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The fourth betrayal...
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Kabukimono love
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We're so back scarabros
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His character and story live rent-free in my head. The fact he's an incredibly pretty boy is just a nice bonus.
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How is he so perfect?
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This guy draws the hottest scara I’ve seen
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Hope we agree
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For me it's puppet cock, but I understand the fascination with his feet as well. He's perfect
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He's the most beautiful boy, made to be worshipped. I love his feet but every part of him is perfect. I love him.
why is he so small bros
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Made to fit in your pocket
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Hoyofair Scara https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqM7l43_Has [Embed]
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They picked the two worst possible boys to feature in the short alongside Scara but on the other side we get Scara thigh strips fanart
I'm conflicted
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Don't do Aether and Kazuha like that, they're hot as well. Also Aether in the song is voiced by kana, the actual CN VA for Scara/Aether
They got Sou to sing as Scara again for another Hoyofair too so it's automatically perfect in my book
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Scara from the hoyofair song still living rent free in my head (and artists' too it seems)
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>those thighs
>>3913104 (OP)
> le ebin red pilled femboy
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I want him to step on me while I masturbate naked, licking his soles and toes
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if he called me pathetic too I'd just cum on the spot
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ngl this is way hotter than any porn
is he making the pepe face?
That is porn
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Best boy
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>Error occurred
what do
nvm figured it out>>3935105
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my little meow meow, if you can hear me...
please, save me...
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Happy late christmas scarafriends
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pretty boi
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Scara birthday art getting cuter every year
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I love this outfit design, CN community is on another level
So cute I wanna peg him so bad ..<3
sorry foid, but scara is gay as in homosexual
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im not gay i just like how he looks
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need to lick that chest
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That's a pretty hit picture, how like how the drew his feet, makes me wanna fuck and suck him even more.
I wish they'd put more detail in his soles and draw his toes.
licking scara's feet
sucking scara's toes
rubbing my dick on his feet
cumming on his feet
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Life goals, right there.
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my morning routine...
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I wanna rape lick and suck his feet
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cute kabu
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why is scara so often depicted as a catboy
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In the story of the game there's a part where another character recounts his backstory in a fairytale-like way, where he's depicted as a sad cat with matching CG. Scara-cat got really popular to the point where there's now official merchandise including a couple official plushies of him
Plus his personality is very catlike in general so he was already catboy-coded even before the actual cat showed up in the story

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