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Previous Thread >>3914025
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ngl I was kind of holding back a RoyEd dump in the last thread out of respect for the Edvy and EdAl shippers, but no more.
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Asking official artists not to feed delusional fangirls is like asking a bird not to fly.
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Okay I'll give it a rest for now.

I once again ask if anybody remembers BBI. I never played it, but Pride!Ed was a pretty big deal in fandom spaces.
Go off, based RoyEd shipper, and thanks (I'm assuming here) for making the thread. I can appreciate all the lovely content and am jealous of it, too. I've read a few good fics out there. They actually have a/b/o fics I find sadly lacking for Edvy.

Gotta give you this.
Yes. Never played but have read through most of the context. A friend of mine is making a fic revolving around Pride!Ed and Envy right now, it's interesting. Something about seeing Ed in Envy's digs does it for me, I wonder why.
>takes it up the ass
Can't tell me otherwise.
He’s so embarrassed about it.
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Secretly loves it.
I think he’s obsessed…
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I've actually been having a hard time finding good fics, but I can be pretty picky. My favorite that I've found by far is called "terrible ideas" by silentwalrus and gracelasso. Exactly the kind of power play I've been looking for. Maybe I should be looking more in the a/b/o tags. I'd love to find a longfic that clicks, but all the ones I've tried so far feel a little off in the characters or the writing. I bet there were some forgotten gems on ff.net.

Indeed he does. I bet he likes it, too.
BBI gave us the gift both of Ed in Envy's fit and Ed properly wearing his military uniform.

Been trying to find a full HQ CG set from the game, and it's been surprisingly difficult.
Rediscovered this song and it made me think of a certain (pic related) someone…
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The choice to go the full card-carrying Nazi route with Hughes, of all people, was an interesting one.

Is there a demand for Hughes/Roy art. I can provide some crusty old 2000s pics.
It wasn’t the same Hughes. Just someone who looked like him. Both military men and served a “fuhrer” who was ultimately evil.
Can’t believe your pic is official art too by the way. There’s really no other way to look at it except it being pretty gay
Added it to the edvy mix. By the way, is this the the lovely anon always feeding me, who posted this? >>3934713 Not to be a pest, but you got a sauce on this? I am generally very curious.

Been shipping FMA for a while and honestly never really considered them before, really makes sense. I'm picturing Mae blubbering over Roy and Elicia.
>you got a sauce on this?
Here you are. It has some delicious NSFW variations as well.
I would die for him.
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Edward, how did you find this thread?
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I’ll never forget watching that scene for the first time. So cathartic.
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I love the way he dangles.
Need him to spit in my mouth
>Please allow me to introduce myself, I’m a man of wealth and taste.
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You're a gem, anon. Thanks again.
Kimblee's hot.
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More Ed abuse please.
how is anyone supposed to fight envy when he's so cute and dresses like a slut
>Get fuckin rekt nerd
Yeah. Envy’s way too hot to properly focus on fighting him.
Also that first pic is making me wanna sniff his crotch.
Woof, that up skirt is lethal. Made to fuck and suck.

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>leaves you
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This is not a person. This is a puppy.
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I want that puppy to stay with me and sleep in my bed and eat the food I give him and lick my face.
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I don't know why I'm so captivated by Ed's shortness in Shamballa. He's shorter in the entirety of 03 and the beginning of brotherhood, but there's something about him in a very adult semi-formal outfit and just barely clearing 5 feet that hits different. He's like a miniature of a grown up, and he'll never get any bigger. And how does he make that waistcoat and a single sleeve garter look so erotic? There's really no other word for it. Maybe it's the high ponytail. Showing off the nape of his neck like some kind of harlot.
Why do I get the feeling that he has the biggest dick in Team Mustang?
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It's a bigger difference than that. See >>3930919. Alfons is nearly a full head taller than him.

It's just because everyone else radiates small dick energy.
This is some gay shit right here. Flagrant homosexual behavior.

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