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Previous >>3937874
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New thread >>3939174

A thread for posting traps; shotas, teens, and adults. It's cool if there's a regular guy in the frame, so long as the trap is the focus. No women, or boobs- fake or real. Crossdressing is also acceptable, but not drag queens/ambushes. (>>3913297)

Trans/boobs/hrt/twinkdeath/3dpd posts are off topic/contrarian to the spirit of the thread and should be reported and subsequently hidden along with anyone who replies to them.

Previous thread >>3926437
157 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
He looks like he fucks men exclusively
Face made before taking dick
These guys fuck men exclusively
Thanks for those (You)s, anon.
I know you need attention to survive <3

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Fullmetal alchemist thread forgotten film edition
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See, I totally get the appeal of this, it's so dark and dirty in the best way. Usually when I write them anyway I "pick" the elements of each that I prefer (ie: Envy driven more on desire that he isn't loved from '09 and Ed having a nice, fat ass in '03 CoS).

Sorry, my last post was too long to post this all together.
Images are spent, not sure if a new thread should be made or usually wait until this one is purged?
I made a new thread >>3935160

If you continue to post replies in this thread, please use sage so it does not get bumped to the top.
> prefer the 2003 anime in general.
Brotherhood rushed too many events early on and had didn’t really adapt the mangas humor that well. I love the direction and atmosphere of 03 more but the ending is way too retarded. The manga will always be the best version for me
> 5'5-5'7 by comparing his height to other characters
Jesus Winry must be 5’0 cause head was a full head taller than her at the end
I believe Winry is 5'2. He definitely wasn't a head taller than her. This post does a good breakdown

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Post FNF boys! Mod characters are allowed.
Whitty blew up the last thread
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Merry Christmas!

I wish Santa bought me a shota-like childhood friend to turn into a demon..

Eva threads will never die.
Previous >>3905838
182 replies and 147 images omitted. Click here to view.
Need new bread...
New bread: >>3938589
Merry Christmas

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Previous >>3913006
All vocaloid/utau/vocal synth etc. etc. related boys
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Yes :3
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Previous >>3937559
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Merry Christmas to all Arcane anons!
New thread >>3938525
Nah, top!Viktor is the norm now. Useless ship, useless fanbase.
What side of the internet are you on? Top Jayce/bottom Viktor is definitely still the more popular dynamic. If you're having that much trouble finding it, top Viktor is basically non-existent to Asian artists
Give it a little time for the Current Thing effect to wear off and all the tourists who haven't watched the show and are writing fic based on TikTok headcanons will be gone onto the next big thing. Bad takes are abundant at the height of a thing's popularity. The majority of them will be gone in a few months.

I expect time will prove that bottom Viktor, whether he's a power bottom or not, is the preference for most fans.

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Resume posting shos in frills please.

This thread is for posting fem/trap/androgynous/crossdressing/otokonoko shotas. Older looking guys go here >>3913297
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new thread

does fanart of this guy exist? i'm desperate
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we need fujos watching this and making content
noel is a flawless sociopathic bitch and there's more dudes in his 'harem' than girls anyway (if you'd even call it harem, idk, it's mostly just alma and. dudes. the manga is a lot gayer too. feels like it was initially targeting the wrong audience, should have gone full gay)
/a/ gets it
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hnng fucking slut

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What if they celebrated Christmas instead edition

Remember to please abstain from posting burnt nugget Curly

Previous thread: >>3935587
171 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
sorry Jimmy, I just spilled out some mouthwash. Don't be angry please! I'll give you a titjob
stfu Jimmy, you don't deserve such sexy bara giving you any blowjob
New thread: >>3938006
Sorry to bump, but Sauce?

I know, it was a decade ago. But he is slept on and makes my blood pressure rise.
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he touches underage trannies

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Previous >>3936975
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New thread >>3937874

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Adorable Edition.

Previous: >>3929858
Girly shota: >>3914429
Kemoshota: >>3931716
281 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
The OP of that thread probably got IP wiped. It has happened to me before, that's why I always change my IP after making a thread I care for.
I didn't see that but I did someone posting pics with women. Someone very clearly wanted to get the thread nuked.

Just watched the trailer, such great heights as the background music is absolutely diabolical lmao. It's like this movie was made just for me.
Don't bump this thread you newfag, post the reply in the new thread
gosh that's hot

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Previous >>3936449
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new >>3937559

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