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This is a thread for the boys of all things /m/.

Post your favorite pilots and tokusatsu heroes.
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>new /m/ thread
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yay finally another c/m/ thread
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Does voltron count as /m/?
Voltron counts as everything.
I regret posting now. Thanks
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Only barely, because the robot showed up so damn rarely
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Underrated anime, Underrated boy
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Been rewatching G for the first time in years and having a blast.
(I really wish there was more gay shit for it that wasn't incest)
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Anyway call me Maria Louise the way I'm down bad for George.
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Hey, I'm watching G again too. It's such a fun anime, but it also feels like it gets Tomino's themes better than a lot of AUs.

(I'm here for the incest so I can't help you there)
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I blame this show fully for my latex/pilot suit fetish. That transformation sequence made me feel something at a young age.
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We have entered gundam birthday month.
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Amuro is cute! He's SO CUTE! I bet his thighs are so soft, I just want to press my face into them like they are pillows and teasingly nibble them! I want to sneakily hold his hand and he will blush very cutely and push me away! I want him to lose a bet and I tell him to wear a maid outfit for an entire day, he will berate me and call me perverted but he is beat red and I can look down to see his underwear! I bet he sleeps like an angel too, I want to catch him napping and drape my jacket over him! Really, it's so irresponsible for him to look this youthful even at 29, is it really okay for a man his age to be so erotic? His presence is giving me naughty thoughts...
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Happy birthday Amuro!
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Honestly I didn't care much about Amuro when I watched gundam. Also didn't help that his personality is a bit like me and I already dislike myself. But now I think again, Amuro is the man I would marry ngl. May not be the best marriage but manageable I guess. Thank you Amuro yumes/fujos for making me see his character in new light.
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Loran's was on the 2nd!
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I swore I attached this
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2 today!
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It's illegal for shotas to be this cute
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Afro Amuro and the god of GMs
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We need more anime dudes like Guy
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New cute /m/ boy just dropped.
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what's he from? he's adorable
Gundam GQuuuuuuX
Waiter! More Char and Kamille please!
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