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Previously >>3931515
Spoilers abound
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need more del
me sleeping with my cat
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louis needs impregnating yesterday
Based and true
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Will/More anon go take ur shit.
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I'm glad this artist isn't fully gone. Last time I tried finding them again but had deactivated/changed name. I hope they can stay.
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Bas Love, Bas Life.
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Fatlus anime usually have extra fujoservice, hype?
I don't see any reason to get hype over a "leak" about an anime being "in talks".
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Shota Louis is now possible, praise the lord.
TGA awards
No p6 announced, they want spotlight on metaphor for longer?

Yeah likely bs but I still wouldn't be surprised given the heavy promotion it got.
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P6 is getting cucked by the english P5X release that should come one day, I don't think Metaphor plays a role there. I would still think a DLC announcement next year could hapen.
those 2 dorks are growing on me as a pair, I just want them to be happy....
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Louis should've given Zorba a chance, or maybe they did fuck off screen
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The interlocked hands in his meloncholia form might be Zorba's gayest moment
I wish I could grab Bas by the tits.
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ruimoa my beloved
something something fucking the king who fucked you and his kingdom metaphor
If Louis ever had sex, he must have fucked Zorba a few times. Else he must be a virgin. At least Zorba was inside of him after healing him at the opera.
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MILF stands for More I'd like to Fuck
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Who have you voted for so far? Do these polls determine stuff like nendos/figures?
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I'm voting every day for Louis and in my opinion those polls are important as a general measure for future stuff in regard to merch and attention from Atlus itself.
As an example Goro would never have gotten the attention in Royal and merch if he was low in such polls. But it isn't the only indicator ofc.
I've been voting for More so much that I think most likely 50% of his total votes are all going to be all me. Louis's votes are secured, but More doesn't get that much love, so I'd be pleased enough if Atlus still keeps acknowledging him into merch.
I think it doesn't determine anything right now, but it'll definitely give Atlus an idea of which characters are the ones people like the most.
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I did notice when you delete the cookies one can just vote again but I wonder if that would be detected. Characters like Zorba, Alonzo or Batlin should also get a push...
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I love this artist
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God I need wholesome doujins of those 2 already
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Manga will be available to read in en on mangaplus
Hoping for a shota Louis flashback
Shota Louis probably won't be until either when Grius narrates that Louis joined the army '15 years ago' or until the very end....Atlus please...
Current poll results
Surprised mc isn't first or even 2nd. I didn't know strohlsisters were so strong/enthusiastic.
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New official art
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Love Heismay
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