Really cute editionOld: >>3942300
Thanks for new bread.
More poet doggers.
Fierce warrior.
And a cool cat.
Remember to keep your kemoshotas clean.
Kemoshos with animal onesies, my only weakness...
Also hot bnuuy costumes.
This guy is from Threefold Recital, a new furry game. I haven't played it yet but I like they made one of the main characters a kemoshota.
He cute.
Rabbit thought he could escape the shotaning just because kemosho thread is over.(Screenshot of I couldn't find an image.)
>>3944783Not sure what to say,>silly doggy, that's how girls do itVS>he'll grow up to be a fine politician one day.
Holy fuck, can I have someone? Anyone.Fuck that grateless demented deer, what I'd give to be in his place.
>>3944746That's not a bunny suit, that's a ynnub suit.
>>3944743People who think sex feels good should try hugging a freshly blow-dried dog on a freshly bathed body.
>>3944748Needs a human protag.
>>3944810It's always kemosho thread somewhere.>>3944814>Moji will never <3 at you Why even live.
Gay kemoshos
Are there any good websites other than Twitter for following artists?I tried to get my Twitter feed to stop showing ragebait garbage and only show art but it’s impossible. It’s a shame because there are plenty of good artists on there who don’t post retarded political takes and just post their art.
>>3944835The most obvious recommendation would be Pixiv, I think. If you create a new account, I think you have to set your location to Japan in the settings, you can use it in English anyway, I think it hides shotas if you use other locations.Twitter is usable if you only use the "Following" tab and you only follow people who mostly tweet or retweet art, it's the "For you" tab that it's complete garbage. If there are artists you don't want to forget about but you don't want to follow them because you'll only check them occasionally, you can use lists.Bluesky has a very interesting thing, it has custom tabs like "Only Posts" or "Popular with Friends," maybe one of those custom tabs can help you seeing only art, although sadly there aren't many artists there, and the few artists there get banned every other day because technically shota is against the rules (and moderators are clinically retarded imbeciles that randomly ban artists who don't even post shotas).I guess technically you can count the Fediverse too, for example Marimo posts most of his stuff on Misskey and Baraag (you can follow accounts from both using Aethy for example). I was going to say that it doesn't have much politics but truth is, it doesn't have much of anything, barely anyone uses it.
Jesus Christ what the fuck are they doing with the captcha. I haven't even cleared my cookies in months and I'm getting the goddamn awful gray ones.
>>3944389Sorry, anon...I failed <:3
>>3944744I bet he smells like wet dog.
>>3944919Well, your other pic had the boy dressed like his sister, but here at least it's ambiguous enough to imagine that it's the loli who's dressed like her brother, I think you're slowly improving. I believe in you, maybe some day you won't need to look at g*rls anymore. Anyway I won't post more smug cats because I only cropped two.
>>3944835>Are there any good websites other than Twitter for following artists?Nope :^)>I tried to get my Twitter feed to stop showing ragebait garbage and only show art but it’s impossible.You want something that gathers posts from the artists' pages instead of using the website's feed like NewPipe does.The way to do that before twitter locked down was plugging the RSS feed of the artists' media pages at your preferred nitter instance into your preferred RSS reader.Now there is only one somewhat surviving instance, and it cannot afford hosting RSS feeds. However, if you have an account and a bit of computer knowledge, you could host an instance of your own to achieve the same experience (and let us leech off it while you're at it ;) ).RSS Bridge also has twitter bridges, but I don't know how well those work, and whether the public instances get insta-blocked like with nitter. is the instance I use(d) for gelbooru-based boorus and whatnot.Alternatively, instead of following artists by scrolling social media like a something-something-stupid-zoomer, you could look into scrapers like gallery-dl and PixivUtil2, set them up to regularly scrape your favourite artists' posts, and be the cool guy who has the full backup of the next ffjci's entire life story the next time another ffjci gets bullied off the face of the earth. can help you with what I know if you or anyone else is interested. It benefits us all in the end.
>>3944895I think they've added more filters to the account settings, like guro and such. You have to be really attentive with the settings when setting up your account and check how they affect your search results.By the way, the most convenient way to view Pixiv on desktop is through one of the PixivFE front-ends. aware, however, that each instance's default settings depend on how the hoster configured the default account, like anon said, R-18 shotas may be censored in the searches if the guy didn't set location to japan, or, depending on language settings, tag translations may or may not return the results for the original tags, like 'furry' may (not) be aliased to ケモノ and such. Account-wide AI filters may also not be disabled on some instances.TLDR, see what results your searches net on different instances and pick whichever one works best. seems like a solid choice from what I've seen.You can also bring your own account in the settings, but 100% use a throwaway for that and always assume the instance owner could snoop in or hijack whatever account you put in there.The best way to view Pixiv on mobile is through the PixEz client. has unlimited artist/tag/artwork black lists and will show you the first 30 pictures of popularity sorting mode without a premium account (Pixiv exposes this data to put a premium AD in the tag searches, LMAO).All opensource pixiv clients like this one get assfucked pretty hard by Pixiv authentication, and this one being 90% in chinese and 10% in google translate doesn't help. I don't remember how fucked the login process for this one in particular is, but tell me if you have difficulties.And, of course, the best way to scrape Pixiv (also the secret true best way to view it on desktop) is with PixivUtil2 scraping's a pretty long story so I'll only tell it on demand. hell is this? Some sort of fanfic formatted as a messenger chat?Jeez, chinks' phone-faggotry is impressive.
>>3944895Ah, forgot. Since microblogging platforms suck incredible amounts of penises at finding anything, and the only way to find kemosho artists on them is by actively browsing their interactions with each other, we should start some sort of rentry or something to pool all the twitter/bluesky/pawoo/baraag/fedibird artists we know.
Is this illegal?Guess we'll see.If any cute goatse demon-boys come upon this thread, I'd sell a soul for a kemoshota bf right about now.Just tell me which stone to fondle to set you free.
>>3944818Because when you're dead you won't be able to even imagine putting your hand between Walnut's <3 to rub his tail-spot.[spolier]I love how unintentionally (?) psychotic this yes_xing_mao guy's Walnut looks.[/spoiler]
With some editing this could probably be made into a reaction pic of pixus laughing at viewer.Well, whatever, laughing Bixie is a rare and valuable sight, even as a byproduct of footfag fetish porn.
>>3944960>>3944965+1 to archiving stuff, that's mostly how I use Twitter and Pixiv, although I'd argue that it's not for everyone, once you're following too many accounts it's a pain in the ass to keep them updated. Also there's a point where you find you keep archiving accounts you don't even check anymore because you just have too many.>>3944970Well, at least for Twitter you can have a small list of artists just by looking at the filenames in the last threads, there are a couple of us who add the account names to the pics we get from Twitter.>>3944974Good point.But Diting is kind of hot too.(Note to myself: look for kemoshotafied Diting)
>>3944972some that show nothing feel more explicit than those that show some things
Not a demon, but here's more goat boy.
>>3945037Kissable beans
I dislike the faglion (especially when tumblr fujoshi are shipping him with MY Rambley).But I like Rambley disliking him more.
Honestly, I wouldn't even dislike him at all if he was this stupid-sexy funny guy like this jap drew him.
Too bad, I'm not the target audience for this game. And the people who are would want him to be some sort of furry LGBT icon #9001 over being a memorable character 10 times out of 10.
I've heard the game's creator said he totally did not mean for the lion to be shipped with Rambley, or even particularly gay, and so it's weird for him to see people ship the two, even if he expected it to some degree.I kind of hope he makes lion an interesting non-flanderized character despite western furries wants.If the other characters are even meant to make an appearance as AIs and not just GMO circus animals.
Well, enough that fnaf clone drivel, let's post dogs as god intended!
>>3944987This is pornography for the heart.
>pettable snout, well shaped>good neck area>nice, flat torso, firm and lean enough to hold the hide in place during rough pets, but not excessively reliefThis is a great dog.
Nooo. I wanted to make a joke about chinese immigrants stealing jobs from japanese demonshos but got sidetracked by the dog.Now it's ruined.
Whatever. Might as well post actual Trump.
Though, I'm not particularly fond of Trump's chonky square bodies, and especially those monkey-style bald palms and feet.But his art feels so nostalgic. Did poju ever draw kemonos?
>>3945101Smolting is pretty cute, Ksitigarbha has some sense in kemoshos.Hagting is pretty mediocre, though.
>>3945146That's the best kind of pornography!Well, one of the two best kinds at least.
Fresh black cat for the anon who liked black cats.
>>3944895Alright I’ll check out Pixiv. You can follow artists and they’ll appear on your feed just like Twitter, I assume?
Welp, I guess we finally figured out what the dipshit from the last thread has been doing since he came to our thread to get offended by fluffy boys. It's a shame for him that he only got a few pics deleted, and even if one anon is gone for a while the rest of us can keep posting until he comes back.>>3945172Yep, that's right. Also reminder that you can use tags to look for new artists also >>3936101. On second thought I'm gonna repost it here because we haven't posted it in any of the latest threads.
Essential kemoshota links [work in progress!]Pixiv kemoshota:ケモショタ&order=date_d&category=artworks&mode=allPixiv osukemo:オスケモ&order=date_d&category=artworks&mode=allPixiv kemono -mesukemo -kemololi:ケモノ+-メスケモ+-ケモロリ&order=date_d&category=artworks&mode=allPixiv kemoshota artist lists: translator while you're at it:'s shit: Manhua Donghua cats: (thread's official game)Little Tail Bronx series (Tail Concerto, Solatorobo, and Fuga)
>>3945213What do you mean?I've only seen some seprglord get angry at /c/emono today. Or did I miss something?
>>3945233There was some retard in the previous thread saying that furry was banned and we had to go to /b/. He got quiet fairly quickly, but last night a few pics from the previous three threads got deleted, so I think that instead of shitting on the thread he just spent hours autistically going through the all our threads on the catalog to report pics in them. Aw boo hoo hoo.(For the record, the Fireden archive works right now, but in case there's a problem with it, I've been archiving the thread for a few months so if there's a pic that won't load or something feel free to ask for it.)
>>3945213Do keep in mind as well that you can quickly check out an artist's fanbox by copypasting his user-ID into a Kemono link like this: <- the ID (Dagasi's back, btw)If you're using the default javashit Pixiv UI, there is probably an userscript that adds an easy button for this.Speaking of userscripts, here are some useful ones:Translate Pixiv Tags is pretty good for finding artists' other links sites: adds a button to all the paysites to open the post/artist on kemono: is an earlier, shittier version made by some tranny under a nonfree Hippocratic licence, but I think it supports one or two sites the other one doesn't and vice versa, so I have both installed: know how to use userscripts, right? of kemono, there is a phone manga reader called TachiyomiSY, which supports kemono as one of the websites it can grab images from. It's pretty good for casually keeping up with artists' paysites:, by now most artfags only post previews on fanbox, and post the actual artworks in a mangled link to a passworded archive in the comments, which they rotate every day...
>>3945273Thanks for the links, Anon. Good stuff.
>>3945261>loli/shota pornography is not allowed>> this ban we can deduce that the reporter is a small towelbunny lashing out due to repressed homolust.
>>3945214>Klonoa (thread's official game)I didn't vote for you. If anything, Mamoru-kun's kemololisho procurement training is the internationally certified kemonerge.
>>3945491Mamoru-kun a cute. I don't remember if I ever saw that thingy, thanks for sharing it.Man, there's an insultingly low number of pics with Mamoru-kun and Klonoa. I don't even know who's the guy between Klonoa and Lucario in this one.Oh, speaking of games with furry boys, not kemono because it's American, but I thought Super Lucky's Tale was really nice. If you ever played Super Mario 64, it's extremely similar, just with a foxy instead of an Italian plumber. There's a "New" Super Lucky's Tale that is some kind of reboot-remake, it got a much more positive reception because it fixed some of the problems with the original (the camera is pretty broken in some levels), but I haven't played it yet, to be honest I found the original enjoyable despite its flaws.
>>3945491For the sake of not thinking that everything good is dead and gone, I'd like to mention that at least this is still online. again, they only kept that part of the old website, they removed Mamoru-kun from everywhere else. This feels like one of those soul-soulless things. case anyone wants to keep a copy because hoarding, I archived the part of the old site that still works, including the PDFs and all the images I found (some images from the old main page are probably missing though). I also added because it has a couple pics of Mamoru-kun too.
>>3945488yeah that fag got me banned for reporting images from old threads. the first just landed me a warning, but then i got hit by a second one immediately after that gave me a 3 day ban. both were just bulge as well.
>>3945729Welcome back anon.
>>3945527>child-dateUNABASHEDI'll hold onto it, thanks.
>>3945513Tags say カッテント from セイクリッドブレイズ.>last invidious instanceDamn.
>tries dating apps>matches a man without thinking twiceWhat did Panhu mean by this?
Pixus must have been really cute right before they hatched. Peacefully sleeping in each other's embrace within their small egg.Imagine being born cuddling.
Random pick from >>3945214This cat's a bit of a fatass, but his sweater and camera angle do him some favours.Now, how to get him to burn this gut without compromising the boobies...
This winter was pathetic.No good for a snowy late-evening city-date scene with your beloved dog-boy.
>caught masturbatingIt could have been "caught pooping" if you're gonna bust in like that!Jeez. Do humans have no tact at all?
If cat cafes were like this, I'd be homeless and penniless, like one of those hostess bar victims.
Well... I guess, I could manage if they'd offer overnight stay.
>>3945790On the bright side, petting the waiters only costs $4, so you'll be able to pet them a lot of times before you go bankrupt.>>3945795Okay, maybe not a lot of times if they offer more expensive services too.
Its grasp of anatomy improved a great deal, though, it still seems to struggle remembering which tail goes onto which side.
Elementary, of course.Though, college has this look in his eyes...
Belated snake year.
Funny loaf-dog.
Momoyodog is pretty cute.I wonder when the ancient times arc is coming back. It got so much better once it got past the dyke Hundun and into back to back handsome dogs.
Heh, silly pooch.
He was so adorable in his academy years.
Isn't February around the sex time for foxes?
F anonI hope you won't give up and you'll come back again, I like your cute kemosho dumps even if you get a bit carried away sometimes.
>>3945874>F anondid the previous poster get nuked or something? i'm not even sure how i'd be able to tell
>>3945874Nah, it's over 5ever :^)
>>3945913If you use overchan or 4chanxt or just check the archives manually, and some deleted post has a pee-pee, it's safe to assume the anon behind it got deleted too.
Who puts earholes in a raincoat?Won't the water pour in?And won't his ears get cold?
>CUTEBORTIs it like a typo for "CUTE ROBOT"?
Is this the fashion of the future?
You know, I was really horny for dragons since forever. Way before getting internet.
New poppy playtime's out.I wonder what furbaits they've got this time.
Need a catbro to laze around naked under the blanket watching it with me.
This guy is channeling some serious nagabe vibes.
Especially in his mangas.
>>3945917Oooh no...
Precious boy.
>>3942097Americans are always speaking of Russia as this scary anti-gay totalitarian country that sends you to gulag for being gay meanwhile the Russian streamer who made the biggest Fuga stream ever be like
>>3946061Blessed Russki bro appreciating fluffy boy butts in vidya.Also I didn't know that you could play Fuga with your characters wearing nothing but a swimsuit, downloading it now.
>>3946061I like how discontent he sounds (presumably) talking about Sheena.
The air is ripe with stench of fluffies (watch out for inhaling stray hairs).
Rolling up a pixushi,
This is why dogs are the best.
BRB, going out into siberian tundras to catch myself a pet dogboy.
This guy's tastes are like:Girls - trtr style chimeric bionicles and voretaurs.Guys - dogs, but men.
Also sheep with faces.
And cats.And mice.
And rabbits...
And birds......
And longs.You know, I used to hate asian dragons for them being stupid snake things with ugly moustaches.
Triple your dog = triple your... uuuuuhh...
Please give me a word that isn't streamerspeak.
The splits at the bases of their tails and necks would probably feel really good to put your hand into.
Alright, ENOUGH.I was going to just post a couple of his human/kemoshotas, not dump 80%s.
They grow up so fast...That's the worst and the best thing about kemoshotas.
Alright, enough is enough.I could be sitting here solving captchas whole day and not even go through the half of just the ones I like.
This is why cats are the worst.
>childhood friend still behaves like an excitable dog around you well into your twenties
Good question.I reckon in a human-centric society most would just use in-ears.
This rabbit looks like it fucks wolves.
>>3946375I don't think that's supposed to be a cat, cats don't have rounded ears, he's like a puma or something.Resorting to fake news to back baseless claims, as expected from a cat hater, sad.