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a thread for cute boys from colorado
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Theres a lot going on in this
Cartman > Butters > Randy > Garrison > Kenny > > Stan > everyone else > Craig > Hanky >>> Kyle
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Happy birthday, Butters!
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why is there so much kenny x butters
they barely even interact
>they barely even interact
But every time they do, the sun shines a bit brighter.
Bunny started as a crackship driven entirely by the creativity of horny fujos (pervert + innocent = XXX), who quickly realized that even without the sexual aspect these two had amazing potential for friendship, hurt/comfort, and just all-around adorableness. And now that they're actually friends in canon, their diabetes-inducing cuteness is that much harder to resist!
Quality > Quantity
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The Post-Covid specials even fed us with science partners and sugar daddying, and it's oh so easy to headcanon them as husbands in both the good and bad timelines
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I like to think that Kenny also got a job at the ice cream shop after Dikinbaus was taken care of, but Butters still buys him lots of meals/snacks (He just can't help himself! And Kenny spends most of his earnings on Karen, so it kinda evens out)
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bunny = kawoshin
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