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Double dragon edition

Previous >>3929511
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What's the best ship in this game? I just want to read about some boys fucking each other.
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I’m thinking about dropping the game, bros… if we don’t get a 5* boy leaked by tomorrow, it might actually be owari da.
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Kaveh trooned out https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vCuT4TxAOFk
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What about the archdecon
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I'm going to hold on until Wrio's rerun and then I'm taking a long break
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zhongli is fucking gorgeous
Yeah, I just uninstalled both Genshin and Star Rail. It’s pretty clear we are no longer an audience Hoyoverse cares for anymore.

I was actually holding out hope he’d be a 5* in 5.4 since that’s when Venti is supposed to rerun, but alas…
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He is indeed

Happy new year
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Leakers said it's straight up one 5* waifu per patch until the end of the version. Not feeling very hopeful for this game, the latest archon quest was the middest thing ever and it's just turning further into waifu impact.

Still this is the only game where I can run around as Scaramouche so...
Yeah, I want to keep playing for the boys, especially since I invested so much time and money into the game, but I can't help feeling betrayed by Hoyoverse. They think the type of players who kill cats and attempt to assassinate Dawei over bunnygirls are a more valuable audience than us. If the current trend continues, we might not even get a 5* male in all of 2025. I'll sincerely miss Razor, Lyney, Tighnari, and many others, but I shant be giving anymore of my time to such a company.
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it's his birthday
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What the fuck am i watching
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You thought pyo archon was a girl, but it’s just Kaveh!
Is it worth rolling for Troonveh if u already have “Father”?
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"Best" is very subjective and I don't know your tastes so...
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>decide to roll for granny after rationalizing it’s basically Ice Scara and true scara won’t be around for a long time
>get spooked by dehia
>don’t have enough gems to roll for scara if he comes soon because not having the patience for the real deal
The East Has Fallen! Billions must die!
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He won't be around for months and you're on guaranteed now. Just save a minimum amount of rolls and he's yours.
>Ice Scara
? Please do not compare Scara to that blatant self-insert waifubait.
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>Near identical game play mechanics
>similar outfit
>immortal with bad personality
I mean it’s kind of him if you replace the trauma and Chud background with femcel
It’s more noticeable if you install the femboy citlali mod.
>He won't be around for months and you're on guaranteed now
Does that guaranteed if you miss the first role over now?
>Near identical game play mechanics
Anon... They have nothing in common in terms of playstyle
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>Near identical game play mechanics
>anemo on-field dps vs. cryo shielder off field support
>similar outfit
>japanese shugenja monk outfit vs. mesoamerican tribal clothing
>I mean it’s kind of him if you replace the trauma and Chud background with femcel
I see, so if you remove everything that makes him one character and replace it with something else, then he would be a different character. Interesting.
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That's Goroufag. Just ignore him/her/it.
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Scaramouche still gets the best treatment compared to any other male in the game.
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This is the writing of someone who is still rekt months after it all happened
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Capitano "died" for the biggest Mary Sue archon and now only a surprise Dottore appearance can salvage this trash region.
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Who’s the maid in the center and does this mean they’re also a boy like all the others?
>implying he won't be killed off to glaze another waifu
It's not looking good... that leak that said we'd be getting less male characters also said the remaining male Harbingers won't be playable and might even be killed off and, well... look what happened to Capitano.
Natlan clearly went through so many rewrites, Capitano definitely had a bigger role beforehand, and Mavuika wasn't supposed to be a mary sue, the travail trailer implies she was hiding stuff from the traveler and that never happened. I'm 100% sure that writing Capitano and other male characters out of the story, making Mavuika flawless, and the endless traveler glazing section were direct responses to feedback they god in fontaine from self-insert waifufags.
They got what they deserve in the end though, Natlan is the waifu-filled self-insert shounen isekai paradise they always wanted and now even they're complaining that it sucks LMAO. Hopefully hoyo can course correct for Snezhnaya otherwise they're just throwing the almost 4 great years Genshin had down the drain.
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> Mavuika
Is Kaveh having a schizo episode after he picked up a Gnosis
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Is anyone going to tell Nari that leaks confirm Yae made Sand Dog troon?
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This isn't /c/
Photoshopping a male character's face on a female body is still breaking the rules
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Fuck I wish I could possess a cute boy's body.
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Is okay. Artist is a big femboy cyno fan so it’s just hrt femboy cyno which is obviously a male.
Mihoyo is cruel, they heard players complaining about 2/7 male archons then baited us with an incredibly cute shota archon with an exposed tummy, only to take him away immediately
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Your reminder that Venti canonically sexually assaults women

so based... so fucking based...
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My kawaii beautiful rapist angel...
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And not just the women, but the men and boys too!
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How do I build a team around Nari? I currently have a powerful geo lineup but he doesn’t get synergy so it’s little more than a furry squad.

The only other strong units I have Rn are arlecino, Kaeya, Xingqu, and Lisa along with a Diluc and Yelan I haven’t leveled yet.

How can I build a squad with him? Do I put him with Lisa and water characters?
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>Yae is his best team mate
Oh no
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Save and get Baizhu from the Liyue chronicle banner, he's the only male character with any synergy with him
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>>3944646 #
I’m saving for scara. I already wasted five pulls on a botched attempt at getting his femcel knockoff.


Will happen if I spend his gems on another character a second time.

Can I just like put tighnari in a half geo team along with Lisa? My geo squad has a very powerful recharging effect.
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Fischl is better than Lisa for Tighnari but other than that sure, double geo works. But that's assuming one of them is Zhongli because geo resonance is literally pointless without a shield and since you're on /cm/ I doubt you want to settle for Noelle.
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Can I use gorou and itto? Maybe his damage mitigation can get the same bonus and Itto with Gorou rivals Father during bursts only he can take hits.
I got Zhongli recently but never leveled since Ittorou , Noel and father are really powerful against non pyros
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[cmspoiler]I wish there was a popular alternative to 4chan to anonymously talk about Genshin, I'm so tired of gender war garbage[/cmspoiler]
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You could always try to establish a general on some quiet board like /bant/ or /trash/.
Every single place that discusses Gensin will be full of gender war as well. It was always there when people were complaining about male characters being in the game, now that they got their way and mihoyo did away with male characters, it's hard to talk about the game without mentioning how much of a waifufag paradise it's become. Like have you seen Natlan? Or worse, the upcoming onsen event with the player + a bunch of waifus? It's hard to ignore when the game is now specifically about this.
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What does gender war mean? A war between yaoi liking femcels and waifu loving onions-jaks?
He was awesome until he started in with the Mavuika glazing. Still has a very cute design though.
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> Mavuika
Will be revealed as Kaveh being a schizo
Trust in the plan
The entire Natlan story is Mavuika glazing so you have to leave that aside a little bit. He was pretty cool and had a cute design, with a bit more polish he'd make a great playable character. It's a shame hoyo are loli-obsessed and allergic to shotas. When they were still trying to court a normalfag audience, I imagine that having to explain why you only have little girls but no little boys was probably pretty tough.
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Haitham is done with his roommate’s schizo archon arc https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lens6zmTtyU
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Chat GTP created the plot for a fantastic beasts cartoon where Tighnari is the villain
> Unfortunately, the ones sent to stop him are: •A big, dumb husky who keeps falling for his traps.•A shiba inu tactician whose tail fluff is in constant distress.•A leopard scholar who refuses to care.•A dramatic huma bird who won’t shut up about architecture.•A jackal who insists on making puns. •And a green cat who might be the only competent one here.
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If they interacted ingame it would go like this: Diluc seething and having a rage induced breakdown while Childe is like "Who tf are you?"
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Lyney’s second trip to japan
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It's Lyney day
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Remember to french kiss your magic twink today
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I read that first as rape induced breakdown
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never forget
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Why does he canonically dress like his sister? Is this father’s fault?
Can I post heterosexual images?

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