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Guys who look like they got a few screws loose
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ar.t,. of the boy,.
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Lmao. P disguised as a woman.

"Yeah, I get the dress and petticoat, but did you really have to wear women's underwear, too?"
I wish P was real and that my tongue was on his butthole

None of the amazon show, just Helluva Bros.

Last Episode: >>3877654
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helluva boss mentioned
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post ranfren boys
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Oh wow, the Pom pom guy

He's so adorable and retarded at the same time it's fucking insane
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missing the last panel, you know who
I don't have the last panel. Could someone pass it here?
which one
>leg hair

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All growed up! Edition

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>I'm a Knight of Favonius
>What are ya writing?
>It's a drawing
>Can I see?
>When I finish
Always has questions
Always has answers
need albedo bf.
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See what?
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The Jimmy Neutron in Mika's tit.


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Cigars, weed, cigarettes, etc.
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A thread dedicated to the cute canonically nullo ken doll puppet

Not affiliated with any other Genshin threads
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Just a couple more days Scarabros. Been way too long since he last showed up in game
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I'd rub my nub on his stub
id rape his wooden asshole

sorry im horny
Your apology is pretty cute anon

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He should've thrown more bitches into the tv tbqhf
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being rich doesnt make you automatically happy my dude. there have been plenty of rich people who have lived terrible, awful lives and who have suffered immensely

anyways, my point wasnt really that people are born into unequal positions in life, my point was that this fact doesnt really justify adachi's actions
The argument isn't about justification for murder. It's about people being unequal. Disagreeing that people can be unequal and that some are fucked over is kind of ridiculous and indicative of a privileged life.
But whatever nature and fortune may have done, whoever a man be, and whatever he may possess, the pain which is essential to life cannot be thrown off:

—Πηλειδης δ᾽ ῳμωξεν, ιδων εις ουρανον ευρυν

(Peleus lamented, staring into the open sky)
Looks like someone came all over him
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Double the degeneracy edition
Previous >>3788489

>Suicide Boy
English: https://www.lezhinus.com/en/comic/suicideboy_en
Korean: https://www.lezhin.com/ko/comic/suicideboy

>High School Boy

Parkgee @ Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/ch960116
Parkgee @ YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@Parkgee
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New chapter update!

High School Boy, Chapter 21: Do you want to sleepover?
I genuinely do not understand why people are so made that a sexy boy comic is about a sexy boy
Not everything needs to be clockwork orange, bros
The characters are definitly flawed but have started growing on me, except for the sister, she feels like a bad rip off of the blonde tomboy from SB
SB was always Parkgee ok writting + horny baiting. I dont understans why i bother reading this shit it just makes me more depressed.
Never dated and probably never will
Im not gonna be bagging any twinks any time soon. Im gonna hit 30 get fat, bald and somehow more ugly.
Porn just gives me pain at this point and so this manga.
Despite reading all of watamote, that latop scene made me want to put a sword in my chest.
I take back what I said this nigger cant write dick he should go back to making porn.
And some good writter should work with him for a war story. Parkgee art with decent violence and gore would be fire. Kinda wish all the characters on this comic where fucking killed

Previous thread: >>3885454
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Shotas playing vidya edition.
Previous thread: >>3902731
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>blackmail image is a close second
why are you like this
why does shota abuse turn you on so much
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NEW: >>3906782
It's just a little bit of playful rubbing I mean tribbing i mean ribbing.

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Cute baby boys!!!
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toddlercon is not shota, shota is talking age to mid teens
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Previous: >>3723021
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I really enjoyed it. I'm a huge fan of Kenma and this was basically the Kenma movie.
I still would've preferred to have another season instead.
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Last thread: >>3700113

More of the cutest grimdark boys from 40k, Fantasy, and Age of Sigmar!
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