, is pretty gay, and he doesn't deny it when he gets called out on it.
Now, I'm definitely about to be contradicted on the following chapters when Red Hair tries to rape Il-tak and they ruin all his development; but he has been shown to be fond of Il-tak in 'more than just because he is pretty'.
He even has a memory of Il-tak sharing a cig with him like he holds it dear to him.
I don't care if he later denies it, but he is definitely gay.
forgot to mention, but I'm placing all bets on green and red hair to end up a couple, btw. Not because I ship them, I just am psychiching it to go that way.
With, MAYBE,green hair helping him come to terms with accepting himself without the macho bravado or some bullshit like that.
Fair, but they are still there.
HSB makes it seem like girls are non-existent in a trillion miles radius from the school.
Anyway, as for Hooni.
While not as feminine as Il-tak, I think I remember the comic making a big deal about how feminine he is. So I can see him being cute and feminine enough to get groped instead of punched around. Why him instead of green-hair? Uhhhhhh...
Anyway. While he would prob prefer it to be beaten, I can see Hooni hating it even more than Il-tak, since all Hooni wants is to be left alone.
Black-hair seems to also just wanna be left alone, so I doubt they'd have much to do with each other. Hooni would just be scared shitless of a potential bully. And without a terrible household, I can see Hooni not struggling as much to keep his grades up. So they might not even be forced to interact because of that.
Hooni would probably be good friends with the sister, and accept her calling him cute and stuff like that, specially if she convinces him that cute is cool. He'd try to show off being cool to her, kinda like he did with Sana. She would have to be more secretive about her incestuous creepiness though, Hooni would prob just seclude himself if he knew about that weird stuff.
Now, is Hooni still suicidal in this version? If so, I can see both Black-hair and Red-hair changing their way of treating him because of it.
blue screen of death
and dunno. blackhair had a wet dream of iltak unzipping blackhairs pants with his teeth. and the bus tickling? if it was just "looks like a girl so i want to bang", why would he care if the others molested him? he doesnt just want to doink iltak, he wants only him to doink iltak, no one else. id give him a pass if blackhair didnt know iltak was a boy, but thats not the case. but maybe this is getting into semantics and gender politicy or whatever, because i agree blackhair atleast thinks hes 100% straight.

either way, i just think its kinda neat because its a bit unusual, at least to me. its a BL, with lots of lewdness and implications, and possibly all "straight" characters if redhair considers himself straight. im starting to think none of these characters will have sex with each other. the "dick in your mouth" sausage prank, and iltak having a serious and somewhat more realistic negative reaction to it makes me think no one will "accidentally" have sex with anyone. the goofy and mean spirited tone of the whole story makes me feel like it wont have any of the characters actually develop or change in a positive way, no "discovering yourself" over time, so i just dont see any way these characters have sex....consensually. im betting IF there is sex, itll be coerced or forced somehow. no comment on greenhair, so far his presence in the story has been so fleeting ive forgotten everything about him.

>insert joke about 4chans autocorrect not recognizing "consensually"

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The last thread disappeared so lets enjoy the Faerun men here.
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thread for all your waifufagging needs. dump your husbando folder and even tell us about why he is the one for you if you'd like
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this cutie is a ninja? are his eyes normally like this?
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Hayato Jin from Getter Robo
When he was first introduced in the manga I didn't feel much for him but as I read more of the Getter saga I started liking him a lot more
I felt really bad for him at some points (Especially in Go if you've read it you know) I like his other incarnations too but I have a soft spot for the manga version of Hayato
His unhinged side is probably GODLIKE in bed
The trannies at /a/ deleted 2 waifu threads today. To remedy the lack of Gen, I post him here and on /r9k/. Gen is smart, funny, cute, loyal, and I love him.
those are some manly sideburns
> I read more of the Getter saga I started liking him a lot more
you're not alone. I've seen a lot of anons who realized midway or afterwards how much they love their waifu/husbando
>His unhinged side
bonkers boys are some of the best
>The trannies at /a/ deleted 2 waifu threads today
the heck happened over there? /a/ waifu threads have been a staple of the board
I knew he would be one of my favorites from the first opening, but he turned out less insidious than I imagined in the best way. he's just a witty guy who wants a cola. we all know that feel, gen

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Rising from the ashes.

Previous Thread: >>3909717
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the vinland saga thread died, post vinland saga men
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>massive focus on eyelashes
this artist is female isn't it
have you seen the DSL yukimura gives to Canute
It's not only the lips, the eyelashes also count. Most male artists don't consider them at all when men are drawn, that's why I asked
>Karli: my dads are weird
Season 2 Canute scares me a little, ngl

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a thread for cute boys from colorado
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I like to think that Kenny also got a job at the ice cream shop after Dikinbaus was taken care of, but Butters still buys him lots of meals/snacks (He just can't help himself! And Kenny spends most of his earnings on Karen, so it kinda evens out)
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