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also, Pokeboy bread
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5-6 images.
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Alright homo (I thought it was 3)
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I will sniff him
Best pokeboy
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Boy marriage <3
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Salivating over Kieran feet...
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Why is he so cute
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You take his hat off and immediately he goes from a 5/10 to a 100/10
He's always a 100/10
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This shouldn't have made me laugh so stinkin hard.
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The cutest
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Precious metal
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Never see Hau getting any love in these threads but he's one of the cutest pokeboys imo
I just found him annoying, simple-minded and condescending on the devs' behalf.
>annoying, simple-minded and condescending on the devs' behalf.
But enough about Lillie
I was talking more about his design, but also i played sun and moon years ago and i don't remember him being like that
fuck marry kill?
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Standard reaction
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Kieran sure is getting a lot of doujins, glad some of them are finally getting scanned.
Damn I'm missing out
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I luv them
Brown slut
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Kind of got an idea already, but what are your favorite protagXrival homo pairings?

Red & Blue
Gold/Ethan & Silver
Brendan & Wally
Lucas & Barry
Hilbert & Cheren
Hilbert & N*
Nate & Hugh
Calem & Trevor
Calem & Tierno
Elio & Hau
Elio & Gladion
Chase & Trace
Victor & Hop
Victor & Bede
Victor & Avery
Rei & Volo*
Florian & Arven
Florian & Kieran

*Not quite the normal rival dynamics since they are adult antagonists instead of peers, but they function over the course of the game like rivals more than regular villain leaders or admins.

For me, as much as I love Gold and Hilbert's designs, I don't necessary ship them. I really like Hop, so I do like Victor & Hop.
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I really like Florian & Kieran
Hilbert & N
It's Kiki and Florian for me
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>Gold & Silver
this one
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All of those pairings are great, but Elio & Hau I imagine to have my favorite kind of dynamic, just two good boys full of energy and enjoying Alolan life to the fullest
chromatic aberration makes my eyes bleed.
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Happy 25th to the best Pokeboy's debut. And Silver is here too.
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Sex with Florian
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Best boy on the right. Silver is ok too.
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Brendan & Wally have an underrated rival dynamic that gets lost in the "lol you ruined the sick kid's dreams" memes.
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I'm your favourite though, right anon?

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