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kind of obsessed no lie
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>"Meet my artistsona! Although he is me, he is only to be referred to as “Jeremy”. If asked, he will outright refuse to be called “James.” He is incredibly coked up on ∞ Caffeine. He is mentally ill, sleep deprived, probably schizophrenic, and just a tad bit paranoid for the most part. He is Jeremy and Jeremy is me!"

cute boy, anon.
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HOLY SHIT HE'S MAKING A DATING SIM AAAAAAAAAAAAAA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfpLvWFkvSA/
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compiled the images from the product page into a short animation, it became immediately obvious this man cannot draw hands
but it's cool
future plushie btw
jankles may not be my man but hes fine shyt thats all ill say! <33

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