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Mods purged the board? Well I wasn't done with these Death Note threads.
Previous >>3911331
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Why is the captcha broken? ;_;
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At least those 4 maxed threads that kept getting bumped are gone now.
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Mods didn't purge cm they purged like 12 different boards
And all the images lost to broken archives, hoorah. I'd take 10 bumplocked threads being kept alive over all the shit we lost in other threads. The sperging over the guy doing that is and has always been retarded.
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I'm not saying it was a fair trade, I'm looking for a silver lining. And it was incredibly annoying. The threads aren't supposed to last forever. Save the images you want and contribute what you can, or stfu.
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glad I went through the old threads before they got nuked
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does anyone have other pics by this artist? I think they are ziguadu1 on twitter but privated
>arguing with a backseat wannabe janny
desu she’s too retarded to see reason like most ritual bakers here
imagine crying about someone bumping a thread on 4chan-nel/dot/orginization lmao
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they're so cute they make me want to puke
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I've been trying to archive art by an old DN artist who stopped posting in 2014 called Juon Yu. They were mostly known for posting millions of pictures of a heavily OC-ified Beyond Birthday, but they posted some cute Ls as well. Here's the folder I've compiled, if anyone wants it. I know a lot of these have been heavily compressed or scaled from their original size, so I'm always looking for higher quality versions, especially of the L pics.
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Thank you so much anon I was going to download all that myself but I guess I procrastinated long enough for someone else to do it. And you even sorted it by character. <3
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I'm glad you appreciate it ^^

I've plugged it in a previous thread, but this text document is a goldmine for fanart of old fandoms. The archived DN folders helped me fill in a lot of holes in this collection. I pray that mediafire never goes under or purges old links.
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Mediafire really worries me, every time I see a link to it I'm slightly amazed it still exists, it feels so vulnerable

Another anon a few threads ago compiled this folder of Puku Okuyama's DN art, which had some stuff I'd never seen before, and I remember doing a deep right-click-save-as through her site back in the day https://www.mediafire.com/file/qdcae176qfdx0bq/Okuyama_Puku_DN_art.rar/file

The area I understand least is doujins, I have no idea where the links are, let alone if they're still active (I'm picturing a lot of dead Rapidshare links hidden in dead locked LJ groups)
Some will be on the usual reader sites but they've probably been run through the jpeg machine at least once :(
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Ah, yeah haha. That was me. I like putting these collections together. It makes me feel like a fanart archeologist.

A lot more work has been done to preserve doujins than fanart. You've got you your obvious MyReadingManga and e-hentai. But also the tumblr blogs https://www.tumblr.com/dndoujins and https://dndoushinji.tumblr.com/ . That said, who knows when tumblr's gonna go under, so best save everything now while you still can. That's what I'm doing.

Have a doujin that was missing from my Puku Okuyama Folder. It's not translated, but the art is pretty.
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I have just finished rewatching Death Note. I know this is weird to say but it really is romantic how the last thoughts in Light's mind before he dies is of L. I really do think the end of the anime excuses most of its fuck ups.
I just wish they gave Near a bit more personality and used Mello more. They put a lot of stock into Mello's design yet used him for only a few scenes. I know that in the manga that he and near both have more time to develop themselves but that just doesn't translate over.
Despite my problems with it I still love Death Note as much as I did when I was a kid seeing L for the first time and thinking he was the coolest ever(still is desu).

Also I wanted to make this post a couple of days ago when I downloaded it but I never got around it. Shout to >>3919897 for posting those old L art pics. I think they have that late aughts soul to them. Its very endearing.
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Want to suck his toes
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>That was me. I like putting these collections together. It makes me feel like a fanart archeologist.
Hah, small world. You're doing god's work, really. It's curious to step back and consider how completely ephemeral fanart is - nothing is the flavour of the month forever and eventually the artists move on, delete their old accounts, etc. Which is probably the only way things can be, it's not like there's anything to keep people drawing new Death Note art almost 20 years later in the absence of new official material. But it's a little sad to think about how disposable fanart is. I was captivated by these pictures back when they were new (and still am), and Death Note content was once inescapable, and now that whole infrastructure has completely vanished.

And thanks for the doujin! This is new to me. Do we have any translators lurking here who want to do a new Matt x Mello release in AD 2024? I can still remember how to re-draw and typeset, I think
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Senpai, I think this Chinese fujo has the doujin I've been searching for for the last year. Does anyone know the magic words I can say to get them to sent me the rest of it?

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I did find the magic words, if anyone else is invested in this. I posted the doujin in the /y/ thread. It's kind of disappointing, desu. Not nearly as spicy as the preview image would lead you to believe. But now I have the satisfaction of knowing, that's just as good.
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Anon, you have utterly triggered my mental illness. I have spent the last several weeks collecting dn doujinshi, and I cannot stop. I'm at about 250 right now, and I keep finding more. Some are duplicates in different languages/scan qualities, but there are so many of them. I'm not entirely sure what to do with them once I finally finish.

I'm not ready to share them yet, so I'll post some Spook-tober related art, because it's been quiet in here.
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It's so appropriate that L's birthday is the candy holiday
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I have nearly 400 DN doujinshi now, and I'm not entirely sure what to do with them, so I think I'll organize them into little collections by circle and post them here. When possible, I've tried to collect both a RAW and an English translation. I've collected translations in third languages (mostly Chinese) when a RAW or English wasn't available, or when the image quality was better.

Starting alphabetically at the top with 8POCHI, drawn by Nakacoco. This artist has a really cute and delicate style, and seems to favor Mello, although there is some LawLight in here as well. All of these doujins are SFW, but some are ecchi. Be warned that Mello is paired a few times with an ugly mob character.

There are six doujinshi in this folder. Four of them were collaborations with other doujinka. "Monster" in particular seems to have been mostly drawn by the collaborator, with only the cover and insert art done by Nakacoco. Unfortunately, only one of these doujins was translated into English, and the largest one was translated into Chinese.

I'm not completely confident that "Return Graphic Books" was compiled correctly. It seems to be a anthology reprint of some of their earlier short doujins, but the blog I found it on split it up between several posts, and I'm not confident the order is correct. The info on the doujinshi database also indicates that it might be missing about 40 pages. I'd love to get my hands on a physical copy.

The titles:
Katzen Duett
Nami-Nori Pirate (波のりパイレーツ)
Return Graphic Books

Info on the doujinka: https://doujinshi.wiki/author/3597
The link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/695w1km3yyiugv6/[8POCHI+(Nakacoco)].zip/file
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A few sample pages
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I'll post the next one tomorrow, or in a few days.

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