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A thread for the handful of high quality sausages in the otherwise clam filled Wuthering Waves.
147 replies and 146 images omitted. Click here to view.
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New thread >>3945430

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What is this thread about?

Robo shota edition

Previous: >>3943304
Girly shota: >>3938495
Kemono shota: >>3942300
Nopan shota: >>3942093
205 replies and 148 images omitted. Click here to view.
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...Need... new... bread
Fresh bread: >>3945263
Fresh bread: >>3945263
Fresh bread: >>3945263
Fresh bread: >>3945263

Merry Lenmas edition
Previous >>3928649
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Haha what made you so mad?
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New >>3945237

I want to see handsome dark-skinned men
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I need him
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Previous >>3941002
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New >>3945342

48 replies and 47 images omitted. Click here to view.
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he is so cute...
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Sweet edition

Remember to please abstain from posting burnt nugget Curly

Previous thread: >>3943140
159 replies and 149 images omitted. Click here to view.
I've only known americans with that name desu. Several actually. But it's just a generic anglo name. I don't think he has a real first name though, it's just people squinting at scribbles.
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New bread?
bake it
Out the oven.


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Swindle edition
Prev >>3933566

Other /m/echa also welcome
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please post cute jojo boys
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>jojo thread
>90% part 5 as always
SBR anime can't come fast enough
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Me and bro

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Mob thread in 2025?
more likely than you may think
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There's one up already fren >>3927433
I may be stupid

You cannot kill Best Boy in a way that matters.
39 replies and 23 images omitted. Click here to view.
Well this is one hell of a flashbang to receive immediately upon opening this board. Let me guess, emo anon? I'm still the other guy from the Persona thread.
Of course! I'm all over the place.
YWNBAW and idc what happened in guilty gear strive's story mode it is a work of fiction lmao. just like transgenderism
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Based Chihiro enjoyer. If it wasn't for Mondo's inadequacy as a man, Chihiro would have advanced beyond his self-humiliation
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Makoto would've saved him

New season so it deserves a thread right now
19 replies and 19 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Natsume should have just hired him!
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Best friends edition.

Previous: >>3942257
Girly shota: >>3938495
Kemono shota: >>3942300
Nopan shota: >>3942093
221 replies and 146 images omitted. Click here to view.
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He's one of my favorite shotas so i hope he gets even more ;)
New: >>3944318

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Knife edition

Remember to please abstain from posting burnt nugget Curly

Previous thread: >>3941915
161 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
Ah... Image limit, my nemesis.
can someone link trash archived trash thread?
i gotchu
thank u
New thread: >>3944085

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