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None of the amazon show, just Helluva Bros.

Last Episode: https://archived.moe/cm/thread/3896939/
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no chainsaw thread?
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Today is Monday, Better Call Saul day, and 12/16, Chicanery Day, one after Magna Carta
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Fuck chuck

Boyish or Girly shotas? Which one do you like more and why? I'm more of boyish ones, boyhood is so cool
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[spoiler]try again[/spoiler]
I like when they're somewhat androgynous and aren't overtly hypermasculine or hyperfeminine.

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Board reset?
Time to christen it with musky gorou

But any catboys and dogboys allowed
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they kill themselves
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Doctor mlem needs to have healing mechanisms given that he’s a doctor
>itto keeping his puppy boyfriend (neutered) from committing ritual sudoku
Anything is possible
although if that didnt work out he could fix me ^_^

Post your favorite glasses wearing boys in this thread
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me too
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what is the appeal of guys with glasses?

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Happy shotas edition.

Previous: >>3940782
Girly shota: >>3938495
Kemoshota: >>3938869
198 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
Nah, I humped an extra pillow I had. The stink and stains on my stuffed animals was from chewing on them.
Use this one for now: >>3942093
That one has a specific theme
Would prefer if someone made another thread
New bread: >>3943304

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Friendly kiss on the cheek edition

Remember to please abstain from posting burnt nugget Curly

Previous thread: >>3940959
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He's shooting up heroin in the pic, so wouldn't it be less likely for him to crash the ship since he'd be out like a light?
Missing my wife (Curly)
Same desu
New thread: >>3943140
I don't know how to break this to you gently but lewds of your wife are all over the internet.

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Where's my Season 2?
sex with the twins i guess

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Previous >>3939926
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New thread >>3943054

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TF2, Half Life, Left 4 Dead, etc.
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The final TF2 comic came out not too long ago. What did you think of it? I liked how happy Pyro was to see Engineer again.
scout is cute with long hair
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Scout arguably has one of, if not the best ending of the mercs. Only Soldier really competes.

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The last thread disappeared so lets enjoy the Faerun men here.
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Happy New Year!
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Shota x shota romance edition.

Previous: >>3928110
Girly shota: >>3914429
Kemoshota: >>3925527
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Actually, they said "You're nice!" *kiss* "No, you're nice!" *kiss* "No, you're nice!" *kiss*, and so on...

Just type "you're nice moral oral" on utube and it's the top result.
It makes me sad that i didn't have this when i could.
Love now, while you still can.
>look over thread
>eyes go wide
>starts breathing heavily
It... it's not good to be here...
haha, yeah.
>nothing weird going on here!

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"All my swords got deleted... how familiar" edition
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Year of the snake, you say?
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Previous >>3915629
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new >>3942840

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