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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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Chief Curly edition

Remember to please abstain from posting burnt nugget Curly

Previous thread: >>3933589 (Cross-thread)
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God, I wish I could protect his smile
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I want domestic abuse omegaverse
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Need Jimmy and their son to spitroast Curly.
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getting to squeeze his breasts would change my life for the better
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More Limbus x Mouthwashing
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if only i could read...
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Daisuke my beloved
Curly is extremely fuckable as Nugget, bad thing trash thread was removed
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It wasn't removed, the thread just reached bump limit and I have to get energy to make a new one. /trash/ is annoyingly fast.
where do you download Instagram photos in good quality?
nvm found it in twitter
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It's linked in the last thread.
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>chuds have found the game and keep making gooner art of Anya
This is why they should've let the fujos have total domination of the fandom and give no attention to the female character
>noooo muh media literacy
>noooo you're worse than Hitler if you focus on any of the boys especially Jimmy and Curly
>noooo if you came out of this game shipping anything you should kys
>oh no, we put a spotlight on the female character and demonized anyone making gooner content for the male characters, now all the gooners are sexualizing muh Anya!!
Deserved outcome desu
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let the reactionaries and moralfags fight amongst eachother, they will be too preoccupied to complain about fujos
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It's more like assholes smelled blood in the water when WO spoke out against harassment over fanart and ironically started drawing fanart as harassment which just goes to show that no good deed goes unpunished. My takeaway is more that people should draw what they want because they like it, not to hurt people and if we have a problem with what someone likes, we can all just keep scrolling and not harass, like WO said.
didn't know that some of them complained about gooner male art, usually it's only Anya.
>Ew! how do you like men like Curly, he's just as bad as Jimmy and was at fault too!
omg shut up, if you can't handle the glimpse of good written, realistic character, then get outta here. Why mostly people overlook that Curly was abuse victim of Jimmy too? and somehow say Anya got it worse? I'm not arguing, but If I would have to choose. I would rather get raped and pregnant once, than getting my limbs cut off, (probably raped too anyways, knowing Jimmy) physically/mentally/psychologically abused by him time and time again, no skin and etc and list goes on.
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Having to carry the pregnancy for months and the risk of a painful childbirth death because the ship has limited medical capabilities and then no savings to take care of the baby even if she survived and no way to protect herself from the rapist make it pretty bad. Sure, I would probably still take her situation over Curly but they were both Jimmy's victims and I don't like to compare them to measure how much sympathy each should get, they should both get full sympathy. I think the blame and lack of empathy Curly gets comes from people not grasping how bad Pony Express is with how worthless the options they gave him to deal with the situation are, because the captain has so much power on the ship that they think he can just magically resolve the problem with some unseen method because that's how it would work in real life, ignoring that the ways it can be dealt with in reality are only possible because we're on Earth and have access to them. I don't like to blame Anya for having stupid fans though, it's just unfortunate. Basically fuck Jimmy and Pony Express.
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agree on that takes sm
also am I considered to be fujo if Curly is my favourite character that I adore right now? or it'd not count cause he's already attractive pre crash and very cure nugget post crash?
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also little question, but why so many artists draw Daisuke in thongs?
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You're only a fujo if you ship him with dudes. Liking a fictional boy isn't fujo on its own, it needs to involve yaoi.
There was a meme going around where you draw a character with a phone in the foreground and the phone is like an x-ray that shows them wearing a thong under their clothes. I saw it with the other male characters but it caught on more with Daisuke cause I think it happened around discussion of how his dialogue is actually kind of horny in the game.
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thx for context and good answer overall
I actually don't mind reading fics, fanarts or comics about jimcurly, though it's kinda of a guilty pleasure a little bit but I hope it's fine, and I wouldn't get ashamed here
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Any good Daisuke porn? Even "x Swansea" stuff would be good even tho he was more of a father figure
I think that would be a question for /y/ since it's nsfw. I've seen suggestive shipping for him but I haven't really kept an eye out for porn specifically.
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>nonny projection
Lose weight dweeb
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>for Daisuke fans out there
Kinda sad that I see less good quality pretty Curly fanarts both pre and post crash, and also another problem that I don't download any sexuals ones too, only sfw
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I unironically think Shoujo Tsubaki is peak fiction and depicts rape and grooming in a mature and respectful manner, hence why I think all Mouthwashing fans should watch it.
I promise it's kino.
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I already agreed on that, but I have to say that it's very true. Since that post of WO, there's more gooner Anya art especially in similar outfit/style/look as if people trying to mock, make fun of, and get rage attention, to get into people's nerves. Kinda shameful from their sides
Imagine if Jimmy turned into full-blown Nazi from jealousy and unironically would think the reason why Curly is much more superior than him is because he is Aryan
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Jimmy would be a groyper influencer exactly like Fuentes, down to the (poorly hidden)closeted homosexuality.
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Already seen it, Curly's design reminding me of the bandage man there was what made me buy the game.
If jimmy was a nazi he wouldn't dare share a spaceship with a fat slav and his pet ching-chong
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>I think the blame and lack of empathy Curly gets comes from people not grasping
I agree with your sentiment, but it's absolutely because he's a man first and foremost.
Shitty forced attempt to sexualize a male character who is tumblr approved. It doesn't work though because Daisuke isn't sexy and doesn't offer as much as Jimmy or Curly.
"Daisuke isn't sexy"
Speak for yourself, faggot
He isn't. Cope.
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>someone put forth the idea that Curly was manipulated by Jimmy
>apparently the birthday scene didn't happen
>literally regurgitating Jimmy narrative
This fandom is going to send me into a rage induced heart attack at this rate
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Muchisute was so fucking hot, husbando material if he wasn't a rapist.
I kek'd when he said he genuinely loves Midori.
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Your first mistake was assuming twitter users are sincere. All those posts are clearly just Jimmy himself astroturfing as progressives.
He is. Seethe.
Now kiss
google lens + deepl
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>find Korean artist
>follow them
>wealth of Curly kino
I recommend these artists:
Saw it years ago, found the characters too annoying desu.
>rapes her
>treats her like shit
>"I love you Midori"
Honestly worst boy
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thx for suggest artists desu anon. I already actually saw most of them previously, it's nice none the less
hello anons from reddit, I saw that posts, yeah some people can be deranged in threads, but at least they don't spread death threads or some shit I hope.
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also what's y'all favourite character? or other opinion you could say here?
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>browsing reddit
how embarrassing
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in incognito mode I don't even have account registered there or use it daily like twitter for arts. I know that people on both platforms (4chan, reddit) despise eachother but I don't care lol, it doesn't matter the platforms only matters pro in them
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let's not bring drama here, just post hot men instead
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Watch? I read the manga almost two decades ago, I thought it was the original.
He had a lot more sympathy up through early October. Once it got big on TikTok, meaning the fans started skewing younger and ill-equipped to handle its themes, the capitalist aspects of the story got swept aside in favor of obsessing over the crew's personal failings. Pony Express's culpability was brushed under the rug until very recently and it's still kind of under-discussed in my opinion.
I dunno how well it handles Chinese but I can read enough JP to know it's awful for that at least. It has trouble telling which lines are connected and misreads kanji frequently.
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I could have sworn I attached an image to this post. Oh well.
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I will always hate Jimmy for not raping this hot piece of ass. Even his personality is begging for rape, he would inevitably blame himself for it rather than Jimmy
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Yes, let's post hot men and be deranged as always. This is a 4chan after all, no need to shame.
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The pill forcing scenes are an allusion to rape so you could say he raped him...metaphorically.
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Real talk, do you think Curly even wanted to live? It's not like he could really ask to die.
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I have many interpretations what Curly thinks about the whole situation after the crash. Maybe after getting rescued on earth, he could easily get into serious form of depression with dead eyes blaming himself only wanting to be dead feeling like he deserves it, or trying to live on and move from the past and actually appreciate himself again, or buy prosthetics and and other interpretations like that, etc. Either way, it's very angsty and sad, it could have represented in fan works in fandom
He absolutely didn't. Like it's clear even without it because his existence is pure agony and he struggles against being given pills to keep him going but there's also some deleted inventory text if you dig through the games files for a fish item that was never implemented that's a blatant allusion to his situation and the text is something like (heavily paraphrased) "it wishes only for death but it can't be freed until every ounce of capital has been squeezed from his body. I can't end his suffering"
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>Either way, it's very angsty and sad
why not let him be happy and joyous?
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fuck it, everyone deserves it.
>here's the crew where everyone's smiling (minus Jimmy)
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File deleted.
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Why is this thread so gay?
Oh wait, this is not /v/.
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>Watch? I read the manga almost two decades ago, I thought it was the original.
There's a 1992 film completely financed and animated by one person. It's honestly quite gorgeous to look at.
Apparently there was a more explicit cut that never saw the light of day, audiences at the time were so infuriated they broke into the director's house and destroyed the original tapes. The only version you'll ever find on the internet is the for-broadcast "censored" version, which is still decently grotesque and disturbing.
There was also a 2016 live action film, I haven't watched it but apparently it's also pretty good.
File deleted.
wheres the original image for this I don't feel like looking
I'm surprised you noticed a difference.
>3dpd women on /cm/
You're anonymous. Nobody knows you. Stop it. And inb4 janny. I came here for cute men. Post cute men.
If Jimmy was a real Nazi he would be fucking the ching-chong
got the original jimcurly image too?
It's a blue board, you retard. Just go to rule 34 for that shit.
I was asking for the link faggot
The original image have zero dicks so yeah it's allowed here
thank you anon
>spoonfeed me
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It's like you fags want these threads to get pruned again.
It's retarded tourists from plebbit or xitter
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Anon just asked me for the original image and i post it why so mean:(((
they told to me kys just because I posted art of Curly and Anya, don't listen to them they're retarded
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What board do you think you're on dum dum? The rules are stickied for you.
This is a troon. They draw him with a pussy in their other art.
Cringe and gay. Cuntboys are an instant turn-off. When i want to see male-centered porn, i wanna see a red face from excitement, squishy pecs and a throbbing fat cock, erected and full of cum. Never understood r34 artists who are into men with Pussy. Pussy is boring, and basically just touchpad and a third hole. But men are already have a mouth and a prostate for fucking, why robbing them from beautiful cocks and give them a cunt?

Probably it's mostly troons who want to make fictional men more """relatable""", but it's also a pretty popular fetish generally, and this is a really big surprise for me.
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This is /cm/ you fucking faggot, women are not allowed to be posted here and you will get banned for it
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please make a next thread with this image with caption like "bunny suit edition" or whatever, it would've been so cool ngl
Seconded. Captain deserves all the love since he's officially canceled by twitteroids.
Women are fine if they are a minor part of the picture and not emphasized, ship art is too significant.
Cuntboy is only fun if they are otherwise very masc, when the artist just gives them boobs then they might as well be drawing a woman. It's like emasculation kink, when a guy is very macho and tough but then his rival finds out he secretly has a pussy so he gets him pregnant :)
because it makes my penis hard
But I'm also not a fag so maybe that has something to do with it
I agree
Feminine cuntboys are retarded and boring
And giving them boobs is just gross
lately there's more deranged people in that platform that are getting more and more aggressive and hateful against him. Like it's really getting into very nit picky details and they try to paint them in the most worst way possible, almost being delusional. I saw someone saying that birthday scene and Jimmy mentally abusing Curly, just referred as "getting yelled at". It just sucks, also it's strange how previously in early November it was pretty chill and good, people wasn't so upset about Curly, but it's gone a lot worse since that. Kinda sad that because of that type of people, some artists would feel ashamed of drawing him and other random people only seeing this point of view of the character, would think that he's terrible. Anyways, at least there's little trend growing around with cowboy Curly, and it's very very cute and nice, those artists are truly the best and draw him so beautiful and attractive
strangely how it could co exist with the same people who draw shota, de aged Curly (or Jimmy) and ship Jimcurly making it abusive, pedophilic, incest coded, toxic gay relationship.
Goon art of Anya isn't good already at the surface level, but deeper we have shit like that, that fandom ignores. It's kinda hypocritical how they're willingly to protect and harass others to do anything with abuse victim Anya, yet do nothing when it comes to Curly. Male abuse victims exist, and people ignoring shit with Curly just shows, people's true ugly colours.
I don't mind shipping Jimcurly, it's actually interesting ship, but it does bother how hypocritical fandom gets when it comes to this topics. I'm sure if there would be underage Anya art shipped with Jimmy, they'd get noticed immediately, would get harassed to no end, but with Curly it's not even close.
New thread >>3934909
The one user who sparked it all has been a miserable cunt for months now and she's so convinced that any arguments against her get written off as "muh rape apologia"
>she's now implying he cares more about preserving his job/position
>when a major part of Curly's character is that he hates his job
>this complete retardation gets 35k likes
I fucking hate this fandom.

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