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Eva threads will never die.
Previous >>3905838
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It all returns to nothing...
Somebody has got to stop kaworu
Shinji TOES?!
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very smoochable
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You want to do WHAT to Shinji's cute and kissable toesie-woesies?!
me on the left.
good morning
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Kaworu anonymously cyberbullying Shinji until Shinji comes crying to his shoulder
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shinji toes are for slurping
Need them in my mouth and in my...
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and in my pocket for snacking on later.
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sometimes you just gotta post eva feet
need shinji footjob...
Their feet look like they're melting
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they are for tickling
Shinji extremely constipated :(
Doodling in space
Sharing an umbrella
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why is shinji so gay, bros?
hug :)
Kaworu feet O_O;
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Best, most wholesome ship that heals my heart.
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>never had this
>too late for it
thought i'd gotten over being sore over this sort of thing.
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Aw, what makes you think you're too late for it? I'm sure things aren't quite as bad as they seem :(
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Save your sympathy. I'm literally just not a teenager anymore.
I could hypothetically date people, but I actually just prefer to be single now.
Plus it wouldn't be le epic kawoshin-tier cute young love anymore.
i just thought i had gotten over feeling like that was something i'm jealous of

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