Post obscure boys.
Koi, from Koi
>>3920086i miss the nutshack
>>3914495I was so into this as a kid.
Nassor and Toshiaki from Burton's Frankenweenie remake. Doubles as a rare pair
>>3941166love wild kratts
Square Enix has just released the sluttiest Cloud to date, so let's have an FF7 thread to celebrate!
Just boys loving boys. Any fandom, any pairing, OCs, wholesome, long as it's gay.
I'm looking for a pic I saw earlier but can't find again, it is of Harry holding and kissing Malfoy while he impotently protests, also Harry is brown (for some reason).
Will the BluRays ever get ripped?Previous Thread: >>3913715
Sk8 ova
Really cute editionOld: >>3942300
I think we should fill the previous thread before making a new one.
>>3946681>>3936100 has 11 image slots>>3938869 has 12 image slotsand >>3942300 has 37I know the thread is slow and those are enough slots for quite a few days, but I reckon having three threads is a pain in the ass, so I thought that I can spam the oldest thread with random pics from my faves to finish it, probably the second oldest too, and then we can forget about those and just move to the previous thread and re-use only that one until we make a new one.
>>3946683Okay, done, >>3936100 and >>3938869 are dead.We can move to now >>3942300.
last thread >>3917862 last thread >>3917862 last thread >>3917862proudly continuing to radicalize mentally ill teenage girls into lone wolf acts of antisocial violence
>>3942455Flashing back to that horrifying Eddsworld incident where the guys who were making that fan movie had the series creator (dead) meet his alternate universe girl version and made them kiss and stuff.This wouldn't be that weird, but he somehow did this after getting the guy's sister to play his girl version. Profoundly weird incident that is oddly not well-remembered.
>>3945940He had Edd's sister play the girl version of him???
>>3945985And hug and kiss the real Edd romantic-style!They didn't do this for any of the other R63 pairs, which is so strange, because Matt, canonically in love with himself, is right there!They just did it to Edd! The dead guy!I do not know what is wrong with that fandom
Post cute boys drawn in styles that don't necessarily fit the anime style. Comics, old book illustrations, cartoons, retro advertising, mascots are all welcome here.
Testing comment box, 4chan says this is spam
shit game cute boys
Fresh bread edition.Previous: >>3944318Girly shota: >>3938495 Kemono shota: >>3944706Omori boys: >>3931101Nopan shota: >>3942093
>>3946362You can turn off the AI training thing in the settings btw
>>3946407>believing in settingsand your phone isn't a constantly pinging beacon as long as you turn off your location!
>>3946386Make next bread selim/pride themed!
>>3946412New >>3946434
Post hunky shortkings
He's so hunky~
Built for Ryoga
Previous thread:>>3944085As hard as it may be, pls no burnt Curly because mods a shit.
>>3946319>>"ummmmmmmm why are they infantilizing a rape enabler?? Also this is ableist to make him cute ://////"To live is to suffer.
>>3946328New bread.
>>3946306It's a thread dedicated to art from the game, nobody in here should need context explained to them.
>>3946409Witholding information to prove yourself right headassBack to twatter
>>3946411Bro, who is withholding information. Do you know how insane it would be to summarize the plot every time the game is discussed in a thread of people who already know the story?
Previous >>3943054
new >>3946222