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This thread is for posting fem/trap/androgynous/crossdressing/otokonoko shotas.

previous >>3914429
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just occurred to me I keep spelling "edition" wrong on these but I'll just continue with the bit, idc anymore
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very cute!
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Would it be possible to make him pregnant
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can't know until tou try!
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I hope kemonoshos are fine for this thread. I'm a big fan of how this artist draws theirs and wanted to share
Ok but learn to save pictures.
I got lazy sue me
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azulasi on twt
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I couldn't find the account because the artist changed their name to https://twitter.com/azu_lasi
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This nigga sweet as a peach
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He certainly has a sweet peach.
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The 2nd season of Reincarnated as the 7th Prince will premier in July 2025.
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either post girly shos or kill yourselves
notice the plural
I still wish Mahiro was a boy :c
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this board is already slow as shit, I'm surprised this thread is still somewhat alive. also contribute and post girlyshos
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ximu_shilang's twitter account was suspended, does anyone have the full version of this pic? https://files.catbox.moe/365ftw.jpg
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why tf do i have to wait 15 mins to post something now? these thread are slow enough as is
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