post best boys from any of deep-sea prisoner/funamusea's works
>>3944977dolphin dicks.
brave bang the new year.previous thread >>3934890
since the thread on /m/ was archived, couldn't post about the wrestling match and other shit.
New thread>>3951723
Because it's Bruce Wayne's birthday, let's have a thread featuring many of the DC boys, from Batman and his Robins, to Superman and many more
Previous >>3950227
>>3951598No clue what the background on the art is but reminded me I want to see a jarl Jayce/seer Vik fic
>>3951605that'd be dopewe need more stuff like that in general desu, historical fiction AUs are sorely lacking in the fandom
>>3951586>this hasn't been done yet?!Nope. It's downright disgraceful.>I'll see what I can come up with! As much as I love nullo, I'm not opposed to giving Commune Viktor eldritch-horror genitalia if that's something you'd prefer, which could certainly add a depth of flavor to free-use ViktorOh god please, I'd be forever in your debt. You can use whatever genitals you want, I'd be happy with anything.
New thread >>3951620
Zeddyzi Boys are in your area. Pine Point, Ramshackle, and whatever else. Post 'em!
Ok, but why did he take the drugs from Momo.
Dimitri feat. both natural and dyed hair colors.
I really want Zed to write this story. So much potential for heartbreak.
anyone else want a lil cutie of their own to corrupt w candy?
Male/female couples belong on the anime/cute board.
Well, this sucks. Time to start again.The old thread was >>3829749
I want to cum in Yoichi's fluffy hair.
Owari no Wedgie
Could a vampire pop a boner???
You cannot kill Best Boy in a way that matters.
>>3915761YWNBAW and idc what happened in guilty gear strive's story mode it is a work of fiction lmao. just like transgenderism
>>3942614Based Chihiro enjoyer. If it wasn't for Mondo's inadequacy as a man, Chihiro would have advanced beyond his self-humiliation
>>3913930Makoto would've saved him
go chihiro go
>>3951410>can't see pantsuHow does he do it?!
Double dragon editionPrevious >>3929511
>>3940217is there any chance of us getting him
New thread >>3950935
Bringing this back. Let's post cute guys that either explictly or implictly like men.
Sensui and Itsuki, OG homo villains from Yu yu hakusho
>>3948711My favorites honestly.
Prev >>3948676Other /m/echa also welcome
>>3951311Boomers who also happen to be Bayfags are usually the most egregious in being ignorant to the rest of the franchise despite accusing literally every other young fan of it just because of le woke boogeymanTo them, TF exists only in the G1 cartoon and in the original 5 Bay movies. Everything else is just the toys.Marvel G1? Most of them haven't even read itVictory? Most of them don't even acknowledge itBrave series? Most of them don't even know they existUnicron trilogy and Beast Wars? Not muh geewun (but somehow Bayverse gets a pass)Then everything else is le woke or for le children because of those damn younguns turning everything gay reeeeAnd now they're latching onto Skybound just because they're contrarian fucks that only really enjoy a grand total of 13% out of what TF has to offerI hope we get canon Blitztrain so that they can all get a collective aneurysm, but I'm not holding my breath for it
>>3951328/co/ lost their collective minds over they them as in multiple people in one body. I don't even ship Astroblitz but anyone he lost has a 90% of being male so they'll whine about it somehow.Who could they possibly pair him from G1 to make him straight? Chromia?
>>3951330I like them well enough because of their dumb and dumber dynamic, even though I don't consider them a strong OTPWhoever they pair Astrotrain with, I just hope it makes all these boomerfaggots seethe. Could be a female human OC for all we know kek
As in the manga/anime called Monster, not monster boys. Just to be clear.
Just finished this yesterday. 10/10 peak anime, I love the way it ended. It's a shame that the fandom is non-existent, but I'll cherish the memories.Does anyone know if the anime was a 1-for-1 adaptation of the manga, or did it cut some things out? Is it worth reading the manga if you've seen the anime?
>>3949703Honestly first time i got into Monster i watched like 10 episodes of the anime and then i kinda lost interest. Then i read the manga and that had me hooked till the end and i loved it. I still have only seen those 10 episodes of the anime.
For shotacon imagery that was drawn by a female artist and/or generally appeals to female sensibilities. Eastern art is fine to post as well, I just have a lot of western stuff on me.
Bradley did nothing wrong
Shota feet editionPrevious: >>3948407girly shota: >>3938495 Kemoshota: >>3942300 Nopan shota: >>3942093
New thread: >>3951117New thread: >>3951117New thread: >>3951117New thread: >>3951117
>>3950925I finally got to read it, it was so fucking cute, I loved it.