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Drunk off mouthwash edition
Remember to please abstain from posting burnt nugget Curly
Previous thread: >>3934299
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>didn't space your post correctly
>didn't use pic related as OP
You had one job, OP
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You had literal hours to make a thread yourself if you wanted that as the OP picture
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It's almost like anon didn't want to be.... responsible
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new Joelastic animations are so cute, cowboy Curly is live, Curly is love
also voice acting is pretty good too, especially for Curly, damn that man played right.
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>do y'all think Curly could have millennial type of humour? knowing that he's probably chronically offline dude
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nta but you still didn't space shit properly, faggot
stop posting het ship art you dink.
it's not about ship with Anya (it could barely pass out as such), just Curly is very well drawn in that art piece why not
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That's a stupid thing to whine about
But, again, both you and the other anon had hours to start the thread yourselves if something so insignificant is so important to you
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Need a comic about Jimmy being chronically online and being a hardcore BLACKSOULS fan
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does Curly probably blames himself only, for what happened? considering what kind of person Curly was he would be angry at pony express and Jimmy, but I'm sure he'd blame himself endlessly feeling pain and heavy heart. Poor man.
That's one of the main differences I see between him and Jimmy. Jimmy never admitted his fault really, not seeing himself guilty till the end. Curly on the other hand, realized his mistake immediately when he saw Jimmy outside of the cockpit, feeling angry, betrayed, upset etc, and trying to fix everything even though it's too late. I really do think that Curly doesn't need real "punishment" he's not madman like Jimmy, I'm sure he could understand if he saw the truth and if someone consistent him not to trust his toxic abuse friend
The HFIM DLC seemed to indicate he blames himself for everything
Anyone who says they'd rather go through what Curly went through instead of Anya is either lying or a femoid.
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>new discourse of the day is a victim of sexual assault getting mass bullied because he asked why it's wrong to sexualize Anya and then responded "ok" when people explained it
Honestly just kill every Anyafag at this point, they are ghouls
I disregard everyone with an Anya profile picture
They've attacked so many artists and people just minding their own business or trying to show appreciation for something they like. A lot of Jimmy/Curlyfags are also real life victims of rape, yet they'll get death threats from Anyafags for the grave sin of liking or drawing these characters.
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Agreed. Anya was always shit with nothing to her beyond "muh rape".
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ignore them. This is full of disgusting how they'd treat polygons better than actual rape victims. How unfortunate she gained this type of fans too much and too quick. Sorry if I sound bad, but. It would've been better if mouthwash released at earlier years, when rape culture obsessed schizos wasn't so common. Yeah her problem would've been overlooked by more, but at least it's better than death threading MINOR just because he doesn't understand "poor my Anya". Or at least if mouthwashing didn't get big fandom at all, if it stayed small it would've been way better and would have less of crazy people like this and etc
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>It would've been better if mouthwash released at earlier years
got that idea from shit post tweet suggesting if mouthwashing was released in 2015-2018s. And some people said that it probably made Jimcurly even more popular and would've been a main thing that fandom coud have, while ignoring Anya's SA. I kinda agree, yes, but even though it's cringe, even though it's not good thing. But at least in that way, those times kids wouldn't send death threads and harass actual SA survivors.
Not ironically, these people see Anya as a saint. I've seen a fanart with thousands of likes where she is represented as a kind of Virgin Mary.
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Seen that too, it's fucking bizarre
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"Readers only pretend to read books, ...They read them based on the name of the author and the brand and think that they've actually read them. ...No matter what I write in my books, they don't truly read anything. They just pretend to read so they can look smart and knowledgeable and keep up with the current fad. ...Why on earth should I expose myself to these people? Why indulge such trash??"
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kinda tired of overly angsty rape art of Anya, wanna see more art of hot Curly.
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Artist? This is exactly how it feels their situation in game happened. If not this then finding Jimmy working an awful, no skill job. Like retail. Seasonal.
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would it be cool, if wrong organ released a dlc to Mouthwashing, that reveals more details about the game, and maybe could have shown more of Curly's pov and thoughts. It would've been ironically comical if it would be revealed that Curly would've been way better than most of people thought.
Also I kinda don't like how people treat Curly, as if they had moral high ground, but I bet they'd cry and piss their pants of they'd be on Curly's place
@anhaidule on twitter
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I remember seeing some of their art crop up in retweets, didn't know it was the same person.
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Been saying this since the game came out
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why the fuck it's getting more and more people into "Curly as bad as Jimmy" statement? like why some tweets like that gets more likes then before? even comments saying that Curly isn't actually kind and good, he's much worse than that and was not good character at all? it's getting just frustrating and nit picky
Also, does this people all never have been applied in a job or something. At least in my non english side of fandom, there's way more understanding people who like Curly, but in English one it's way more negative, as if pony express wasn't shit cheap company and his wasn't abusive manipulator psycho. Like they talk about it as if Curly was just principal at their school, and not pilot that was in a middle of space. We also don't know how much authority Curly held and what he could've done, without pony express shitting on his paycheck. And we never truly get to see what was in Curly's mind to know what he thought about it, comparing when we play as Jimmy.
about my statement of non English fandom. I'm saying it, cause the non english speaking countries aren't so good position like america or something, so being in a low paying shitty job is way more common, that's why they'd understand tulpar crew better, in comparison of underaged tiktok, twitter users that never been in even similar situation as Curly, to understand him
Also overall in non english fandoms, "rape culture" topic is way less popular among the fans and way less people talk about it. I mean that, yeah they acknowledge Anya's rape, but it's not the main thing talk about. And I never saw comment about "toxic masculinity" or "patriarchy" in that side.
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>Also overall in non english fandoms, "rape culture" topic is way less popular
TBDesu, while not in response to the game, "rape culture" and misogyny is a much larger topic in South Korea due to the prevalence of molka and deepfake pornography made of underage girls over there(and just the fact that gender wars are so extreme they make the most sexist Americans look progressive).
I hate the terms "rape culture" and "toxic masculinity" because while they do bring up serious problems with society that should be addressed, the semantic terminology themselves are reductive to conversation. We don't have a culture that's OK with rape, we have one that's mostly ignorant of it whether it happens to men or women. Men and masculinity aren't inherently toxic, it's the way ideas of masculinity get co-opted by misogynists made to put down other men for not objectifying women enough, etc...
I think reading criticisms of patriarchy to the game is valid IF you acknowledge that patriarchy is largely symptomatic of capitalism and it hurts men just as much as women. Jimmy himself literally displays misogynistic tendencies which is why he cares to torture Curly-another man- in a way that is specifically emasculating and emotionally damaging while he doesn't give half a shit about whatever he did to Anya and how she feels. You can also argue his feelings of inadequacy is due to not living up to the expectations placed on men and he tries to compensate by repressing his emotions and punching down whenever he can, as that's what he thinks a "real man" is supposed to do.

Replying to acknowledge the Umineko reference because I don't think anyone else did. Good taste desu.
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your take on Jimmy's toxic views on gender is really interesting, though I didn't quite understand south korean thing though, can you elaborate more? I'm sorry if I spoke too much and largely, just in my language that theme wasn't brought up too often or even at all, I don't know what it means to this countries though.
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I think Jimmy's issues run even deeper since he's basically trying to skinwalk Curly to the point of copying his hobbies, but agree with everything you said.
NTA but Korea is a nightmarish shit hole for women/underage girls because the country is deeply misogynistic and virulently opposed to feminism. It's to the point where the birth rate is lower than even Japan, and chat rooms populated by hundreds of thousands of men and boys involve sharing lewds of their own mothers/sisters. This is all due to a complicated mix of end stage capitalism, militarism, and confucianism
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Also worth noting that it has the highest suicide rate for women in the developed world. SK men are also miserable as well, almost like mandatory conscription is actually detrimental to most people's wellbeing
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agree on that, especially when you play as Jimmy he keeps saying I'll fix it, as same as Curly. He doesn't even properly understand what to do, he just trying skin walking him. Even at hobbies, he's into weightlifting just because Curly is
>and chat rooms populated by hundreds of thousands of men and boys involve sharing lewds of their own mothers/sisters
what the actual shit. It's so overwhelmingly disgusting. Although thanks for context and information desu. Maybe would watch video about that topic, if especially would be on my language.
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Hey Curly, have you played the Rance series? I'm kinda like Rance.
Have you played Lobotomy Corporation? Ayin is sorta like me.
Have you read Muramasa? I'm basically Kageaki but more based
Have you read Subahibi? Takuji is literally me.
Have you watched Monogatari? Araragi is literally me.
Have you read Saya no Uta? Fuminori is literally me.
Have you read Euphoria? Takato is literally me.
Have you read Sayonara o Oshiete? Hirosuke is literally me.
Have you read Umineko? Erika Furudo i-
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Jim? Isn't that type of content your consuming highly problematic? Can't we talk about something normal like DDLC?
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please keep talking Jimcurly rp anons, it's so sweet
>implying Curly would even know about DDLC
Pikachu is his favorite Pokémon, he probably doesn't even know dating Sims are a thing
DDLC is the most normie VN of all time, nearly every westerner played it before touching a real dating sim.
Again, Curly probably doesn't know VN's are a thing. He is peak normie.
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Curly would be that guy who unironically says "unlike other mecha, EVA is about the characters" without watching a single other mecha show.
Jimmy borrows his opinions from /a/ and /vn/, he's the one behind the burner @hitlercunnyrapist69
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Lobotomized Jimmy: smash or pass
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I'm not English speaker, what does that mean?
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Finally a thread analyzing Curly that isn't dogshit. Shame it won't get 35k likes because it isn't just relentless "muh rape culture" garbage
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agree, I actually liked their posts and threads previously. @_lagomorphique is pretty good, and I pretty much have very similar if not sane opinion as them, they do such a great analysis with no dogshit and bias. Also recommend their takes on pony express thread and etc
Also one thing I wanna post out how much fans of Anya keep making her too malicious on purpose? like aside from obvious shit posts about beating Jimmy's ass. I saw at least 2 very uncomfortable arts, of her putting skin on nugget Curly (one of them putting Jimmy's skin on him), and other one caption saying that "rape apologist deserve this kind of treatment" or something like that. It's so.. evil? I'm sorry but it feels like too cruel, Curly already had enough, and I don't think Anya would treat him like that. Main difference of mirror is that, Curly never wanted to hurt Anya on purpose, never. Anya took care of him after the crash, because she's kind and good human being not to torture amputee disabled man, like Jimmy did. But this arts mirror that Anya wants to put Curly on pain just because they think Anya is somehow schizo like them, wanting to abuse and somehow show their priority by abusing nugget. It's so uncomfortable to look at. I know she didn't deserve this, but this isn't worth it. They look like Chris chan, when drawing his irl enemies to torture them in his sonichu comic, where he's the good hero guy, but in reality he's incel. I don't know much, but they'd never get into a fight irl, especially wouldn't even hurt pre crash Curly if given the chance
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people should stop treating Anya only by "rape victim". She was pretty chill and playful when birthday scene was. Also she was comfortable and not so scared with dead pixel act. She only fears Jimmy, and tries to cheer jim up cause afraid of him getting angry and maybe hurting her because of it. The more I dig, the more I understand and want relationship her and Curly. They're both victims of Jimmy, and even Anya understands it well, wanting Curly to open up to her more, so Curly would tell his actual struggles in life and mental health problems, to help him have more natural good friendships. Not like with Jimmy who's toxic, and treat him better. They're both forgiving, understanding, defensive and etc. I don't gaf when people say that Curlya shippers are rape enabler apologists or other bullshit like that. (Technically there was one non serious post from wrong organ, with nugget Curly and Anya) but who gives a shit about their opinions, especially if they draw torture porn with Jimmy or Curly.
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hopefully they'd get more positive and overall attention. Cause I think because tweets like "Curly purposely tried to hid Anya's id, because he's Jimmy's meat rider" make people feel ashamed of drawing him, or sharing their actual opinions out loud. Also some people could get gaslighted into it. I don't mind Jimcurly again, but there should be a line between your funny gay men headcanons, from delusional thinking and digging to make your ship more believable.
Also saw same bitch saying that Curly is evil! now somehow defending Jimmy more? that's literally a Jimmy kinnie right there. Just as delusional, selfish, self excusing, blaming allways and all things on Curly, never admitting faults and not liking other people's opinions, etc.
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check out this thread too, it's short amd nice
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I just like how that one cunt who keeps saying Curly only does what he does because of the brocode and is fine with Jimmy being a rapist/actively wants Anya to suffer because misogyny/does everything to protect his job has to actively ignore several blatant parts of the game (his whole fucking hallucination, the birthday scene, the frenetic music that plays when he discovers Jimmy is a rapist, his literally saying he's not happy with his job) to make her retarded narrative work. Good to finally see an analysis actually bring up his hallucination for once, it's actively shocking to me that that never gets discussed.
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>there's also Anya and Swansea ones, should I post Swansea?
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do y'all think Curly's boobs are bigger than Anya's?
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is lobotomy some sort of fetish or what?
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Heh, Curly you gotta hop on Blue Archive.
Yes I know it's "le cunny game" but the writing's actually fire.
Why're you looking at me weird? It's a good game!
No we don't need to have a "talk", I think gacha games are the future! They actually make the girls look like GIRLS and not like hideous Sasquatch monstrosities, like all modern gaming is now!
Everything can be a fetish, a lobotomy is just mind breaking so yeah
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How newfag? TOT is the text version of the sobbing emoji. Lolicons(sometimes shotacons) post it in reaction to a cute mesugaki child-like character. TOT is usually followed with phrases like UOOOOOOOH, the anger symbol emoji, and/or "bratty loli needs correction"
Jimmy I understand that this mobile how do you put it?..gacha? games puts joy in you, but you should understand you're getting addicted buddy. And also you keep spending my money on this game. It was money that, only in case of emergency, remember? And you sure sitting in 4chan was idea? Sorry I over talked with you again, you do you Jim.
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Curly you don't get it. Just look at all this art of Mutsuki! Yeah she's canonically underaged and looks like a toddler but- look I rolled for her because she's META ok? Don't get weirded out by the ages of the characters!
What I mean is, the community is great and puts out amazing fan art! Did I mention that the story is great? Sensei is literally me.
It's NOT just a gooner game! There is substance in the character writing and gameplay! If I WANTED to goon I'd play Nikke!
Please just give Blue Archive a shot ok?!
What's with the roleplay
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Alright Jimmy, I'll try it out, if I'd get enough time after the gym. I trust if it's actually good story game. You just need to help me out on uh.. how to register in it. Also can you explain what does meta mean? Why does all characters have so strange names and all Japanese? Is this game consists of school girl students? what's even a.. gooner?
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It's cringe.
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Jimcurly role play
I don't know, but it's embarrassing
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You're just embarrassed because you can't handle that Jimmy would be into PEAK FICTION.
Not that I have any definitive way of knowing....I have my sources...
You should totally check out Dies Irae.
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Jimmy is too based
No wonder he had to crash the ship--he was stuck with a bunch of plebeians
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Probably leftovers from /trash/
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Would Jimmy enjoy Maggot Baits? He might've found it inspiring to some degree....
Jimmy is a fucking useless faggot
>could've raped Curly and Daisuke
>rapes the annoying bitch who can get pregnant
Worst character
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If he could admit to himself that he wanted to fuck Curly, he would have to be 35% more mentally stable than he actually was.
I wish they all could have been happy. Yes, even Jimmy.
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What am I reading now? Curly it's Fate/Stay Night! I have the H-scenes on because that's the INTENDED experience.
Yeah Saber and Rin are just fucking making out and having a threesome with Shirou I guess.
H-hey I'm not "fetishising lesbians"! I didn't even KNOW there would be a yurishitter scene at this part! I don't even care about these two bitches, Sakura is best girl!
Holy shit Curly, you just don't get it, fucking normalfags I swear to god!
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Oh? so you're gay, Jim? it's okay I'll support you whatever you want to be, buddy
Ummm I looked at Jimmy's tweet history and apparently he's a l*licon proshipper??? That's seriously a new low, I have lost all my respect for him.
I feel like Jimmyfags would like Theon from GOT. Both are retards who ruin everything, but Theon canonically gets tortured and mindbroken as punishment
I think Wrong organ overall makes it look like Curly isn't a bad person, like mostly brain dead people think. Especially considering that he's the most reposted character from fanarts. Hopefully if they'd release dlc it'd clear some things up, or at least leave a post or repost of defending Curly.
why I have feeling that more and more people dislike Curly not because they thought so, just because they saw stupid tiktoks or posts about twisting his words, not considering Jimmy's abuse upon him etc, now they're gaslighted into thinking like that, thinking it's correct opinion if most people support shit like that. Also maybe they're fearful to say their personal opinions, thinking they'd get harassed over that (they would probably)
Wrong, I'm a big fan of Rance and I hate 3DPD
Jimmy is that statement is true?
Can the roleplayers kindly fuck off back to /trash/
You'd be right in at least one instance
But I prefer him post-becoming Reek
I'll take an occasional roleplaying over people whining about Twitter ad nauseam
new thread? have some arts to repost it there
Hey anons, Jimmy LARPer here. I just had a funny idea about Jimmy being an edgy waifufag obsessed with eroge, loli and other "problematic media" involving the exploitation of young fictional girls, with the punchline being that he doesn't even like girls(aka just like me fr). I wasn't doing jimcurly RP, I literally just wanted to tell a bunch of jokes with this premise in mind.
Also, new bread when?
New thread: >>3935587

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