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TF2, Half Life, Left 4 Dead, etc.
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The final TF2 comic came out not too long ago. What did you think of it? I liked how happy Pyro was to see Engineer again.
scout is cute with long hair
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Scout arguably has one of, if not the best ending of the mercs. Only Soldier really competes.

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Manga ends soon. Time for a JJK thread.
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The last thread disappeared so lets enjoy the Faerun men here.
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Happy New Year!
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Raidou's new game, offical announcement one of these days edition.

Anything SMT besides Persona is welcome
Previous: >>3913742
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I don't know what to tell you anon. Most people that play V for the gay shit or the designs don't have the same complaints you do. I don't think you're going to find a mod that just tweaks the proportions slightly so it doesn't bother you.
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the mobile game does not count
I like how the proportions are all fucked up, reminds me of old manga
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demons that turn you into a top

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la/ost thread: >>3877485
funnily enough, we were 1 img away from making a new thread.

ITT: any western ip.
refrain from posting for properties with their own threads
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Really nice linework, anon, especially on the body.
The face with that expression doesn't quite give me that boundless genki girl energy that Flapjack usually has, it's a little more uh minxy, more wink wink nudge, Flapjack's always seemed more innocent to me, but otherwise, great stuff.
Have any socials we could follow you on?
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Thank you so much! Faces seem to never come out quite the way I want them, like you noticed, I'm more skilled at drawing bodies, but I do agree with everything you said.
>Have any socials we could follow you on?
Afraid not, I only ever post on 4chan thanks to the anonymity, I'm not really comfortable having an account others can interact with.
Definitely great stuff. I do get what the other anon meant how the first pic didn't quite feel like Flapjack, but these are both really good pieces all the same.
Hoping my drawings can get to such a level one day.
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childhood ruined

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Shota x shota romance edition.

Previous: >>3928110
Girly shota: >>3914429
Kemoshota: >>3925527
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Actually, they said "You're nice!" *kiss* "No, you're nice!" *kiss* "No, you're nice!" *kiss*, and so on...

Just type "you're nice moral oral" on utube and it's the top result.
It makes me sad that i didn't have this when i could.
Love now, while you still can.
>look over thread
>eyes go wide
>starts breathing heavily
It... it's not good to be here...
haha, yeah.
>nothing weird going on here!

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the vinland saga thread died, post vinland saga men
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Garm always reads as that annoying, gremlin cousin on the family, he's very entretaining
>Askeladd in Santa costume
I wish Bjorn looked at me like that...
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Board reset?
Time to christen it with musky gorou

But any catboys and dogboys allowed
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they kill themselves
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Doctor mlem needs to have healing mechanisms given that he’s a doctor
>itto keeping his puppy boyfriend (neutered) from committing ritual sudoku
Anything is possible

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Why was the last thread deleted?
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I think it's very likely that the artist pragmaticinsanity originally posted these on their deviantart account, not tumblr, but it appears that they have scrubbed their DA of all fanart. There are still Gorillaz accounts following them, so they have probably posted Gorillaz art there in the past. The original DA post probably said what fic it was meant to be for, but the Wayback Machine didn't capture much.

According to their tumblr, pic related was also for the same fic.
Nevermind, I should have just read their asks.

The artist had an older DA account called crackcat911 where they first posted these images. They linked the fic in the comments, but the LJ account has been deleted.

The title is "Everything You Are" by Veilluse. I'm sorry, but the Wayback Machine didn't save everything.

Parts 1 and 2: I can't find a direct link to check the archive
Part 3: Not archived
Part 4: http://web.archive.org/web/20091011213413/http://community.livejournal.com/gorillazslash/375914.html#cutid1
Part 5: http://web.archive.org/web/20091011213417/http://community.livejournal.com/gorillazslash/376422.html#cutid1
Part 6: http://web.archive.org/web/20091012063843/http://community.livejournal.com/gorillazslash/377489.html#cutid1
Part 7.1: http://web.archive.org/web/20091014040543/http://community.livejournal.com/gorillazslash/377920.html
Part 7.2: http://web.archive.org/web/20091011131147/http://community.livejournal.com/gorillazslash/378206.html#cutid1
Part 8.1: Not archived
Part 8.2: http://web.archive.org/web/20091010184928/http://community.livejournal.com/gorillazslash/379450.html#cutid1

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Anon holy shit this it it, you are incredible. And yes, crackcat911 was the artist. You are damn good. Yes, ti was posted originally on LiveJournal on a gorillaz shipping blog. God damn, thank you so much! The sex scene is amazing in this fic, hopefully I'm not wearing nostalgia glasses when saying that.
Glad to help! I enjoy trying to track down old fan content. I'm just sorry that it's incomplete. There may have been more chapters after 9, but I also could not find any more direct links to check the archive with. The captured page where I pulled all of these links from is below, if you wanted to try and sleuth a few more chapters out of it.

There is also a subreddit dedicated to finding deleted fanfiction. You should be able to post this information there to see if anyone has the completed fic.

From the small amount of it I read, the writing style seemed very good. I really like 2000s era fanfiction, and I think a lot of newer fans in older fandoms are too quick to write off anything written pre-AO3. It's so frustrating that the author only posted it on LiveJournal, and not some place better for archival. Never forget that everything not saved will be lost.

Also, the sketchy style of crackcat's old drawings is really charming, but it's incredible to see how much they improved over time.
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Because something happened to the last one I made.
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Swindle edition
Prev >>3933566

Other /m/echa also welcome
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round boys appreciation thread
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Things I need this winter.
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Don't we all?
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"All my swords got deleted... how familiar" edition
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Year of the snake, you say?
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Gon is the cute and sexy
Previous thread >>3924991
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This thread is for posting fem/trap/androgynous/crossdressing/otokonoko shotas.

previous >>3914429
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I couldn't find the account because the artist changed their name to https://twitter.com/azu_lasi
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