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Festive edition

Remember to please abstain from posting burnt nugget Curly

Previous thread: >>3938006
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This pic is magical by the way
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>the fandom is slowing down
Thank christ. Need it to die altogether
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Why is he so erotic?
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Boobs and ass for days.
noo my baby
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About to find out if this is too horny for cm
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Why is there so much art of Curly worshipping Jimmy's armpits? /gen
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these threads @ curly
Stop typing like a teenager
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Go back
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Not for the porn side of it. That one is thriving quite well.
I think some artists are into such stuff and just wanna ship Jimcurly, that's why they do kinda kinky, fetish art of them.
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The translation actually makes this funny
>Jimmy says Curly's doing too much
>Curly agrees and says his job is hard
>Jimmy beats him for complaining despite being at the top
>Curly is confused
>Curly tries to change course and thanks Jimmy for worrying and says it's no big deal
>Jimmy beats him for trying to act humble and looking down on him
>final panel is Jimmy saying "don't push yourself too hard"
>"Jimmy is a great friend"
Jimmy looks like he might have a bit of a body odor looking slightly shaggy and being an average to somewhat below-average guy, and on the other hand, people are trying to figure out why Curly might even want to hang out with someone like him
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my Curly, don't cry!!
>the artist is getting hate for this
This is why I want this fandom to fucking die already.
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>why it should die when there's hot men getting posted every now and then pretty frequently.
it's not new, even popular animator in fandom received hate from Curlya ship haters (one of them being Anya x Jimmy shipper). Again block button exists, I kept using it more and it cleared up replies and qrts pretty good, it got better. I kinda only dislike when even good artists have kinda opinions I disagree on, and don't like seeing rant posts, but I like their fanarts. But other then that, it should be fine. Either way, it's too petty to hope all fandom dies, just because of comments from no names in twitter, with no likes.
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>can't handle bantz
Weak ass fag
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>how would y'all react to a dominant Curly? you know, even in personality. More violent and less caring, submissive. I'd still let him fuck me desu
This fandom has been uniquely cancerous
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Except AU Curly is still a bottom.
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I like still submissive anti Curly stuff, but it doesn't answer the question. Would you let him top you or not
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Nope, that plush ass is getting pounded.
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I love battered housewife Curly
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Holy shit it makes me so hard seeing him cry
So /fa/bulous
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>starts sucking on his breasts
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this you?
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I <3 large sweaty men
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Seeing Curly get choked out genuinely makes me hard. Why is seeing him sexually abused so delicious? He's so fucking retarded, he's like those wives who get killed by their husbands when all the red flags were there. Why is he like this? Why doesn't he fight back? Why can't I stop gooning over him? Curly could so easily get with somebody up to his standards, someone normal and handsome and empathetic but he consigns himself to being with an abusive rapist lowlife who treats him subhuman? At this point, give him what he wants. Look at his stupid face drooling and making an ahegao as Jimmy is probably fantasizing about killing him for real. Enablers are worthless. I want to see him choking on loads and loads of cum.
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Holy based
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Uh hello, based department?
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without glasses ver
I want to suck and bite Curly's fat tits to the point where his nipples become big and swollen so he's forced to wear bandaids in the hopes of preventing more pain and Jimmy discovers this while he's in the change room one day and shames Curly for being a loose whore before ripping the bandaids off and sucking those sore nipples even harder while Curly cries and lets it happen
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What is it about a man being a nice person and having fat ass tits makes gays and fujos just want to see him abused like a 1950s housewife?
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Can you imagine drunk Curly getting all flirty with you?
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Imagine tying up drunk Curly naked on his bed in the Tulpar and edging him until he cries then leave without untying or letting him climax.
He'd be so easy to take advantage of and convince the next day that nothing happened even though he's got cum leaking out of him...
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happy new year
His skin is probably so soft and well maintained hnnng
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Still a few more hours in my timezone.
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Because he's a busty dumb whore who parades his curvy lewd body around and makes excuses for an abusive rapist who openly hates him. Needs correcting.
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>cross posting this on plebbit
Kill yourself
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>admitting you browse plebbit
anon big brain moments
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NTA but it literally only takes reverse image search to find it posted on reddit. Why do you think the text was added to the image? Someone copy pasted it here and posted it there. It's not rocket science nor do you have to be a redditor to find it.
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There is no reason to reverse search a joke edit that was obviously made for here when it's not gonna bring up the original art so I dunno why you're making excuses for a ledditor.
I assume someone saw this image on 4chan, thought it would be funny to post it on reddit, and then decide to watch the world burn.
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Happy new year, friends. I hope to feast on more captain suffering in 2025.
You're the one defending the use of that image being posted on reddit by deflecting
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The cutest dumb whore
He's a bimbo. You could slap this guy's face with your dick and tell him it's for stress relief and he'd let you. I ask again, is Curly retarded? Why does he have no awareness about others? Any normal person would look at Jimmy and know he's a walking red flag. I have a ton of rage towards people like this in real life. They think because life is easy on them, no one could want to cause them harm? His naivete is either masochistic or so willfully blind that he deserves to be punished. Either way, rape is the clear solution. The only way you can get Curly to accept the truth is to do something so awful to him that it challenges his world views. I'm serious. At what point would he admit his rapist is evil for example? I hate him so much. What even makes a person like this? Curly's psychology is as fucked up as Jimmy's.
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He is Himbo, not bimbo.
He need to be hyperfeminine to be a bimbo
ROUGH anal with Curly! And then NO aftercare or cuddling!
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Jimmy needs to pound the calories out of this fat himbo
hey man sorry dad only touched you once, wanna put the keyboard down and talk about it?
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Happy new yaoi.
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>Jimmy smearing cum on his nose while he smiles
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For what
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my massive erection
So so so so so cute
For being so rapeable
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Ok, fair
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Alright, Jimmy, we get it.
Based, please never stop posting degrading content about Curly
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Here you go, anon.
holy shit
I'm laughing too hard for this to make me horny, blessed drawfag.
did you draw this? it's so good! genuinely you cooked. only if not, then post op's name and what platform.
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All gay images and no busty xmas anya? Cringe...
you took a wrong turn at the fork, /c/ was the other way
This is /cm/ you fucking retard
Did you draw this, anon? It's genuinely great stuff.
Maybe your gay board should stay off the trending threads.
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@bugieart in twitter
I'm an artist too but I didn't draw this, my close friend did. I showed her a screenshot of that anon and she thought it was funny enough to draw and told me to post it here. Her user is @ ark_bile on Xitter, but she's a huge Leon Kennedy fag and that's all she's been posting lately. I might yell at her to post the comic there later tho
Still very amazing, She drew that so well, even though that's so ridiculous copypasta from deranged anon from 4chan.
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Please tell her her art is based and appreciated

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