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New season so it deserves a thread right now
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It’s getting to be that time of year again, and true lovers of the season get into the mood nice and early.

Post vampires, ghouls, ghosts, werewolves and anything else so long as it’s spooky, cute and male.
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>Thread still has the halloween CSS
Nice, Halloween forever!

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post boys from any of funamusea's works
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Dont know anything about this series (?) but I like the art i've seen of the orca abusing and raping the wolf ^_^!
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a thread for cute boys from colorado
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Post your favs! Dimitris would be greatly appreciated ^^
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the fact that we couldn't romance dimitri or felix as male byleth was complete bullshit
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This is how a good retainer salutes his lord Edition.

Old: >>3921504
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Are we waiting for the older thread to fall off the catalogue before making a new one
Lots of drama this week for Ichikawa/Sadamune fujos
I feel bad for having too many threads but I also don't know how much longer it will take for the first one to die. A lot of other threads that are still on page 10. There is a lot of new fanart though.
>Lots of drama this week for Ichikawa/Sadamune fujos
I relate. It's actually fun but also quite horrible. Classic gay(ish) antagonist fag experience, I almost expected it. Regardless of which theory is right it'll probably all lead to a bittersweet ending if you want any of the two to be happy. Something like that was maybe needed for development reasons, but still. Doesn't help that history dictates that both will go before the end of the series, I just hope it isn't misery porn. The comedic nature of the manga better saves my sanity.
The /a/ chapter thread has given me enough copium that the outcome of this won't be so bad.
It's kind of funny how invested all of us are in this, I don't think Matsui expected how popular the ship would be or Sadamune in general among the cast. I'm curious what his perspective on that is
Same. And I already wondered about that as well. Characters like them are usually in danger of getting shafted by their creators, since they're neither conventionally attractive nor fighting for the alleged right side. With Matsui it's more complicated since he likes weirdos. I wonder if Sadamune is among his favorites, he always stroke me as someone he enjoys drawing.
Ichikawa is a character I never expected to care about at first, but he quickly grew on me. He is underrated in my opinion, since he's clinging to Sadamune who is more dominant and charismatic, so he gets overshadowed (albeit willingly).
New: >>3933137

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reigen FEET
Conman footjob
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post hot-blooded mech boys
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Manga ends soon. Time for a JJK thread.
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Post goth femboys.
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where's the crossdressing?
Ignore the dumb schizo, I'll post more goth femboys later
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Kills 99.9% of all germs edition

Remember to please abstain from posting burnt nugget Curly

Previous thread: >>3930606
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(this is where I would post the horny Jimmy art I found if we didn't hit image cap)
You can just tell when an artist loves Jimmy because he still looks like a gremlin, they don't try to make him look more attractive. But considerate effort was put into the details of his face, his eyebrows and nose especially.
I'm going to start a new thread since nobody seems to be making one
It's not the fans' fault but the writers. sorry to say, but they gave more agency to swansea, talking about himself and his own motivations than anya who is one of the reason why things goes bad. i know there is the several scenes between curly and anya, the one about the pixel etc but idk i think are not on the same level of the monologue swansea got before getting killed
at least I finally know what people to block. brain-dead people don't even agree with actual game devs, based wrong organ. Because they're in our side we have to just ignore this people and not give them any attention

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This series has all kinds of nice flavors of boys and men!
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Post boys from Japan's Kansai region (Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe, Nara, etc)
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