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Best friends forever edition

Remember to please abstain from posting burnt nugget Curly

Previous thread: >>3932627
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The captain owes me sex.
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If I knew jack shit about this game I would've assumed this was a 20+ hour RPG Maker game with how much fan art it's still getting.
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Please be discerning with what you post, this art is really ugly
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what if jimmy got mpreg and he had to take responsibility for his own baby
Should be Curly who's pregnant
>an alpha
I hate the complete sacrifice of Curly's character in order to make Jimmy a bottom.
But to answer your question, he would probably abort it himself clothes hanger style or miscarry since he doesn't have the body for it.
Curly would carry any baby to term even if it was a product of rape.
>ywn be breastfed by him
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Don't be so regressive anon, alphas can be submissive(there's literally plenty of fics out there where the omega/beta is more masculine/dominant).
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>puppet Jimmy: "Curly, I did it all"
>puppet Curly: *falsetto voice* "yes, yes, great! As expected, Jimmy, I knew you could do it! As expected, you're the coolest person ever!"

>puppet Curly: *falsetto* "Jimmy?! What are you doing?!"
>puppet Jimmy: "if you don't want other people to find out, keep your mouth shut"

>puppet Curly: *falsetto* "Ouch! No, don't do it!"
>puppet Jimmy: "Deep down, you think I'm a loser and human trash!"
>real Curly: "...Jimmy? What are you doing?"
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did Jimmy felt somewhat remorseful for Curly at least?
he ignores and doesn't gaf about Anya, hates Swansea, dislikes/don't have opinion on Daisuke. But in the end of the game did he truly felt at least bit regret, guilt to his only friend? did be felt something else than hate,spite and envy to Curly? especially after the crash
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also, why do I have feeling that Jimmy, while giving pills to Curly, also raped him as stress relief. Like, he probably beats him up in frustration, annoyance and stress relief too. Why wouldn't he sexualy please himself as well?
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does any of you find Jimmy actually attractive? ignoring his psycho nature and crimes, just his looks
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would Curly able to grow out hair after the crash if he'd be found and healed?
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poor baby would probably have to wear a wig, but we love him just the way he is.
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I'm glad Anya is the only female character in the game so I don't have to deal with any lesbian ships and any gay relationship feels wrong by Twitter's standards.
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I think Jimmy did feel genuinely bad, he's a shitty person but I do think he really valued Curly as a friend in some way
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Yes. The people calling him ugly are just the people who hate on him too much annoyingly.
Jimmy doing a falsetto voice is funny
He seemed incapable of admitting proper fault though and still did not take responsibility for everything and kept Curly alive for entirely selfish reasons ("Curly is good, so sacrificing myself for him will prove that I'm a good person"), so I don't know if it's genuine remorse
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>Jimmy is always one bad day away from raping Curly
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I'm having a really difficult time finding the source of this pic. Did the artist delete their post?
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I think part of that is projection too. He tries to "save" Curly because it's what he would've wanted Curly to do for him. Jimmy is too self-centered to think about what Curly really wants, he's the type to assume other people think like him. He thought Curly was succeeding at life and has it easy. That kind of life from Jimmy's perspective is too valuable to lose, so Curly MUST feel the same way right?
he's the most attractive male
In a game with Daisuke and Curly pre and post crash? No.
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>rewatch the part where Jimmy cuts off Curly's leg and then rearranges his guts to feed it to him and then feeds it to him again even after vomiting it back up
>try to remember what this level of discomfort reminds me of
>realize it's like reading the later chapters of Oyasumi Punpun where Aiko just gets abused by him constantly
Can't unsee now
I like a nasty man so yeah
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>was rewatching birthday scene
I felt so bad for Curly, when Jimmy hit the table with his arm and (I assume) raised his voice on him. He always tries to blame Curly, frame him etc. (he's such an envious dickhead obsessed over Curly) Like, in that scene he for some reason starts trash talking and literally twisting words to blame Curly in front of everyone. Curly didn't even argue, he just took those harsh words that he doesn't deserve. The worst thing that because he's a man and captain, he can't actually cry or show weakness. He's their leader he should not let them see his weak moments. He probably doesn't trust anyone enough on a ship to tell his struggles in life, concerns or his real side. While his only friend in the ship, just dog piled him, and no one stood up against him. Also little detail I saw that, it's Curly's birthday, he should be the one who is sitting at the head of the table, but instead it's Jimmy (obvious symbolism and it's shows a lot what means)
How on earth people don't see it, day clear that Jimmy is manipulative, malicious and jealous towards Curly, and Curly can't stood up for himself due to his feeling of guilt, and being in toxic friendship for years probably. I don't actually full on hate Jimmy, he's very realistic and also well written character. I just hate people who'd say that Curly is somehow sexist? and was trying to cover Jimmy's ass? something about patriarchy? a dude bro? wtf. Curly was first and previous victim of Jimmy, than even before Anya and even before post crash, isn't that evident
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I just like how the fandom says it's wrong to ship JimCurly not because Jimmy abused the guy, beat him, choked him with meds, then fed him his own leg, but because Curly is an enabler. What a stupid ass reason, if anything their constant argument that they're cohorts who support each other regardless of what they do just makes it sound like a less dysfunctional ship.
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Wrong, I think Jimmy is ugly and he's my favorite character
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Crisis avoided
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ok curly I can agree with but daisuke? he's too smooth and boyish for me
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Jimmy is just supposed to look like your average dude
So yeah, he's a little ugly
No telling what level of tech the universe has given that it has cryo pods and interstellar travel advanced enough to be able to justify sending something as mundane as mouthwash between worlds.
But by today's standards, almost certainly not
I swear, the second time where you feed Curly pills/beat him, it sounds like a piece of clothing is being loosened for some reason
Was Anya sick because she knew what Jimmy was sometimes doing to Curly?
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I'm not invested enough in the yaoi to care who tops or bottoms but I do think it's funny that I haven't seen such a clear-cut "guy who wants to be dominant and guy who doesn't" dynamic in a long time and somehow see mostly bottom Jimmy on twit. Not that I don't get the humiliation appeal of making someone who wants to dom a bottom but top Curly sounds almost comedic to me. That guy would fold the second Jimmy gets mad at him.
He feels more guilt than remorse because what he did to him ruins his ability to think of himself as a good person. It's not really about Curly for Jimmy, it's about himself.
He's attractive in fanart for sure but I found his in-game model unattractive. Not hideous or anything though, maybe a 4/10. If he cleaned up he might be a 5/10 conventionally but would lose what makes him appealing.
Boyish has its own appeal.
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why anyone didn't even try to stand up for him?
why people keep calling Curly a coward even though no one of em can't actually argue with Jimmy, hypocrites
What's his issue?
Daddy? Abandonment?
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They just got news they have no future (except maybe Daisuke) and are shocked, I think they're too preoccupied with their own troubles in the moment to be paying much attention to Jimbo throwing a tantrum and it's not especially their job to defend their superior against a subordinate so I don't blame them for not doing much in the context of the scene. Fans reducing Jimmy and Curly's relationship to bro code when he was pulling shit like this have much less excuse to ignore it tho.
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good take, I agree with that
>Fans reducing Jimmy and Curly's relationship to bro code when he was pulling shit like this have much less excuse to ignore it tho.
It straight up doesn't make any sense. How could you play/watch a game and come up with this?
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would y'all ask to hold Curly's boob?
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I would also not want a shitty grifter with an audience of fuckheads going anywhere near my work tbf. Don't give a fuck if they would want to suck me off or compliment me, retards are retards and its well within his rights to tell em to fuck off. If they're offended by it then that's their problem, he's the one that worked on it.
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>haven't seen such a clear-cut "guy who wants to be dominant and guy who doesn't" dynamic in a long time and somehow see mostly bottom Jimmy on twit. Not that I don't get the humiliation appeal of making someone who wants to dom a bottom but top Curly sounds almost comedic to me. That guy would fold the second Jimmy gets mad at him.
This. Not to get all pretentious, but it completely undermines both characters and their entire dynamic to the point where they might as well be OC's. I get that people want to goon, but they're basically gooning to someone who is not the character they supposedly like.
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If you wanna be completely real here, deciding who tops or bottoms is already gooner-brained because those are concepts that mainly exist in pornography. IRL men who have gay sex don't even penetrate 70% of the time.
From a professional gooner perspective, Curly and Jimmy are both bottoms. Curly wants to relax and let someone else tale the lead, while Jimmy is a brat who needs correction. I suppose in a doujin scenario they'd be "switches"; Jimmy would actively want to top but he's bad at sex while Curly is a lot better at it, adapting to what his partner wants to make the experience more enjoyable.
You can imagine them taking a double-ended dildo if you want to be funny.
But really, they would actually just do foreplay and bondage most of the time. Taking it up the ass takes a lot of prep work y'know? You need to clean it out and loosen it, which is really tedious, just frot your homie or something.
Imma do a Jimmy and grope them without consent. He’s asking for it walking around with tits that big.
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Trying to find cute art without the nugget that hasn't been posted is so hard holy fuck. You guys post everything immediately.
I say let them goon. It's not how I see them but we need unity in these trying times.
I don't disagree but Jimmy's feelings are so intense in the base game I keep forgetting to put the shipping goggles on to imagine a more casual mutual fling. My brain's not used to toning down a character to ship them. It was an extreme situation and all but it's hard to forget what's lurking under the surface.
He's an impulsive coward who is absolutely horrified at the idea of responsibility.
He's also fucking nuts.
he thinks being captain means everyone does as he says and kisses his ass, when it turns out it means helping his crew survive he pitches a bitch fit and has a meltdown like a 5 year old smashing his friends' birthday presents
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where did this fandom concept of curly being pudgy come from

this fandom has so many weird out-of-nowhere headcanons
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Why ask when I can molest them without consent and he'll just blame himself for leading me on?
He lifts weights and has big tits, not a stretch to imagine him as /fit/ or working out to burn off some chub
>literal normal healthy male body

Captcha: JSGAY
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This, ESL-kun is retarded to think the hate brigade against the musician is anything but stirring up rage bait for money and attention. This dude did all the music/voice work for this game and both are kino, it's awful to demand he be fired because he doesn't like anti-woke grifters.
>I was going to buy your game but then I saw you hired a faggot, fire him or I won't play it
Fuck these faggots.
We kept getting details he's a fitness guy in the Q&As, though iirc people started drawing him with massive baps when his less damaged id card got discovered. Idk if that's the actual reason but that's right around when I started noticing it anyway.
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Women will see a non-dehydrated muscular man for the first time and think he's fat. Society is doomed.
Based SEA artists seem to prefer bottom!Curly at least. They always seem to understand characters better than westoids when it comes to this
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not if we dehydrate all the men first
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I was trying to keep on #mouthwashing to see art and repost it here, but lately had seen very disturbing images/gifs by @ApollonianRaWa on twitter. Please report them. They post various of unsettling gore images of real people, children amd animals. Also that fill up search bar with mouthwashing hashtags and characters. What the hell is wrong with them, Why'd they do that? As I said, I ask you to report them and their post
you could also of course after reporting blocking them like I did already. You could find them via many mouthwashing hashtags, their nickname "Holy Terror". And they also said "The Chatinx sends their regards." Please I beg you to report and blacklist them asap, what they do is disgusting no matter how you look at it.
Very sad that fandom already gets this kind of spammers in it, we should stop it.
sorry for bringing that up maybe, but I was trying to spread awareness and also help to ban this person quicker, to not shit in mouthwashing hashtags when searching up for arts
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Been seeing and reporting that shit the last couple days. Funny that xitter has worse moderation than 4chan at this point
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How romantic
another one @Touccchybob88
I'm disgusted, wtf how's fucking 4chan mods ban people quicker than this bitches post their shit and not get banned immediately? I cannot.. When I that saw post, I immediately felt sick down my stomach (not much but like wtf) I'm tired, sorry for pissing my problems upon this thread I just can't but feel not good.
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>baby girl Curly as last cherry on top
Anyways, thank you all for this thread would be in next thread too when it'd be up.
also I saw that the artist drew Daisuke in similar outfit previously, don't know if they drew Jimmy or others though
Am I using the wrong image search? I legitimately cannot find any of the art ITT with Google or Saucenao. Yandex doesn't even work.

Is it because they're new? I'm able to find pre 2021 art easily but anything posted this week is nonexistant.
ai effectively killed image searches (and searches in general) also twitter made a login wall so searching for things on there is a lot more difficult
by @Hoquie1on twitter! check them out, they also drew jimcurly, and pretty suggestive nugget Curly fanarts
try sotwe site if you want without registering
found out that piece of shit also dm artists of mouthwashing, and send them disturbing gore gifs/images/videos. What a fucking loser, literally has name of "rape all mouthwashing fans"
Sure the spelling's right? No results.

>try looking for JimCurly
>Bichianti first results
Worked for me. You didn't include the "on" just because they forgot to space did you? It's Hoquie1
thank you. I assumed on was apart of it because JP usernames can just be that way.
I found it, appreciate it. Gyaru Mouthwashing is super fuckin cute.
sorry i put 'on' with it, forgot about space between it
New thread >>3934299

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