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Previous >>3937874
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sorry about this friends. Steb-related fics because I am background character pilled and I think he is cute. I'm aware I have bad taste

/works/61428178/chapters/157021831: Steb assists the firelights as a medic

/works/61479163: Steb teaches Scar how to swim

/works/61344913: shameless Steb/Loris coom fic

/works/61312174/chapters/156709396: shameless Steb/Scar coom fic
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That scene of Viktor forcibly asking to be Jayce's partner and then manhandling him is the sort of scenario you usually see in some yaoi rape doujin. Especially since Viktor can possess other people's bodies. That's probably why you get this dynamic

Problem is, you only get that scene because of a slew of highly unlikely badly written plot contrivances and dumb misunderstandings like Jayce being dumb enough not to tell Viktor about what happened in the future and just shooting him immediately.

In the natural state of things, the story has already shown that Viktor just doesn't have that sort of personality.
Merry Christmas!
Literally just go on AO3 and twitter, it's largely top!Viktor. Modern fujos are so worthless compared to their predecessors.
Not to mention any bottom Viktor content is usually tranny shit or from season 1. Absolute dogshit pairing.
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For you Steb anon.
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Merry Christmas Arcane anons. Until tomorrow.
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