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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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59 replies and 57 images omitted. Click here to view.
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A thread for posting traps; shotas, teens, and adults. It's cool if there's a regular guy in the frame, so long as the trap is the focus. No women, or boobs- fake or real. Crossdressing is also acceptable, but not drag queens/ambushes. (>>3913297)

Trans/boobs/hrt/twinkdeath/3dpd posts are off topic/contrarian to the spirit of the thread and should be reported and subsequently hidden along with anyone who replies to them.

Previous thread >>3926437
159 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
These guys fuck men exclusively
Thanks for those (You)s, anon.
I know you need attention to survive <3
someone needs to translate this artist's work
What was the name of that one trap manga set at a school that only had a Spanish translation?

Zeddyzi Boys are in your area. Pine Point, Ramshackle, and whatever else. Post 'em!
13 replies and 13 images omitted. Click here to view.
"Good Luck."
And who could forget about Ratboy


Ok, but why did he take the drugs from Momo.
Dimitri feat. both natural and dyed hair colors.

It's his birthday today!
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Dante and Leon prettiest capcom's boys
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Military, police, corporate, school, anything old or modern.
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Highland dress is cute. CUTE!

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nopan shota... my only weakness
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literally perfect
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Multiple boards got wiped due to server issues. If only Megaman.exe was there to save them.
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looking more closely I think I'm just mixing that artist up, it's really close but he does eyes differently to the other artist I'm thinking of
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Aesthetically, Colonel
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any pick that can be used as a wallpaper or one you use as a wallpaper
doesnt have to be shota
mobile or desktop
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Personal favourite
What I have recently done is when I find a pic I like I uncrop it and use it as wallpaper, the pics size are above 4mb so I will upload them and share the link here
he would never wear such an outfit

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he's so kissable
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literally me
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Who are some men from cartoons/anime that you consider snacks and or a whole meal? Pepper Ann's dad could surely get it.
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This one makes him look like that guy from JJK in such a way as to make him look very generic
"Daddy" is a specific kind of attractiveness, and the dilution of its meaning has dire consequences for the Western-led global coalition
Extremely underrated himbo
a icon
Love him already
Good picks, but I will never tolerate how offensive the source material artstyle is
Only 15 percent of the guys posted here are Latin, and Kronk is as Latin as Danny Gonzalez
This better not be a fucking spoiler, I'm barely halfway through Season 1.
Overall, baffling thread topic. Just take it to the /co/ thread.
>could surely get it
>Two for the price of one
Because picrel has 2 dudes?
I guess??
We already have a /co/ thread you big doofus
Lance Loud.

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This is a thread for the boys of all things /m/.

Post your favorite pilots and tokusatsu heroes.
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Do we want to make a new thread?

Late reply, but that's at least probably in part due to Imagawa having worked under Tomino.

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Wild edition!
Old: >>3936100
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And dead.
We can move to >>3942300 now.

>> Remember to SAGE if you absolutely must post in this thread, although it's better if you just reply in a thread that isn't dead instead. <<

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Bout fucking time
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A thread for the handful of high quality sausages in the otherwise clam filled Wuthering Waves.
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New thread >>3945430

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