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Haven't seen a thread for this in a while. Preferably anything with Murdoc.
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Previous: >>3861393
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I think they are specifically referring to the two images posted >>3875298 and >>3875414. imo, all anime characters look like a mix between asian, white and feline, and Obata's artstyle is not an exception. But L does have a sharper nose, wider eyes and a more defined chin than Light, so that's something.
Whenever I see this page, I immediately want to forgive Light for all of his crimes. If I hand to be handcuffed to this freak for 6 months, squatting backwards with his dick dangling as he takes a piss, door open and ice cream cone in hand, I wouldn't even fuck around with the Death Note. I'd kill him with my own hands. Light did what needed to be done.
He can piss weird all he wants im still fucking that twink ass. Light could’ve had it all so simply.
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A thread for posting older-looking (pubescent/post-pubescent, no prepubescent shotas!) crossdressers, traps, otoko no ko, etc. Ignore, hide, and report all bait and tranny/tranny-adjacent posts. No Genshin Impact, either- we're all tired of seeing it.

OC content is generally preferred if you can dig through the X mines to find it.

Previous: >>3903553

All traps: >>3898453

Shota traps: >>3902485
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Any one else like the pre-series book fanart?

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Post and rate husbandos
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Not finishing this chart because every time I edit it and then save, it becomes more pixilated and I have no clue wtf is happening. Will remake and complete the damn thing another time with a different program.

Any advice would be appreciated.
well you're saving it as a .gif for some reason, .png or .jpg tech illiterate.
Honestly, thank you, the program defaulted to that for some reason and I didn't even notice. Yes, yes I am. Absolutely tech retarded.
very good taste my friend

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Versus, Relink and more. Post your favorite boys from the franchise
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Sexy character I like him

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A thread for all Naruto boys

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In the middle of a rewatch and thought it would be nice to have a little thread. Nobody ever did it like them.
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how to obtain lelouch bf?

Post muscular big buff feminine men.
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Griffith in the newer anime is definitely an ambush, his face freaks me out a little.
>no joseph
I miss Testament being an ambush.
He should be bulkier.
I know. His sprite in the old games was, but the official art is wildly inconsistent and the fanartists tend to reduce him into a typical waifish bishonen.

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you like hurting boys dont you
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For me, it's because I can relate
Who cares, go somewhere else.
his screams of agony <3
I'm a bi woman. Look at Astarion fans... it's not just the gays.

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Catboys, dogboys, nagas, mermaids, fairies, taurs, lions tigers and bears, etc.
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Kar'Niss, the Drider from BG3 should have been romanceable
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Yearly thread of 2024 - Honnouji anime soon!
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Previous Thread: >>3820481
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duplicate pics; the latter two listed above should be visible, even on a phone screen at the same time.
How do you even make such a mistake?
good! you are a valuable person!

Previous: >>3790720
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I might like the version from Sirius's view a bit more than the original honestly
He's less angry than Remus and there's some romantic things like getting tangled in his eyes etc that I liked

Needed more Mads
I wonder if it's because he's a villain
>brown/black would be considered offensive
But wouldn't being Asian also be considered impure by purebloods, if we're being realistic and making them racist too? Especially given that this was the 90s, when the Western mainstream was less used to Asian stuff that wasn't goofy kung fu or samurai shit or cyberpunk Tokyo
It also works with Arabs, I think. A good example is this Gulf state royal lady on an episode of Archer who pulled it off pretty well.
I'd also say it works with Indians, if you've ever seen really moneyed Indians.
The exception seems to be Southeast Asians, Indigenous Americans, Africans, Siberians, mestizo Americans, and absolutely mixed race folk: it's not that they can't come off royal or elite or even snobby, I've been around rich Southeast Asians, it's just that I don't see them as the kind that are creepy aristocrats in a spooky country manor with strong incest vibes
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Snarry isn't my cup of tea but I'll admit some of the fanart is lovely.

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Last thread hit the image limit: >>>3811016
114 replies and 75 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Been canon for at least 8 years.
The current artstyle is terrible. Nobody in this manga looks attractive anymore.
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