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Check the catalog before posting >>3853978

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Sleepy shos edition.
Previous: >>3900868
218 replies and 146 images omitted. Click here to view.
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shotas be like...
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New bread >>3904695
Sauce pls?

>spams 5 new threads with only 2 images each
>pushes all actual threads down
Kill yourself OP

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I don't know if there's a name for this, Victorian boy fit maybe?
But god it's so cute I love ittt so I am making a thread for it and hoping to find more anons who are into it too
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>Haru birthday event still on for June 30 @ Yokohama Buntai. There will be merch, as expected.

>Listen to Free!

>Previous Thread: >>3888347
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no i mean this one >>3898185
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I have no idea.
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understandable, have a nice day
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You too.

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Let's finally post some idv boys
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I think that's about it for now. There's more but I don't want to completely take over the thread.
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One more...


Time to show your love for all our cute Terran boys, from Rhodes Island and beyond!
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Last thread
sorry for the 2 week delay.
it took the last thread a year and nearly 5 months to fill up the thread last time. i'd like to say this time, we'll have more activity here, but ... probably not? long live takahashi
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Post artwork of muscular femboys.
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how is that possible?
how bout dis one?
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Post cute boys from Made in Abyss
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D is love. D is life.
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Previous Thread
115 replies and 82 images omitted. Click here to view.
heshe’s just a disingenuous bpd tranny who got raped as a baby
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It’s not female-fied he’s just basedfied because their managers have to pander to fujo that like boys who look like women
I can’t be a tranny since I totally believe I’m my birth sex and like it
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