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Previous >>3935160
Nii-san appreciation edition
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Checked holy thread
He's also voiced by a real tween boy in the dub rather than a grown woman doing a shit job of sounding like a teenager
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Rie Kugimiya's Al was always pretty unconvincing, but I'll admit I do like Romi Park as Ed. I have a visceral dislike of Vic Mignogna though, that might be giving me a bias.
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Thoughts and feelings on armorcest?
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You know, I never thought about it that way before, but you're absolutely right. I wonder how many people he slept with to get to Colonel.
>Rie Kugimiya's Al was always pretty unconvincing
Still better than the chick they got to voice him in Brotherhood's dub. But that dub just had shit casting all-around. Selim's actress didn't even try to not sound like a grown woman.
Sweet. A thread about soulmates.
That one doujin where Ed desperately jerks off in the shower while licking the walls and imagining it's Alphonse's armor still remains one of the most kino doujins I've ever read
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Anon, you can't just say something like that without dropping a link or a title.

Glad to see so many classic FMA doujins preserved here
In case the link fails for anyone else
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i lost count of how many times i used to replay the fight on my dvd player as a tween, little i knew this little non-canonical cutie had awoken something in me, jeez
He's a better character than the "canon" shota Homunculus.
pov: My dream has come true
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>t. Envy
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I want him carnally
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> have a visceral dislike of Vic Mignogna though, that might be giving me a bias.
Why I thought he was good as Ed
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Literally me, Wrath was a cutie
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Not that anon but wasn’t he a creep?
Personally I can only hear Ed as him. The dub voice actors make Ed and Envy for me.

Yeah, I don't know a whole lot about the sexual harassment allegations, but there have been a lot of them. I was new in anime fan spaces in the mid 2000s, and I remember he had a thing where he would basically proselytize at conventions. He called his fans the "Resembool Rangers", and he would hold Christian sermons for them at cons. FMA03 was a show that helped me work through a lot of religious trauma I had from childhood, and it always rubbed me the wrong way that he used his popularity from voicing Edward to spread religious sentiment. He also had the attitude of someone who thought he was like a rock star. Something almost felt wannabe cult leaderish to me. Given that behavior, it would not surprise me if he had been inappropriate with fans, but I really haven't followed the allegations at all.

I also don't like English VAs with a limited vocal range, even if they are a decent actor. I have the same problem with Johnny Yong Bosch. I end up only thinking about a previous character they voiced, or, more likely, the VA themselves.

I do think that the 03 dub had some good writing and good deliveries, and I think Vic was a good pick for Ed, controversies aside. And I do kind of like his cover of the OST song "Bratja". But I just can't listen to that dub anymore. I can't speak to the Brotherhood dub since I only ever watched it subbed.
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Kek, for real? That religion shit is creepy in itself, yikes.
I will agree that I prefer voice actors with more range but then again, someone like Vic or like, Richard Horvitz from Invader Zim has distinct voices that sort of make the character for me. I could see Vic being an insufferable douchebag who thought the sun shone of his ass, for sure. That >>3945672
being said, he will always be the voice of Ed for me.
>I was new in anime fan spaces in the mid 2000s, and I remember he had a thing where he would basically proselytize at conventions. He called his fans the "Resembool Rangers", and he would hold Christian sermons for them at cons. FMA03 was a show that helped me work through a lot of religious trauma I had from childhood, and it always rubbed me the wrong way that he used his popularity from voicing Edward to spread religious sentiment. He also had the attitude of someone who thought he was like a rock star. Something almost felt wannabe cult leaderish to me. Given that behavior, it would not surprise me if he had been inappropriate with fans, but I really haven't followed the allegations at all.
Fellow FMA 03 oldfag here, can confirm this shit happened and Mignona was extremely up his own ass. Also regarding the allegations, pretty sure I remember seeing comments on LiveJournal about him being a creep to girls back in the early oughts, but nobody gave a shit if you perved on teens in those days so nothing really came of it.
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Yeah, I had to do some digging, because a lot of this shit has been buried under the harassment allegations and I wanted to make sure that I wasn't misremembering. It went deeper than I remembered. He didn't just hold Sunday services at cons. His "Risembool Rangers" (to avoid copyright infringement) would arrange bible studies sessions, and he'd give out CDs of him reading bible passages in "Edward's voice". Being open about your faith is one thing, but what fucking right did he have to appropriate a character he didn't own to peddle his beliefs like that?

I'd forgotten about the homophobia too. He voiced Fai D Flourite in Tsubasa Chronicles, and during a panel when a fan brought up his character's close relationship with Kurogane, another male character, he claimed that he "spoke with CLAMP" and they confirmed that Fai was 100% Not Gay and actually interested in a female character. And when fans had follow-up questions he had nothing to say because obviously he pulled that out of his ass. I don't follow CLAMP stories, but as I understand it these two characters are literal soulmates, and their relationship is heavily queer-coded, if not explicitly gay.

It's like he was afraid voicing a gay character would turn him gay by association. It goes without saying that he hated Roy/Ed shippers, but many always have since it's a pairing that involves an underage boy. Still, it's rich that he would have problems with shippers considering his own "Edward as a bible thumper" fanfiction.
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Oh hey, it's Edward's birthday! Happy Birthday Ed!
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He would be 120 today if he were still alive.
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Is this canon?
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I saw people celebrating it on Twitter, and Google's AI overview confirmed it, but looking more into it apparently it's fanon. It is canon that his birthday is in Winter, so I'm celebrating it anyways.
>It goes without saying that he hated Roy/Ed shippers, but many always have since it's a pairing that involves an underage boy
Back in the day, the objection to RoyEd wasn't the age difference, but that it was gay at all. Vic hated it, but I remember he did voice a line about loving Roy once as a gag and everyone lost their minds over it.
>a CLAMP character being not gay
lmao I remember him being pissed about Fai being gay too. I have so many memories about him being extremely weird and culty, which made me all the more annoyed when anti-woke retards who know nothing about his past dickrode him after the allegations went out. Older fujos know the truth about that freak.
>The dub voice actors make Ed and Envy for me.
Envy's dub voice is so feminine though. The chick doesn't even try to sound like a dude.
>the objection to RoyEd wasn't the age difference, but that it was gay at all
Yeah, you make a good point. I don't think the age difference was a complete non-issue, but definitely a secondary concern next to just being gay. It's crazy how even the most vanilla homo ships used to be treated like the height of degeneracy back then. We've come a long way.

Is it bad that a part of me kind of misses it? When all slash was considered depraved by normies there was less moral policing that happened withing fujo spaces. Now that BL has become practically mainstream it's also become a lot more boring. I blame Yuri on Ice.

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