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Still going

Tsuritama thread

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/4d_bY550wIs?si=7BVQP60bzikJSzrn

Previous thread: >>3712633
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Cute lil bros edition
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New >>3902731
>ywn groom that sho to be your hubby

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Real oldfags remember. If anyone has some Noiz, let's make some Noiz
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Leave it to me to get hyperfixated on the freaky twins instead of literally any end game option. It couldn't have worked with Aoba being the protag, but I would have loved a no-Aoba ViTri route
My bad they're not twins

Idea Factory boys especially welcome

Share your artificially generated cuties!
Previous thread >>3883822

Some free resources:




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New thread >>3905873

Post Fire Emblem boys, doesn't matter what game, just post em.
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it still hurts, i need to see Eiji and Ash happy togheter
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my beautiful husband akechi is so awesome i love him very much..
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he's so perfect bros...
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Dragon’s Dogma 2 just released their character creator. Have you made any cute male characters yet? Feel free to post created characters others have made or ones from other games as well.

Here’s my cute grumpy catboy arisen and his chad human pawn who always embarrasses him with hugs and kisses which make him purr uncontrollably.
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Pretty good considering how impossible it is to make a good looking oblivion character.
I also enjoy horny shotas
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PSA: You can also make shotas in Elden Ring
any guide?
No guide unfortunately, it's a mod at allthefallen.moe and I can't remember how to install it, but it can't be too hard

Previous: >>3836570

You WILL keep Evangelion threads alive
You WILL enjoy the series
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kaji, preferably
New bread?

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Previous thread >>3902317
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What's wrong with it?
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August. Just a month away.
>attention whoring retards bumping the old thread because some posts got deleted

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Rider, Sentai, Garo, Kaiju, it's all good here
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A thread dedicated to the cutest boys in the DC Universe, because why not

Official art and fanart both welcome
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So was this a thread exclusively for super sons together or?
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Damian gets a bit jealous if someone else talks to his crush
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separate or together, both are fine

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The shota manga thread >>3734757 has hit the bump limit and is currently on page 10, so we need a new one, with a place for all kinds of cute boys. I'll start.

The Summer Hikaru Died is probably my favourite currently running manga. It's a horror manga where the protagonist's friend gets replaced by a monster that (almost) perfectly mimics his looks and personality, but isn't quite right. It's full of gay subtext and apparently it's supposed to be an analogy to growing up gay in the countryside.

If you like it, you can also read the 10 page oneshot by the author (mokmok_len) called "Period".
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A boy named Eve?
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I found a new manga (Favela no Mangaka) the other day. It's about a failed mangaka named Hiroto who travels to Brazil to forget about his previous life but instead meets a really cute slum boy named Joao that wishes to be a successful mangaka.
>Favela no Mangaka
Looks really good, put this one on my waiting list

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I'm not sure if this is the best place for this thread but I thought it's a cute idea and a great way to find a smaller artist who draws cute guys! So yeah show us your own or another artists original character. I'll humbly start off with my own.
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what the fuck is this shit lol
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>wants to see funny picture
I'm very fed up why can't you guys stay on topic I just wanted to see other people's OCs
Is this some kind of self insert OC? Why's he so ugly?

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