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Bunny suit edition

Remember to please abstain from posting burnt nugget Curly

Previous thread: >>3934909
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Curly: I sympathize with the assassin but I find it distasteful to celebrate the UHC CEO's death. It's a bad omen to speak ill of the dead. You can't enact change by mindlessly killing people no matter how evil the opposition is. Change can be done through non-violent means, it doesn't have to result in mindless slaughter.

Jimmy: The assassin was a fan of Ted Kaczynski, UNFATHOMABLY BASED.
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Hot take: Lobotomized Jimmy art is shit. By being into that shit you basically want to fuck a retard.
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>you basically want to fuck a retard
You say that like that isn't the point
I just think it's a shitty attempt at copying the peak eroguro Curly provides
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ty for taking responsibility
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>posting injured Daisuke here
just as applicable for thread pruning as nugget Curly. Please don't post stuff like this again.
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Fuck off Jimmy, you wouldn't be getting all this art if you weren't a stupid brat in need of correction.
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Love when that artists posts more PM x MW kino

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curly please sit on face
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I had a strangely vivid dream.
The whole thing was a mess.
At the end, I put a bullet in my head...
It was just an unpleasant thing.

I saved myself for a while because the content of the dream was so creepy.
Especially Anya.
I won't approach her at all.
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The problem is "curly".
C [My throat is in a bad condition]

J [bad condition?]
C [maybe it's because I haven't been sleeping well lately.]
J [Well, then, I'm gonna take some medicine.]
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C [!?]
C [Wait..]
C [Jim?]
(gulp down)

C [Well... thank you, but I could eat it by myself...]
J [Oh... That's right]]
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J [It's dangerous.I confused reality with a dream.]
J[I just thought I should give Curly some medicine.]

J [but
Something just popped up as a touch of meat. (Curly's tongue)
Unbearable hunger and...]

C [Jim? Are you okay?]
J [OK...]

J [You were really good, Curly]

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>Just saw two arts of blackwashed, afro haired Anya
It was pretty obvious that, THAT kind of audience Anya would gain overtime
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does people lack general sympathy and empathy lately? No shit, english underaged twitter and tiktok comments are getting worse, saying
>"Nah, he deserves it"
>"No, fuck this guy"
>"No longer feel bad about him"
I know he's doesn't existed, but it pains me how crippled and critical state Curly is and more people just because he made unintended mistakes, say that he deserves this. No one else suffered like him, it's maybe worse than death wtf, do you even go outside? thinking that person deserves it because he didn't do much, is diabolical. Even fucking Jimmy or other very terrible characters never suffered like that, yet somehow Curly be worth it?
it almost sending death threads and harassment to unaware person, just because he doesn't know much. Oh wait, it already happened isn't it?
why are you reading the thoughts from children who's brains are not thoroughly developed?


Simply block any possible way to see them posting.
blocking the most delusional ones in twitter, I don't have tiktok but already seen already bullshit opinions in there. As I said, it one thing that people shit on Curly but some of them actually harass real people (that person was a minor and SA victim too), over Anya
thank you so much, for doing my request desu
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Hey Curly, have you read this kino book called "Blood Meridian"?
The Judge is such a cool character. He's just completely unsympathetic man, someone you'll never wanna defend in your lifetime.
You don't see a lotta villains like that anymore, so many woketards obsessed with "morally grey" and all 'at.
It's nice when villains can just be plain evil without the writers attempting to make them "complex". Heheh.
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Curly's ACTUAL flaw is that he would probably be a libtard centrist in today's society and he would realistically, have insufferable opinions on politics.
I will leave it to you to figure out whether I'm a right winger who thinks he's a spineless bitch who wasn't man enough, or a leftie who thinks he sucks for not taking action against fascists and pigs.
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would you still fuck him though? do you think he's in need of correction?
also who you'd chose between pre crash bara, or nugget
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Who tf choose nugget
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no amount of bullshit "Curly is a true villain!" would make me hate him
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Nugget Curly is the entire reason the game even got attention.
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Guy who hates Curly because of that one line that gave off libtard vibes and for no other reason.
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Hehehe, hey Curly, I just got a mutual on the Pollecord into Subahibi.
He just got to the part where the guy running a cult under the school orders his teacher to fuck her dad. Bro is freaking the fuck out in the DMs and it's hilarious.
This could've been you Curly, I could've seen your disturbed reactions if you actually read the VN like I kept asking you to. But noooo, you were turned off by the artstyle.
C'mon Curly, Subahibi isn't even problematic, it has lesbians so it's actually progressive!
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Is Mouthwashing a..... Denpa game?
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Am I the only one who struggles to see Curly and burnt Curly as the same person?
you're surprised the severe burn victim doesn't look or act the same after their horrific accident and months on just basic pain killers?
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can I compare ted from ihnmaims with Curly?
also there was an interview with game dev, stating that Curly was a kind and good person at heart and never intended to hurt anyone. He just made mistake by letting Jimmy too much, and trusting him in a worst time ever. Somehow some fans interpreted that, Curly fans now stay silent? like how. I love Curly in every way possible rn, but biggest thing I love about him because he's realistic. He's not perfect, very well written etc. And other realize that too. These people are really proving themselves, that they cannot physically read cause it literally told us that Curly wasn't antagonist at all. I'd defend Curly on because of deranged people who say that he's evil
What the fuck is up with all the posters in these threads not reading the rules?
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They washed the mouth
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I keep stopping myself just in time before accidentally posting nugget, this shit is hard.
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Still think it's absurd that nugget is not allowed altogether, but better safe than sorry
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>find artist twitter
>teenagers losing their shit over their first problematic korean art
I wish they had DMs enabled so I could tell them Americans are idiots, but it's also much smarter to leave them disabled. Maybe they may go private too.
It's annoying because there's tons of western artists engaging in pedoshit jimcurly, yet these cunts are attacking the eastern artist who explicitly said this AU isn't sexual.
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Hey fuck you man, ain't nothing pedo about lolisho. You fucking triggered lib, you're just as bad as those kids getting mad at that korean artist. Why if Jimmy was here, he'd be INFURIATED that you called something -which he isn't personally into btw- pedoshit with no evidence to back it up. Seriously, what is wrong with women?
t. not Jimmy
>wasting time on 4chan when you could be taking advantage of your adorable and thicc captain
This is why you're worst boy, Jim
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Delulu fujos at it again seeing two guys and thinking they want to smash. Women will never understand true friendship. It's so funny how you fags complain about twitter women for their triggered behavior, trying desperately to act like you're better women who have smarter opinions so guys take you seriously. How pathetic, you wanna know how guys feel about you? We think you're all the same, you're all subpar, annoying, emotional and bitchy femoids who should fuck off the internet and let MEN enjoy their fan spaces in peace.
>everyone I disagree with is Jimmy falseflagging
maybe stop ignoring REAL and CORRECT opinions said by multiple anons on many other boards already
t. not jimmy
How many pairs of Curly's underwear have you stolen and jerked off to over the years, Jimbo?
I want to fuck Curly so fucking bad bros. Need him to be my obedient little slave and bust a load on his pain medicine before feeding them to him. Cum in his pretty blue puffed up eyeball and cut his arm stubs off so I can insert them into his holes. Nonverbal nugget bfs are so sexy I want to marry Curly and make babies with him. Happy Sunday.
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Me too, Jimmy.
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why is this so hot
Pedo Jimmy...
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(Good thing btw)
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@hewakkusu on twitter and Tumblr
>pedo Curly
Cringe and OOC trash
>pedo Jimmy
based and in character, the man is constantly arguing about age of consent on /pol/
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who'd you chose as most attractive male?
Curly, Jimmy or Daisuke?
I know for sure none of y'all in this thread care about Swansea that much anyway and don't find him hot
curly is one of the most attractive fictional men i've seen in years but i love scraggly scumbag men so jimmy is a close runner up
not a fan of twinks so i'll pass on daisuke
Daisuke. Yes, i am a swallow bitch. I like generic-looking young Asian boys with pretty face. I'm not even k-pop fan (the music is an absolute slop ngl) its just like this.
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Curly, easily
I would like to preface this post by saying I am NOT Jimmy.
Jimmy wouldn't be an actual pedo. He would confidently proclaim to be a lolicon on social media to "piss off the libs" and other culture war reasons. But he doesn't care at all about lolisho culture or history. He wouldn't interact with /pol/tards either, that place is absolutely deranged even for pre-crash Jimmy standards.
Curly also wouldn't be a pedo. He's a normie who's immediate reaction to lolicon would be to think it's pedoshit, he would probably decry Saya no Uta, Subahibi, Euphoria, etc as problematic games made for sickos and not profound art on the level of classic literature.
Swansea would prob have an audience on /y/. Really, none of the cast are that physically attractive to me in the game, they all just look like regular people when I prefer my boys on the prettier side, but there's so much inadvertent fetish fuel in the story that I'm attracted in spite of my usual tastes. My personal preference is probably Curly>Daisuke>Swansea>Jimmy but if I were basing it on my normal aesthetic preference, it would have been more like Daisuke>Curly>Jimmy>Swansea.
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