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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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1) Be polite to the drawfriends - they're drawing for you, after all.

2) Specifics, details and references pics are always appreciated, and increase the likelihood of your request being fulfilled.

3) Don't expect your request to be done straight away, or even at all - not every request is going to get done. If you think it's been overlooked, wait a while and relink or repost it.

4) Stick to fictional characters.

5) No nsfw requests. Stuff like that belongs in >>>/y/drawthread

6) Please limit image posting to references and request fills. We don't need a bunch of reaction pictures and such killing the thread early.

Previous thread: >>3854256

BOORU LINK: http://cm-drawthread.booru.org/

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Currently Fireden archive isn't working and Archived.moe doesn't save full images, so be sure to upload all deliveries to the booru before the thread archives! As a precaution I also recommend saving images of any deliveries you like so they aren't lost forever if they somehow don't make it to the booru.

Happy requesting and drawing, folks!
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(Please reply to this post when making deliveries)
Apologies for the non OC image, I couldn't recover anything from the archives.
If any requesters or artists are still lingering, please don't be shy to repost any deliveries made last thread, or upload them to the booru. This is a good reminder to save anything and everything that you like.
Requesting an anime OC of a Tin Man style robot, who's in his 30's, with silver skin, short silver hair, brown eyes, wearing rectangular glasses, a silver tin man style robot body with silver robot hands, silver robot boots, control panel and buttons on chest piece, and a groin piece, standing in a full body draw smiling. No AI generated art please.
Can someone repost the art of Oliver giving a backwards V?
Did the last thread die from bump limit or just because it wasn't bumped in time?
That thread was from December. This place is far to slow and dead for a decent drawthread. Not gonna bother dropping a request here again, complete waste of time.
mods were fags and somehow 'accidentally' wiped a dozen catalogs
requesting hardly demands any of your time besides assembling a reference image, it's only a waste if you're watching the thread day and night. i try to treat it as a pleasant surprise if a request gets fulfilled
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I’d kill for a Gorou dressed in an imperial Japan army officers uniform, ready to war crime like https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/3231706
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Requesting a full body draw of Tsuji Kirihito from Hinomaru Sumo wearing just his glasses and mawashi belt with a bulge and a cute smile, standing in a full body draw. Keep it SFW please.
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Requesting an angry Naota with the Terminal Doggo on a leash eating a cell phone
isn't this the retarded slag that spams all the genshin threads with her hrt mental illness
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Requesting human spamton in a nice casual formal outfit please.
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Requesting my boy toby dressed up as a cute jester giving heart hands and a cute smile.
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>so be sure to upload all deliveries to the booru before the thread archives
i would love to but registration is closed
nvm, catbox works still.
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Requesting a drawing of Lionel from Splatoon 3 eating a cheesy corndog please
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bump + requestin a pic of Sylvie crying and anon wiping away his tears
I have a suggestion
because the /cm/ booru doesn't offer new registrations can you use other boorus
If your cute male is vidya related upload them here
If they are /co/ then upload them here
Unfortunately there's no active /a/ booru that I know of
>the /cm/ booru doesn't offer new registrations
Why is that?
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Requesting Levi from fear and hunger wearing a playboy bunny outfit like the one on the right. Preferably doing the same pose too.
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Hope this is alright, anon. Tried drawing in an sort of animu style at first but it looked awful so I just used my default art style if that's ok.

(By animu literally just bigger eyes and simpler nose lol)
Oh he super cute! Thank you so much friend! i love how he turned out
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requesting anything wholesome of my husbando clear from dramatical murder. maybe riding a jellyfish or baking or wearing a kigurumi or saying welcome home
Requesting young Link blushing while a faceless anon kisses him on the cheek
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sylvie a cute
i unfortunately don't know because i'm not part of the booru team
cute! anchoring
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Requesting an adult male gijinka of chatgpt
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Requesting a close-up of Army from the Coroika comic smoking a large cigar with a similar expression to picrel
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here in parkour civilization all the males are cute

if you're familiar with the lore you already know what to draw :D
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Hello I'm back. Hopefully I'll have the next drawing done soon.
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Requesting just some art of Red Boy from Black Myth: Wukong.
Can be cool or cute. I really love his design and character and he gets no love.

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