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let's do this again!
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Back on my fanventure shit.
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Jannies nuking the thread edition >>3757128
(why tho)
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Any love for emil?
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I wish 9S would anally rape me

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Previous: >>3780844
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Post the best Dangan to ever Ronpa
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Except they also gave him a massive cock.
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If he were allowed to live he would’ve gotten shredded and turned into the beefiest ambush.
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based, he'd top mondo too

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>...But he's a guy.
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Older Ruka is hott
that's cute but why are the eyes grey
That's from SG Zero, the apocalyptic future timeline, guess that's connected
Or just an artist's mistake
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/cutemale/ thread for the cutest males of GG
MaleToFailure trannies NOT welcome ;D
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last thread: >>3779052

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I didn't say at all, I just meant in excess. Like, just look at your pic, the eyes are still a bit lidded and sardonic-looking. Not OOC.

And my general exception is when he's around Edd: that's that tsundere appeal. Not even in a shippy way, I just think Edd is one of the only people Tom can be less Tom-like around
ok yeah i get what you mean

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best shota abs and tummy

old >>3900508
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He will soon regress and become worse than ever and hai will leave
New thread >>3903988

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no mecha, they go in >>3893311
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looking for a place to vent your repressed homosexuality?
join boy heaven! we have all the femboys you need to goon, we also have a yaoi channel for yaoiposters as well!!
no women or trannies allowed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
works like how

like they have a job? is the femboy stereotype having no job? when femmy dudes get called "queens," is that short for welfare queen?
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What if you had femboy doctors like Doctor Mlem?

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Sunny days, beaches, bug-catching, sunflowers, popsicles and anything else that represents these hot months.

Boys of all ages are welcome.

Also feel free to discuss anything related to the season.
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absolutely brutal. i think id rather die than turn old.
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previous: >>3795066
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Fight Fight Fight!
top kek m8
Define country first and then we'll talk

Thread for talking about manga that deals heavily with crossdressing or at least features a very prominent crossdressing character. Manga about a guy physically transformed into a woman can get the fuck out, manga about trans women is a case by case decision.

Crossplay Love - A fun little romcom. It's one of those series where they don't want to progress the main thing so they keep adding characters who fall in love with people they don't realize are crossdressing guys. But it always has a good amount of crossdressing. Sadly not very horny, but good comedy

I Think I Turned My Childhood Friend into a Girl - It's alright. Only one crossdressing character, very little hijinks, mild horniness.

Love Me For Who I Am - Main character is non-binary but there's a decent amount of crossdressing happening around them, and you can always simply decided not to respect their gender and see them as a crossdressing boy. Very dramatic, lots of crying. Mild horniness.

What else ya got?
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i've only seen it in hentai
Picrel is trangender yaoi-yuri
Yuri does not include penises and transgenders don't exist.
"The Little Lies We All Tell" is hilarious and includes the thread subject. Go read it, I won't spoil the fun
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interested in crossdressing boys? join boy heaven, we have all the effiminate men who crossdress and love to show themselves off to horny gooners.
femboys, twinks and fags are allw elcomed here, plus we have active vcs with constant camshows. why not join in?
no women or trannies allowed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Still going

Tsuritama thread

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/4d_bY550wIs?si=7BVQP60bzikJSzrn

Previous thread: >>3712633
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