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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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Christmas boys!
Old: >>3931716
Essential kemoshota links [work in progress!]

Pixiv kemoshota:
Pixiv osukemo:
Pixiv kemono -mesukemo -kemololi:
Pixiv kemoshota artist lists:
That translator while you're at it:
Nagabe's shit:
Fabeasts Manhua
Fabeasts Donghua
Chink cats:
Fuga, IDK
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Gross. Bathe your pets, anon.
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stupid silly dogs ! wasting all the hot water !
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Favorite species? For me, it's bnuuys.
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Are dream travelers a species? If so, dream travelers! Otherwise cats, I think.
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The cute ones.
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For real, though, depends on the rest of the boy. But doggies are always a safe bet.
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Where's his trunk?
>inb4 in the shorts
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One thing you gotta give to them - bun-pillows are delicious.
images of females are not allowed on /cm/
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>checking out new dlsite games
>while skipping through fake jap piracy blogs found some random jap's non-piracy blog reviewing this game
>cute dog, pet, now
>search name
<no results
>search id
<only result is the english name
>search english name
<no result
>just type the id into the url
<dlsite garumani. otome & bl
<purchases: 4
Well, fuck, guess I'll just jerk off to the cover image then.
Japs are fucking retarded in their attempts to organize any of their content. Why split your site into different sections if treating them as a suggestion is going to be the norm anyway?
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FFS. Ok.
That's a girl
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Giving me a real workout, bud.
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By the way, this thing's author(ess) has an itchio with a bunch of free sfw shota games. Browser games ought to be free, right? These human boys are too gay for me, so I won't be checking.
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The one chonky lovin' anon stopping by to deliver some fresh, juicy meat to the thread.
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The most masculine fairy type male.
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Sylveons are some of the straightest pokemon guys, by the way. Ultra nohomo.
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The doggies are getting a sparkle-clean scrubbing and there's nothing you can do about it, sweat-fag.
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What's this guy saying to you with this smug expression?
>is something wrong, mister?
>you've been staring at me for a while now
>are you one of those... kemo-shotacon creeps mom told me about?
>ha-ha, humans are so easy to read
>were you fantasizing about doing naughty things to me?
>were you daydreaming of dragging me off to some back alley and wriggling your cold naked monkey fingers into my ear fluff?
>huffing my tail and ruffling up my belly fur?
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Seems like the beach is a great place for meeting freindly Kemoshos!
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>/cm/ - cute/male
>not cute
fuck out of here with this faggot shit
wet kemoshos...

wtf rude
Well, they're cute to him........................................................................................................................................................
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Liking bunis is gay anon.
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Thanks anon. Truth be told that kinda messed up my day a little bit. Just wanted to share some chubbies in case anyone else like them, since I didn't see them that often.
Yes, and?
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For what it's worth, I like chubs even if I rarely post them. That's probably my favorite artist even above Moki senpai, it's such an adorable style. I hope you have a better day tomorrow friend.
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I don't really care for chubs either, but I know it's pretty common for people to like them, so I'm not going to say anything about it
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Well, you're welcome, even though I was just stating that as fact and neither defending nor admonishing you or your post.
In fact, I was going to follow it up by politely agreeing with rudeanon that I too dislike like bara and consider it really fucking gay, especially to the obese degrees like >>3936539 and >>3936320 and saying that it would probably be better if you posted fatshos in more bara-specific places where there will most definitely be more people who like them. But then I remembered that I am on a public board and that nobody likes thread-police or when other people speak for them, so I shat up.
Either way, if an imageboard post can "kinda" make or break your day, that's usually a bad sign on either life-enjoyment or life-priority front, so I hope you're keeping on top of things.
>no godson shotahax
Well, my life-enjoyment just took a turn.
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How many makeup tutorials does Sasha consume a day?
Jap itchio. Mostly RPGM slop, but some thumbnails look well-illustrated if nothing else.
I don't have much time to play games, so check them out for me.
Google AGTH and Sugoi translator if you need MTL.
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Ehehe, cutie.
I wonder what books he came for.
Looks too nonchalant to have embarrassedly come looking for romance novels.
skidoo is peak

The stone walls of the cell were cold, the air heavy with the damp scent of decay. Time had worn away the beauty of the once-proud fortress, leaving only broken bricks and cracked mortar. In the far corner, flickering torchlight barely illuminated the figure of the wizard—gaunt, shackled, and defeated. His eyes were sunken, yet there was a glimmer of something in them: curiosity, desperation, the faintest flicker of a man who had not yet completely surrendered.

His name was Elric, and he had once been powerful. Once, his soul had been his own.

Now, it was bound to something far older than him. Far older than any mortal or immortal being could comprehend.

The shadow at the corner of his cell shifted, a pulse of cold air sweeping through the small space. The daemon was here. The bond was never far away. The creature who shared his soul, who fed on his life force and yet kept him alive, materialized in the dim light. A shape both solid and shifting, a wolf-like figure with eyes that gleamed with ancient wisdom and untamed hunger.

The daemon’s presence was not a simple thing—it was a force. A primal, chaotic power that existed beyond the rules of this world, a power that had once been a wraith, but now, through the bond, walked beside him as flesh and blood.

“Do you feel it, wizard?” the daemon’s voice rumbled, both soft and dissonant, as it slithered into the air. “The power, the magic—your power—and mine.”

Elric didn’t respond. He knew all too well the cost of that power, the price he had paid to survive. The bond could never be undone. Not without the price of his soul.

And yet, as the daemon stepped closer, his glowing eyes fixated on Elric, the weight of the ancient pact hanging between them, Elric felt something stir within him. Hope? Or was it despair?

In the end, it didn’t matter.

The daemon was always there, a constant reminder of what he had become.
I like how in the background there are implied pet Shotas lol
So cute <3
I like how this is the style of that one webcomic where the protagonist Shota is naked. It matches that artstyle perfectly.
Both were not intended by me.
>not even kemono
Go make your own thread and stop shitting up this one.
That's an animal you degenerate piece of shit
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Furry kemoshos.
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>absolute trash online model
Obvious bait.
Deer lord!
Look at all this venison!
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Not much in the way of games where you directly play as kemoshos unfortunately. Only other ones I could think of are Klonoa, Sonic games where Tails is playable, and the rest of the Little Tail Bronx series (Tail Concerto, Solatorobo, and Fuga)
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your a animel
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What about >>3936851?
Kemoshotasuikagame's author also has a few osukemo-skinned casual games at https://kemohaus.itch.io/
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I mean, indie games are games too, it doesn't have to have something large-profile like Fuga and Sonic.
Speaking of
Aw man, I can't believe I forgot to add at least Klonoa to the list.

Thanks for these extra links too!
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kemopop is heat. my friends saw that i played it on steam and now know i'm a gay furry because of it
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Tell them being hot for dog men is an ancient christian tradition and has nothing to do with either gayness or furries.
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Coke a cutie.
With sound:
Not normally into Kemoshos but when i am in the mood for them they hit pretty hard...

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