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Jolly edition 2.0
Previous: nuked
The one before that: >>3934242
Girly shota: >>3914429
Kemoshota: >>3936100
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Shos :3
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Shos getting the gifts they wanted and experiencing pure happiness <3
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they who control the media control the deleted threads
What happened this time
Someone posted shota pee pee but that got deleted separately. Maybe OPs pic was too lewd and that got the thread nuked.
It was this pic: https://baraag.net/@notebook14/111636570691583414
The jews
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were their shorts really that short?
No eyebrow?? Someone please give context
Fan art for a movie about a boy who has Hitler as his imaginary friend
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lil homos <3
What is the sho version of a cunny? Is there one? If not, should there be a word for it? A sho's cock?
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We don't need one. It's a fucking lame cringe meme.
It's much less common than the loli counterpart but I've seen "willy" as wild+silly. I do agree with the anon above though, I find the guys spamming "cunny" cringey as fuck, I for one am glad the sho version isn't posted as often.
willy sounds British
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Jews like David Geffen can fuck little boys without getting cancelled even if its well known
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is he shota?
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Bratty shotas!
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Well, don't watch/read Re:Zero, so I don't know for 100% fact, but I am inclined to say no. So let's look up the facts. According to his fan wiki profile, he starts out at 17 and later turns 18. He is still a teen, but the typical cutoff is end of (Japanese) middle school at around 15, so he is aged out. Of course, some older teens can be shota-esque based on general vibes like overall build. Well, he is 5'8" in height, which may qualify as a type of manlet but by no means a shota. Similarly, most fan art and official art for the books and adaptations lack a lot of shota-esque features in how his face is drawn. He is just a regularly late-teen Japanese boy, which is kind of the point of most contemporary LN fiction. You are welcome to be gaga for him (my personal husbando is not a shota but shota-esque high schooler and I still avoid posting him in these threads), but this is the wrong thread unless you post de-aged fanart of a hypothetical shota Subaru.
You know what's better than a bratty shota? Double bratty shota!
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I always thought Silver's long feminine hair was so cool as a kid, something about how they were men that looked kind of feminine but were still badass was really appealing to me.

I also thought Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho was really cool for the same reason. If Goh happened during my generation I'd probably think he was the best character in the show.

Was that gay of my child self?
Gold <3
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This is one of my favorite shota pics
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Yes, kinda gay dude. But it's not like you're alone here. Most of us are some flavor of queermo. I was and still am addicted to stock shonen heroes. We all have our tastes.
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I am so jealous of Lance here. He gets to snuggle up to Gold AND a cute Cyndaquil? Who the fuck does he think he is?
Since it's not Gou, who's your favorite anipokeboy now?
>5'8" in height, which may qualify as a type of manlet
>tfw I'm 5'7"
I thought I was average..
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Goh was probably the gay awakening of some boys around the world, but we won't know for sure until they grow up and start posting.
I always liked Brendan, but if you mean anime exclusive I haven't really followed the anime since the advance generation, but I did like that boy from the Deoxys movie that was scared of Pokemon, I forget the name but he left an impression on me. The little brother of the girl from Goh's series also looks really cute in pictures I've seen of him.
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Santa Shota will gift you a free shota this year
I'd rather he give me a hug, I don't have the means to take care of a sho.
Can i wish for any sho i want? If so, then give me Lan Hikari or Gold from Pokemon :3
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Cute shos collaboration
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I still can't believe Gamefreak just dropped Shota of the Decade in a DLC of all things.
They had hot sex after this
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I wish I was Baymax..
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Happy Winter Sholstice
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I always hated penis inspection day at school
Where can I apply to become an official shota penis inspector?
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Love bois
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Help shotas train!
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What if it was an Android shota that didn't you to take care of him?
I want a robosho!
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Don't we all?
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Speaking of de-aged non-shotas, I just started playing memories of celceta and was pleasantly surprised to find that some of the memories include shota Adol. The series already jumps around his life, so they should totally make a shota game. That could even be the excuse to make a new game that uses bump combat since it was used in the games where Adol was the youngest.
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Never see anyone talking about him anymore but he was one of my favorites back in the day.
I still wouldn't have time to give him love and respect or teach him things, and what if one of his limbs broke? He'd be alone and missing a limb, even a fictional setting like we're talking about, I'd still prefer to just get a hog from sho santa.
cute dumb slut <3
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I will now use your shitty social media platform.

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