post your very own boys here!
Reposting my doodle of that guy's mii I didn't save any of the original pics of his mii sona
>>3913729fuck, you reminded me of the mii threadi hope they repost it, he was cute
>>3913729>can't even post self mii without some weirdo making porn of himgrim
Guy from a game jam game I'm working on.
And his friend.
I happen to have quite a bit of cute boys at my arsenal, here's some of emStarting with Atlas, a software engineering student who works at an interdimensional agency (with his roommate) and does odd jobs to be able to pay rent.He is laid back, easygoing, a follower more than a leader, and tends to go with the flow. He can adapt to just about any situation, and is very dependable and trustworthy.
There's also Clement, hackerman from France. pompous and arrogant and thinks he's hot shit. Cute in a grody way.
>>3917474>>3917475Love your boys, anon. They're so cute, I love glasses guys.
>>3917476Thank you so much, anon! It really means a lot to me that people like my boys. I have a lot more cute boys and men in glasses, i just didnt wanna post them all because i was worried they'd seem.. samey? but i can't help it, i just love the design trope of "lanky nerdy boy with voluminous hair and glasses"Just for being so nice you get to have another one!this is Pen; a shy and anxious young boy with a kind heart but no confidence. He ends up becoming part of a power rangers like squad despite having no fighting skills (or any skills for that matter)(Art not by me)
>>3917477Thank you for the additional cuteness!I'd like for this thread to be more active, as I love seeing people's OCs and lore, especially cute male OCs, but I'm afraid it'll end up with me spamming most of the time lol so I shall refrain.Still, I hope this encourages more people to share their cute guys. In the meantime here's my boy Peter.
>>3917481Aww! He's a cutie pie! I love his lil teef, buckteeth are underrated.I'd love for the thread to be more active too! I love seeing people's ocs (and shilling my own hehe)
>>3917474Here's another doodle i did of Atlas!He's a pretentious hipster sometimes, especially when it comes to music. He probably seethed when Fall out Boy went mainstream.
Frankenstein boys will always seem strangely sexy...
>>3918604More draws. I have a ton of scribbles but they can't be shared on this board.
>>3918605drew again
>>3912933Here's mineNot sure if cute
>>3918897this post was written with one hand only
>>3918715request from a friend, figured I'd dump here as well
uhh my guy alpine. He's cute so it makes me happy when I put him through unimaginable suffering.
I used to post him a lot on another board, changed his outfit here
my very own cute guy
>>3923855He's cute! I love his hair and outfit! The artstyle is very 2000's too.
>>3917594Admittedly i have not done any finished drawings in AGES, but here's a RQ/fanart i got of Atlas!
Apologies for the MSPaint doodle, for i do not have any (finished) drawings of this guy at hand, but this is Oliver! He's inspired by the "smug nerdy boy who thinks hes hot shit" archetype. Think Berdly or Klug or Tobey McAllister or Sylvie Ashling.
>>3930470I do have this WIP of him though!
my boyo arx (hes literally me)
>>3931765Shota Jesus Christ can be cute, but he's not your OC, I think.
I'm making a low-fantasy comic about a young exiled samurai-turned-ronin wandering a fantasy land and killing people with a tachi sword. His name is Joji and I'd like to share a few drawings of Him I've made.
>>3931861Okay last one.
>>3931856CUTE! do u have any chapters up?
>>3932128I have a few pages done on my twitter @impy_art I'm gonna resume work on it on Monday.
>>3913729i want him to rape my hold
>>3931754OH MY GOD HES A CUTIEEEEEE!!! Where can i find more of him?
Boys can be made out of a wide variety of materials.
this is shura he is ugly as hell and dies in a few months
he was low prospects young man working as a builder and was attacked by an addict who was fired from the jobsite the same day and recieved a head trauma and had all of his teeth smashed in and has to live with a caretaker because he has siezures from brain damage and his caretaker is a degenerate who abuses him horribly and he sinks deeper and deeper into dissociation and despair and finally dies choking on his own saliva
>>3912933That's a good drawing
>>3913738What thread?
>>3935102This thread is about cute boys, not ugly and disabled ones. Get outta here
>>3934552NiceAlso bump
>>3912933Heres mineHes in his mid to late 20sAfghanistan war vet and uh borderline cia war criminal
>>3923771ohh hes precious...
>>3935452I love War criminals
>>3935452>Afghanistan war vetWhat did he do? Dance and serve wine to older men?
This is June, he loses his nerve and finds it in space
>>3935102That’s heavy. But I see cuteness still.
My OCs
>>3936196His long limbs made me initially think that he had Elasta Girl Like powers lol. He's cute though!
>>3936217grim. post more
>>3936226Here's them cuddling on a nice romantic night. The boyfriend is fully sentient and lucid the whole time, by the way
>>3936255>>3936217GOD I wish I was Andy...
>>3936217>>3936255More. I'd like to add that he's supposed to be way more deformed - specifically, a victim of violent burning - but I'm not good enough at drawing to pull that off. I think you can kind of understand what I'm trying to get across though.>>3936284Me too, that's why he's my self insert
>>3936493>>3936495more plz
>>3935102oh okay
>>3936493>>3936495Damn... I like the way boyfriend looks at Andy, seconding moreAndy a CUTE!
>>3936217>>3936255>>3936493>>3936495I don't know, there seems to be a slight disparity in their status. You could say one has more power over the other in that relationship
>>3913729Do you have a Twitter? I think I follow you there.
>>3918605FAGGOTFAGGOTFAGGOTBefore anyone gets mad, it's a Mindless Self Indulgence reference.
>>3941216Please, tell me the story of this fencing boy; I'm curious.
>>3941216yo i'm the dude from >>3931856 and I liked your character so I drew him with mine. (swords are hot)
>>3941325this is my old fear and hunger termina OC cecil. i don't have the write-up of his backstory anymore but without delving too much into the game's lore he's an orphaned aristocrat who turned to prostitution after fleeing a workhouse and rambling around as a street urchin for a few years. eventually he gets wrapped up in some occult claptrap and has to run away again. his design is inspired by bjorn andresen. i decided to draw him fencing since i thought that'd be an appropriate hobby for a young scion
>>3941345oh my goodness, thank you so much! i think my forlorn aristocrat and your wandering ronin make a lovely pair!
>>3941216another old cecil drawing i managed to scrounge up
>>3941649>>3941345Well, both of you kinda Inspired me to try to draw something. Here's a knight boy with a sword.Unfortunately I can't draw for shit, so It looks worse than everything In this thread.
>>3943071Nice I love it! Super cute limbs.
>>3943832thank you friend!!
I rarely post my OCs on the internet because I am a little embarrassed but everyone here genuinely has very cool characters I felt inspired. He belongs to a weird primitive ant-person society, he's a high priest>>3936217FUCKING AWESOME>>3941216>>3942280Love these fellas too. Generally euro sword boys tend to be very cute imho
>>3943071Very cute 2000s-u artstyle!
>>3945053Glad you liked It anon, here's another one of him.Knight-Twink, Baron of /cm/.Maybe I'll redraw him on my PC using krita, so It looks better.
>>3945053I've been staring at those pretty eyes for too long>>3936219Yeah some people think so. Nope just bendy haha
>>3945663Said with love, he's a little Jimmy Neutron-yAlso bump
Some people said he is cute..what do you guys think of him?
>>3946931I agree with these people, he's cute.
>>3946931I love chucks. I love them!
>>3946931He's very cute
>>3946989>>3947101>>3947121NiceHis name is UY-ScutiShould I post more of him?
Current Wip of my lil guy
>>3947651Super cute vampire (I’m assuming) boy :3 also clean ass lineart man good job>>3946931Cute lil troublemaker
>>3912933Twisted Wonderland OC...
>>3948930 (me)shinigami OC, the artist is quite active in /cm/ btw
I have an idea for an OC, that I want to commission, what site is good for getting a commission done? No, I will not ask on Xitter or Pixiv.
>>3950032>no i will not ask on xitter or pixivgo ahead and limit the pool of artists you might like then, retardthe only other places would be reddit or maybe instagram if you can figure out what isn't ai garbagewhat's your idea anyway
love art of my silly lil guy
my own guy based off of a game i like
>>3950032there's always baraag