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File: 20240828_061208.jpg (166 KB, 1444x2048)
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Resume posting shos in frills please.

This thread is for posting fem/trap/androgynous/crossdressing/otokonoko shotas. Older looking guys go here >>3913297
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Post your daughter(son).
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Postan my daughterwife(sonhusband), hope that counts.
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Touch the cow.
Touch it now.
>cattle in africa
Nice picture, but Ai art with a signature is a bit weird ....
I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just idk
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I know he was doa but it's still nice to see fanart include tokiyuki and his older bro
damn, didn't even notice it was AI until I looked at the skirt. seems like the artist's whole account is AI but they don't mention it anywhere and make it as if they drew everything
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oh my!
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uma delicia
so much better than his indigo disk design
Yeah It's a real tragedy what they did to his hair.
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I'm already tired of the art trend, but props for being another vocaloid that isn't miku
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CAPTCHA: Select all girls.
>clicks on fubuki
>slams enter
>not a bot (tm)
>most masculine of the group
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Cursed trap.
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nice to see some people remember Kanabun
you mean blessed
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I need more shota cheerleaders.
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