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Fantasy shotas edition.

Previous: >>3926609
Girly shota: >>3914429
Kemoshota: >>3925527
215 replies and 147 images omitted. Click here to view.
Weird, I thought it'd be someone else from an anime, especially considering I've never watched a single episode of Gravity Falls and only just now from your post even knew Bill was a character.
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Canon Bill is a smug yellow triangle with godlike powers, but since his form isn't handsome enough and GF's art style is peak calarts, most fanart use an anime aesthetic.
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I have that specific image at the root of my shota folder as a good luck charm because it was the first shota pic I saved.
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I love shotas more than anything else in this world!
New! >>3929858

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>rent free in my head since 2013

this should be canon

fuck you isayama
6 replies and 3 images omitted. Click here to view.
Isayama totally fucked up AOT, very disappointing
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More manga like this pls
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More manga like this plz
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its been used 184892 times but i mean i struggle to find a problem with it

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site wipe edition

47 replies and 44 images omitted. Click here to view.
Just pre ordered 2 of https://ecs.toranoana.jp/joshi/ec/item/040031194378/
Planning on unbinding one to scan, hopefully I can find a TL anon to help me with the translation.
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I miss when livejournal was a thing and there were tons of people around to translate scans.
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spooky edition

previous thread >>3920368
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If anybody's interested, I made a Bravern thread on Fujochan (/f/ board).
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New thread >>3929753

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A thread for posting traps; shotas, teens, and adults. It's cool if there's a regular guy in the frame, so long as the trap is the focus. No women, or boobs- fake or real. Crossdressing is also acceptable, but not drag queens/ambushes. (>>3913297)

Trans/boobs/hrt/twinkdeath/3dpd posts are off topic/contrarian to the spirit of the thread and should be reported and subsequently hidden along with anyone who replies to them.

Previous thread >>3914609
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hes perfect fr
baked new bread if anyone wants

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Wow we need a new thread already? SMT is so popular now!
Nah, the mods fucked up:

Anything SMT besides Persona is welcome
Previous: https://archived.moe/cm/thread/3911466/
168 replies and 148 images omitted. Click here to view.
been looking up his skirt at his white panties. I think he even has new VA lines
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Should I make a new thread? Unless someone else wants to make it. A Raidou edition might be nice.
didn't realize we were at the bump limit. sure why not

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Cute male Edition

old >>3922479
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Anyone got any cool dynamic shots like Air Gear or Bubble?
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It's a metaphor for cute boys
last thread >>3925301
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well I can give you the lofter account but you still need an account https://aiping084.lofter.com/
I'll post the rest that was there and a higher quality of the og, I fucked that up
Guess we reached the image limit again, can I have a sauce for this one please? >>3929350
New thread wasn't linked so I'll link it here >>3929490

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New thread for Steins;Gate's best boy.
32 replies and 28 images omitted. Click here to view.
*bites delicately*
I like this, who drew it
I got this off tumblr some years ago, with only one hand at my disposal, in a what was yet to be termed "a goon sesh". So don't know, sorry. But try downloading the "Search by Image" addon and do a reverse image search.
Toss it into sauceNao its better than google usually
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boi tummy

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Delicious Shota Feet, What a Treat! Edition

Previously: >>3913102
224 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
>young man
Adults call 8 year olds this to be respectful lmao, great argument foid.
im gay
you're pretty ugly actually sis
too young

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The waka has been captured. Repeat, the waka has been captured.

Previous: >>3917162
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Someone made an alt-end doujinshi about Muneshige.
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The ojisan stickers have fanart too
New: >>3929229

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Lovely shotas edition.

Previous: >>3923464
Girly shota: >>3914429
Kemoshota: >>3913600
236 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
Maybe the talking is a bit odd, but as long as it’s about boys, I don’t see the issue. Besides, we only get 150 images per thread.
For those who didn't see it in the catalog: >>3924780
And people complain about society being youth oriented.

How is that true when babyfaced adults get treated like shit?
And older folks are given automatic reverence even if theyre shitty?

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146 replies and 146 images omitted. Click here to view.
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New >>3928938

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Previous thread: https://archived.moe/cm/thread/3898607/
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so umm whens the next season, they're going to milk the merch for as long as possible huh
leak of alastor and rosie's song
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It is now officially canon.

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