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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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post your very own boys here!
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Reposting my doodle of that guy's mii

Sadly I didn't save any of the original pics of his mii sona
fuck, you reminded me of the mii thread
i hope they repost it, he was cute
>can't even post self mii without some weirdo making porn of him
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Guy from a game jam game I'm working on.
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And his friend.
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I happen to have quite a bit of cute boys at my arsenal, here's some of em

Starting with Atlas, a software engineering student who works at an interdimensional agency (with his roommate) and does odd jobs to be able to pay rent.

He is laid back, easygoing, a follower more than a leader, and tends to go with the flow. He can adapt to just about any situation, and is very dependable and trustworthy.
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There's also Clement, hackerman from France. pompous and arrogant and thinks he's hot shit. Cute in a grody way.
Love your boys, anon. They're so cute, I love glasses guys.
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Thank you so much, anon! It really means a lot to me that people like my boys.

I have a lot more cute boys and men in glasses, i just didnt wanna post them all because i was worried they'd seem.. samey? but i can't help it, i just love the design trope of "lanky nerdy boy with voluminous hair and glasses"

Just for being so nice you get to have another one!

this is Pen; a shy and anxious young boy with a kind heart but no confidence. He ends up becoming part of a power rangers like squad despite having no fighting skills (or any skills for that matter)

(Art not by me)
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Thank you for the additional cuteness!

I'd like for this thread to be more active, as I love seeing people's OCs and lore, especially cute male OCs, but I'm afraid it'll end up with me spamming most of the time lol so I shall refrain.

Still, I hope this encourages more people to share their cute guys. In the meantime here's my boy Peter.
Aww! He's a cutie pie! I love his lil teef, buckteeth are underrated.

I'd love for the thread to be more active too! I love seeing people's ocs (and shilling my own hehe)
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Here's another doodle i did of Atlas!

He's a pretentious hipster sometimes, especially when it comes to music. He probably seethed when Fall out Boy went mainstream.
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Frankenstein boys will always seem strangely sexy...
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More draws. I have a ton of scribbles but they can't be shared on this board.
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drew again
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Here's mine
Not sure if cute
this post was written with one hand only
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request from a friend, figured I'd dump here as well
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uhh my guy alpine. He's cute so it makes me happy when I put him through unimaginable suffering.
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I used to post him a lot on another board, changed his outfit here
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my very own cute guy
He's cute! I love his hair and outfit! The artstyle is very 2000's too.
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Admittedly i have not done any finished drawings in AGES, but here's a RQ/fanart i got of Atlas!

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