A thread for the handful of high quality sausages in the otherwise clam filled Wuthering Waves.
New thread >>3945430
>>3945330What is this thread about?
Robo shota editionPrevious: >>3943304 Girly shota: >>3938495 Kemono shota: >>3942300 Nopan shota: >>3942093
...Need... new... bread
>>3945248Fresh bread: >>3945263Fresh bread: >>3945263Fresh bread: >>3945263Fresh bread: >>3945263
Merry Lenmas editionPrevious >>3928649
>>3945210Haha what made you so mad?
New >>3945237
I want to see handsome dark-skinned men
I need him
Previous >>3941002
New >>3945342
>>3936422he is so cute...
Sweet editionRemember to please abstain from posting burnt nugget CurlyPrevious thread: >>3943140
>>3944856I've only known americans with that name desu. Several actually. But it's just a generic anglo name. I don't think he has a real first name though, it's just people squinting at scribbles.
New bread?
>>3944985bake it
>>3945012Out the oven.>>3945018
Swindle edition Prev >>3933566Other /m/echa also welcome
please post cute jojo boys
>jojo thread >90% part 5 as always SBR anime can't come fast enough
Me and bro
Mob thread in 2025?more likely than you may think
There's one up already fren >>3927433
>>3944496I may be stupid
You cannot kill Best Boy in a way that matters.
>>3941495Well this is one hell of a flashbang to receive immediately upon opening this board. Let me guess, emo anon? I'm still the other guy from the Persona thread.
>>3941523Of course! I'm all over the place.
>>3915761YWNBAW and idc what happened in guilty gear strive's story mode it is a work of fiction lmao. just like transgenderism
>>3942614Based Chihiro enjoyer. If it wasn't for Mondo's inadequacy as a man, Chihiro would have advanced beyond his self-humiliation
>>3913930Makoto would've saved him
New season so it deserves a thread right now
Natsume should have just hired him!
Best friends edition. Previous: >>3942257Girly shota: >>3938495Kemono shota: >>3942300Nopan shota: >>3942093
>>3944302He's one of my favorite shotas so i hope he gets even more ;)
New: >>3944318
Knife editionRemember to please abstain from posting burnt nugget CurlyPrevious thread: >>3941915
Ah... Image limit, my nemesis.
can someone link trash archived trash thread?
>>3944071i gotchuhttps://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/72472562/
>>3944072thank u
New thread: >>3944085