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Post and reminisce about boys and shows from a little while ago. Preferably ones nobody cares about any more.

Prev: >>3913535
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I could fill this entire thread up with Handa and Hiroshi, I adore these two
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I didn't keep up with the recent Barakamon read-along on /a/ but, from the bits of it I saw, anons clearly recognised the profound homolust between these two, which was great to see
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Somewhere else in the world there's fields and forests and hills, and unspoiled country boys with good hearts
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This guy I never quite understood the meaning of
He's introduced about 2/3 of the way through the manga (after the anime ended) and Handa, initially, is terrified he's the running-obsessed guy from Handa-kun come to terrorise him again
He's actually an entirely different character who coincidentally has the same surname, but the suspense is kept up for a few chapters
It feels like the Monthly Gangan editors wanted the author to remind Barakamon readers that Handa-kun existed, or something
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Please tell me I'm not the only one who remembers this series
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I fully intended to read this in about 2009 and then forgot about it until exactly this moment
I likewise just remembered I never read "Switch" either, I think it was also an edgy thing with guns
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I loved these two, I thought they had a really fun, natural relationship
Hiroomi's joking-not-joking gay chicken antics were very well-written
And I was pleasantly surprised BL was mentioned so explicitly
It worked much, much better for me than anything in Free did
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I agree. I think what makes these kinds of pairings work is the natural friendship part. That and I enjoy BL in slices rather than something more explicitly fanservice-y like Free

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