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more bang for your buck.
previous thread >>3929753
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GOOD and thank god they have a online shop.
anyway, from the digital version seems like there is a feature about the hotel collab
went to look if ppl were talking about it but found this, that's cool
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It was confirmed the extension of the hotel collab
from COMIC CITY 東京 151 circle/cp count (12/15)
>勇気爆発バーンブレイバーン 193
>スミス×イサミ 109
>ブレイバーン×イサミ 28
>イサミ×スミス 14
>サタケ×イサミ 13
>アラカイ×サタケ 6
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Comic City Tokyo 151 Bravern doujin event today (actually seems to be wrapping up RN)
The event went smoothly no incidents this time kek
Sadly I could only buy one dj made for this event, with the Vampoli and Hotel merch i had to do some cut on the budget
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I remeber seeing on twitter a sumiisa fanart based on brokeback mountain. Someone saved it or remember the account?
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forgot to share this, full doujin scan.

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this artist that used to draw sumiisa art where smith=bravern suddenly said that they don't want to accept that smith is bv after all, which seemed odd

but then i took a look at their page and saw they're an ultra nationalistic right-wing nutjob so maybe they can't stand the idea of their beloved yamato damashii isami being together with a gaijin
i remember them with the kill la kill parody, but in these months didn't see anyone of the sumiisa circle i follow rt their stuff (can't even remember their handle)
i guess they were too insane for the sumiisas so they cozied up to the non-sumi bravern people who are so desperate for other people to share in their delusion they welcome anyone
nta but the only weird tweet i found doing a quick check was this one
and doesn't feel that weird, it's clear what's their preference but also draws a lot of smith so idk how they really feel about it.
i'm one of the drastic fans who would prefer that bravern/isami shippers, who deny smith character, would avoid draw smith at all, not even as "wing-man" for bravern
We back to vote for this again, like the previous time you need an email and you can vote only once
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there was a very raunchy event, can't post fanart but here the link of the tag
it's based on Mizuryu Kei's hentai serie, ようこそ水龍敬ランド

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