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Eva threads will never die.
Previous >>3905838
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Dunno what happened but it was getting time to make a new thread anyway

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Of course the gay dog would be excited at the prospect of touching lips with the cat.

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A thread of worship for the Blessed King of Longing.
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>bought expensive glass dildo
>start medication soon after that kills my libido
>months pass and I've never used it, feel like I've wasted money
>read Berserk
>think about Griffith and all carnal feelings rush back to me
>finally use it to imagine him penetrating me
Thank you Griffith...
stop making black and white ops theyre impossible to find by sight on the catalog
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That's hot. I achieved a prostate orgasm one time when I was fingering myself thinking of Femto fucking me.
My apologies, Anon.
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I want him so badly it's actually pathetic

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Nemlei makes cute boys
Everything from Coffin to Jack in a box is welcomed her
Sure some of them are a bit cannibalistic and total losers but they need just a bit of love
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Yes. Only I understand me.
I fuck myself every day, so why not go all the way? But speaking seriously, you would be into all the same fetishes, and could make all of your fantasies come true without feeling awkward about it. It sounds perfect.
This is amazing because I try to inflict most of my fetishes on myself already. I hope I go crazy enough to start hallucinating me giving myself a rimjob.
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I want to give every Nemlei protag a Loving Blowjob and rim their asses

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Evil shotas edition

Previous: >>3916646
Girly shota: >>3914429
Kemono shota: >>3913600
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Hopefully there’s a happy afterlife where we and shos can be happy together!
In school your pic rel is known as the designated bottom and beloved by all.
What? Is he a known character or something?

There's a lower layer pic where he's posing covered in his own you know what.
Does that mean all of the other shos are attracted to him?

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Len-kun is salvation; give him your love and save yourselves!
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Why is Len depicted as being grumpy so often?
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Len is either the serious no-bs guy when he's around Rin or Kaito, or the empty-headed sexual freak when he's alone

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Manga ends soon. Time for a JJK thread.
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Resume posting shos in frills please.

This thread is for posting fem/trap/androgynous/crossdressing/otokonoko shotas. Older looking guys go here >>3913297
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CAPTCHA: Select all girls.
>clicks on fubuki
>slams enter
>not a bot (tm)
>most masculine of the group

well that was stupid. fuyuhiko thread anyone? you can post his sister and peko too so long as they're with him.
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"All my swords got deleted... how familiar" edition
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Previous thread: https://archived.moe/cm/thread/3898607/
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site wipe edition

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he did nothing wrong
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None of the amazon show, just Helluva Bros.

Last Episode: https://archived.moe/cm/thread/3896939/
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Post boys and men in maid uniforms

P.S. report any derailing/talk about trannies, don't respond kthx.

Prev: >>3887439
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