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kind of obsessed no lie
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>"Meet my artistsona! Although he is me, he is only to be referred to as “Jeremy”. If asked, he will outright refuse to be called “James.” He is incredibly coked up on ∞ Caffeine. He is mentally ill, sleep deprived, probably schizophrenic, and just a tad bit paranoid for the most part. He is Jeremy and Jeremy is me!"

cute boy, anon.
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HOLY SHIT HE'S MAKING A DATING SIM AAAAAAAAAAAAAA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfpLvWFkvSA/

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la/ost thread: >>3877485
funnily enough, we were 1 img away from making a new thread.

ITT: any western ip.
refrain from posting for properties with their own threads
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Anyway, you mentioned Molly not being allowed to do anything wrong?
Yeah, I meant it with the whole Lisa Simpson thing, you kinda see the shadow of her in Molly, that sort of writers' favorite soapbox mouthpiece type of writing.
I remember Blaber's first controversy during the 2016 election. I think someone like him would be the type to indulge the worst of a Lisa-type, hence the issues with Molly.
>especially in PoP
Yeah, I think what made the writing issues there stand out was the fact that we've already been introduced to Molly. This is her 2nd outing out of what may be, I dunno, a dozen, and if we're supposed to follow her for most of the series as a main, then we should already at least get to know about the weird kinks of her personality, otherwise, she becomes uncompellingly flat.
Given the shitty conditions she grew up in, I think you could start there.

I feel like she could come around to having a certain degree of arrogance and distrust of others' intentions and competency from how she's always been and always had to be the smartest, most competent person in the room all the time.
It'd kinda sting to see how it would play out if ever she hypothetically lost patience with Giovanni and made him think she considered him dumb, and she can't really manipulate him into thinking otherwise as much because she's so emotionally open and vulnerable around him.
Maybe as she grows up, she comes around to outright disregarding the thoughts and maybe even feelings of people getting in the way of what she thinks is important. Like say, Phoenica, since she's, you know, an airhead.
And usually, she'd be able to keep those thoughts to herself, she's Little Miss Retail, after all, but maybe in a heated moment, she might lash out and hurt someone in the casual way someone like Sylvie might just do all the time.
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Oh, and speaking of Sylvie being mean,

A pretty recent post on Blaber's Tumblr mentioned him writing the novelization for the first couple EE storylines and him having some trouble with Sylvie's writing, because upon review, needlessly bringing a little girl's worst fears to life in front of her eyes seems kinda mean, and he's not into that.
I don't know if he's listening or anything, but Blaber, if you are, then I say: lean into it.
As I've said, Sylvie being a mean, cruel kid makes him a whole lot more interesting.
I know it's kind of a cliche, but there's just something about the contrast of a cute soft design and a mean, vindictive personality. Evil Healers, or in this case, Psychiatrists, they're compelling for a reason, using powers that heal for evil, there's something just really solid about that, aesthetically and thematically.
Sylvie being a jerk also reframes his loneliness into something more complex, and it gives him kind of an arc.
But I already mentioned all that.
Anyway, lean into it, not just for Sylvie, but for Molly, too!
I think she could benefit from being a bit more callous when she feels free to be so and is annoyed by the idiots surrounding her. Look at how hard she's got it, she deserves to be cruel every now and then. Blaber had already described her as being a little, uh, ruthless? Well, should've shown more of that! If not for characterization purposes, then just because it's funny, goddamn.
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Spyro, you will always be famous.
i saw that post and i actually wrote up a reply to it but deleted it shortly cause i realised it was pretty unsolicited and autistic. i could repost what i wrote down here though if youd like
Unsolicited and Autistic are my middle names, go right on ahead.

Just boys loving boys. Any fandom, any pairing, OCs, wholesome, not-so-wholesome...as long as it's gay.
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do you guys have some of his rare stuff/old collections
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mostly looking for stuff like "darling,/darling good morning", "marcus" and "hope" since its hard to get those collections nowdays

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post your very own boys here!
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Okay last one.
CUTE! do u have any chapters up?
I have a few pages done on my twitter @impy_art I'm gonna resume work on it on Monday.
i want him to rape my hold
OH MY GOD HES A CUTIEEEEEE!!! Where can i find more of him?

Post cute boys drawn in styles that don't necessarily fit the anime style. Comics, old book illustrations, cartoons, retro advertising, mascots are all welcome here.
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Left bottoms for right
man fascism + shotas is like the best aesthetic ever invented
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Very nice, found it in higher quality. Apparently this is an illustration from the russian translation of Mark Twain's The Prince and the Pauper.
Pedophile alert
Couldn't agree more

A surprisingly /cm/ material.
Other /cm/ album covers are welcomed too
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The fourth betrayal...
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New thread so I'm posting the new faces first.
Esu is very cute.
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Who best boy?
Can we please gatekeep Enstars from the femboy tourists who insist Arashi and Tori are femboys and not adorable transgirls?
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>dragging Tori into this
Bait used to be believable

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A thread of worship for the Blessed King of Longing.
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I knew it.

Are you implying you are as attractive as Gutsu-dono?
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Hell hath no fury like a twink scorned
I'm just saying that Griffith needed to dick down Guts if he wanted to avoid that shitshow on the hilltop.
how can someone so evil be so cute

It's his birthday today!
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Nothing cleanses one's sins quite like death.
Pure sex
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MegaSen edition
Previous >>>3920216
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What's the deal with Prowl and the Constructicons, I don't read the comics
Scrapper dies and the Decepticons reformat Prowl into Devastator's head
The Constructicons follow him around for a bit after that, and it was fucking hilarious
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We're burning the estate down Edition
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He looks like Javier Milei here
The Three Carlos
Why are Carlo's pants so tight??!

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Boxed together edition

Remember to please abstain from posting burnt nugget Curly

Previous thread: >>3931691
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>shut up, he's not a quota character
He was added last minute by the devs, is Asian, and woke fans have latched onto him. Literally a woke character kek
The game makes a minor point about how late stage capitalism causes many people to become disenfranchised. It doesn't justify Jimmy, in fact it's what makes him so vile. Jimmy's at a pretty low point part due to systemic issues beyond his control, bad shit just happens to people for no reason. His critical failure is directing his hostility towards the individual, scapegoating someone who's at a somewhat better point in life but is also unhappy with the way things are. He ironically enforces the "system" by making his coworkers suffer, dragging them down when he's unable to go up. So yeah, he sucks and no amount of suffering he previously went through justifies his actions. He's not a rapist because muh capitalism, he's a rapist because he's a terrible person, one who has suffered and then concluded that other people should suffer too.
So the devs confirmed that the desgions of all the charcaters are based off horror movie charcaters.
Daisuke is based on Ryosuke Kawashima from the horror film Kairo, Anya is obvioulsy based on Wendy Torrance from The shining, but what about the others?
Maybe curly is based on Mac the protagonist of The thing (1982)? They both act as leaders and are blonde idk
new thread?
New bread >>3933589

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Plaps all three*
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