The year of the snake edition. Previous: >>3939069Girly shota: >>3938495Kemoshota: >>3938869
Why doesn't/cm/ have 3x3 threads?
New >>3942257
>>3942251Mostly because you have shit taste
>>3942251There was one before, I guess nobody made a new one
Chinese BL. MXTX, Priest, Meatbun, etc.Previous: >>3859750
Kingfisher Feathers
the world needs more sleepy boys
haha kawoshin kaworu's head go boom
Old photo together editionRemember to please abstain from posting burnt nugget CurlyPrevious thread: >>3939517
New: >>3941915
Christmas boys!Old: >>3931716
And dead.Moving to >>3938869.>> Remember to SAGE if you absolutely must post in this thread, although it's better if you just reply in a thread that isn't dead instead. <<
Luke is best boy edition
>>394072210/10 cutie pie, would rape if I was Vader
>>3941339Same. I would obliterate his boypussy.
Gee Tokiyuki, How come your mom lets you have two Kojiros?Previous thread: >>3929229
Does anybody here have a favorite character who isn't one of the central ones? Or characters you like a lot that only have a very minor role?So not counting Tokiyuki's retainers and neither Yorishige, Takauji or Sadamune since they're all pretty central.
>>3941450Does little Nitta count? I love that retarded tiger cub.
New thread:>>3941514>>3941514>>3941514>>3941514
The cold has set in.Big coats and scarves and the like.
Bringing this back. Let's post cute guys that either explictly or implictly like men.
>>3937782What in the goddamn.
>>3937782Buck status?
A place to share Ball Jointed Dolls, obitsu 11/24 dolls and other toys of your favorite boys.
Previous >>3939174
New thread >>3941002
Festive editionRemember to please abstain from posting burnt nugget CurlyPrevious thread: >>3938006
>>3940867Please tell her her art is based and appreciated
Post and reminisce about boys and shows from a little while ago. Preferably ones nobody cares about any more.Prev: >>3913535
in conclusion, watch toward terra (terra e) 2007
>read title of thread>post two pics>fall asleep>wake up>read title of thread again>too late to deleteFUCK
A thread for the loveliest limbless souls of fear and hunger, funger, F&H, or whatever you like.Termina allowed too.
>>3933314>Can you actually beat it?Yep.>Is there even a story outside of "speed run to get anal fissures and punctured colons"?Also yes. It's just an RPGMaker game with explicit violence and cute characters.
>>3933314>So this game is just torture rape porn?Wow, no, absolutely not. It's a horror RPG with multiple playable characters and multiple routes.