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Resume posting shos in frills please.

This thread is for posting fem/trap/androgynous/crossdressing/otokonoko shotas. Older looking guys go here >>3913297
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Post your daughter(son).
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Postan my daughterwife(sonhusband), hope that counts.
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Touch the cow.
Touch it now.
>cattle in africa
Nice picture, but Ai art with a signature is a bit weird ....
I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just idk
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I know he was doa but it's still nice to see fanart include tokiyuki and his older bro
damn, didn't even notice it was AI until I looked at the skirt. seems like the artist's whole account is AI but they don't mention it anywhere and make it as if they drew everything
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oh my!
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uma delicia
so much better than his indigo disk design
Yeah It's a real tragedy what they did to his hair.
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I'm already tired of the art trend, but props for being another vocaloid that isn't miku
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CAPTCHA: Select all girls.
>clicks on fubuki
>slams enter
>not a bot (tm)
>most masculine of the group
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Cursed trap.
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nice to see some people remember Kanabun
you mean blessed
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I need more shota cheerleaders.
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Isn't this one a girl?
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Yep: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10085901
Anon got tricked by a girl that looks like a boy that looks like a girl. A multi-layered trap.
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nothing about that physic screams girl to me at all. let's just pretend it's a boy it's better that way
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why does he have chest hair and a happy trail
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be nice!!! be nice to him!!!
a lot of eastern ethnicities including japanese have visible pubic hair before puberty
as for the chest hair i have no idea
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>the Hojo clan will be remembered only for the trap art of its last member
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i forget Elusive Samurai is loosely based on an actual historical figure. do you think if the real tokiyuki was alive today, he'd be annoyed this is how he's being remembered in modern day?
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>be Hojo Tokiyuki, the last member of the powerful Hojo clan
>spend my whole life fighting countless opponents to avenge my family and restore the honor of my name
>sadly fail and get killed, most of my and my clan's history is lost to time
>centuries later someone decides to narrate my battles and feats
>the writer depicts me as an effeminate little boy in a surreal world
>it's not what I expected, but I tolerate it, after all there aren't many records of my life left and showing my feats from the beginning will make me look more epic
>see how time passes in the narrative, realize that my fictional self is becoming more and more feminine
>something is definitely wrong, it's clear that this narrator is trying to ridicule me
>hope that the audience will pick up on these falsehoods and lynch the narrator
>realize that everyone is expressing lust for my effeminate fictional version and painting illustrations where I am dressed as a buffoon and subjected to deplorable acts that even the Ashikaga did not commit at the time
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Tokiyuki lived during a time when it was normal for men to lust after and fuck cute boys. Neither Matsui portraying him as cute/pretty nor the lewd fanart would surprise or offend him all that much since he would have at the very least known men with similar tastes. And Matsui himself hasn't gone in to any gay stuff. He's even given Tokiyuki a harem that he almost certainly didn't have when he was 12 years old. Tokiyuki's ghost probably would be somewhat peeved about being portrayed as a noodle armed weakling and possibly the dangerslut stuff too. But I think overall he'd be happy that he's gone from being almost entirely forgotten to being the hero of one of the only stories covering the period.
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happy belated birthday to him. forever the og girlysho
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shotaween may have been missed, but i refuse to let this thread die until it hits its limit
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What do I need to do to live in a world where shotas actually dress like this?
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The anime world my fren
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I wonder where the "milk" came from
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