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me on the left.
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So fucking cute...
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I wish Yana didn't ruin Grell with the weird tranny confessionals.
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Good thing i only care about Ciel
I stopped reading the manga at the month long drugging and gangraping of fake Ciel and real Ciel before real Ciel's sacrificial murder, but didn't the author do something like make Grell return real Ciel from hell / the afterlife / whatever which basically turbo fucked Sebastian into eternal servitude in a contract he couldn't ever fulfill thus couldn't collect on? Or am I thinking of the wrong character / someone mislead me with what happens later?
grell has always been an obnoxious and annoying character
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What too much SHITbastian ITT.

The Undertaker is far more beautiful, more intelligent, more noble, AND more powerful.

Can't wait until the manga ends with that demon getting owned, the contract he forced on a kid to be torn to pieces. I still laugh every time I remember The Undertaker stabbing SHITbastion through the chest kek what a retard.
I ALMOST forgot, he's also more stylish and funny.
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Those legs go on forever...
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I want to make Alois model in blender, can you give me some good pictures as a references?
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I can't believe we all missed Alois' birthday...
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Happy belated birthday
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I tried to get into this a while ago but couldn't. Is there anything to this series beyond the fujo bait? Is there an actual plot?
Did you at least watch the Jack the Ripper arc?
I desu i haven't even watched/read Kuroshitsuji, i just like Ciel.
I didn't get that far.

Well I would like to know what happened to him and his parents. It sounds like it could be an interesting story, but there has been no sign of anything resembling plot in what I watched of the anime.

I like him too but I can't stand his faggot butler.
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There is a good but long-winded overall plot, the fujo bait isn't really that big honestly if you only look at the "canon" episodes, but the main appeal of the show/anime is the aesthetics and enjoying the characters

>I like him too but I can't stand his faggot butler.
We all hate Sebastian here, but he gets what he deserves if you keep watching
>the fujo bait isn't really that big
>but the main appeal of the show/anime is the aesthetics and enjoying the characters
Yes, that's what I said. DUMB BITCH.
he's right
Imagine the footjobs
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he's so kissable
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literally me
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