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A thread for the loveliest limbless souls of fear and hunger, funger, F&H, or whatever you like.
Termina allowed too.
You gotta post 5 pics first
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Isn't this just a game where you inevitably get raped after being dismembered?
Yep, and that's not even the worse the game has to offer.
In the sequel you can also get fisted.
So this game is just torture rape porn? Can you actually beat it? Is there even a story outside of "speed run to get anal fissures and punctured colons"?
Nah, all jokes aside, I wouldn't say it's just rape porn.
Not only it's a fun and interesting game in itself (to me, at least) but the graphic and sexual violence is important to transmit the ideas the game is trying to tell.
There was a interview with the author I read in which he said it all started as a game with his friends, he asked questions of the sort of: "so you are in a dungeon, and you are starving, do you chop off your limb to survive?". It's all about what humans do when pushed to the absolute limit of fear and hunger.
Also the lore is good.
>Can you actually beat it?
>Is there even a story outside of "speed run to get anal fissures and punctured colons"?
Also yes. It's just an RPGMaker game with explicit violence and cute characters.
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>So this game is just torture rape porn?
Wow, no, absolutely not. It's a horror RPG with multiple playable characters and multiple routes.

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