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Feet edition.

Previous: >>3923919
Girly shota: >>3914429
Kemoshota: >>3913600
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tsk, dirty dirty sinner, dont look at me like that pervert!
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>EWW, you stupid pervert! Clean that up, idiot!
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How can such smol beings create so much love?
He knows
He knows
>ch', this is your eternal punishment, stop enjoying it *grumble grumble*
>stupid human!
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Look at all these lewd feet in need of tickle correction.
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So adorable! Would buy him all the plushies he wanted :3
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That's the most :3 shota I've seen.
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rare cute animated western shota
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Wow, that's got some pretty blatant upshorts and tummy shots. I didn't know disney ever had that in them. Although I suppose it helps to have an openly gay producer.
Who has cuter feet Gon or Killua?
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I mean have you seen the way they drew Christopher Robin in the past. They've never been shy for this stuff until recently
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Gon. I bet he has cute monkey feet.
huge ugly nose
Poor boy. I wish I could adopt him.
Still cute
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Better pic.
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tfw no qt sho to cuddle feet with
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Shotas should only wear shorts before turning 16!
What? Too much leg?
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>What are you looking at?
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What are these japanese suit man emojis?
Why are some of the cutest shota characters in the most boring, forgettable anime imaginable?
Short shorts
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I believe they're all drawn by one person and they're royalty free, so they're used a lot in Japan. Seems to be a new art trend going around where people redraw them.
Meh design. Wouldn't call him one of the cutest shotas.
F-for me?
Just take him with you, nobody will miss a stray animal and he will do anything for a roof over his head and a daily meal.
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Anyone know of a good place to look at statues of boys (like this)?

My favourite, tho I’ve only three.
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Why do shotas hate to wear pants?
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I'd still have to explain others how did an unknown child ended in my home.
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What even is he holding though?
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Had to downsize.
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Yams my man, or mayhaps sweet potato
If you don't mind the yapping about pedophilia, The Boy Wiki has a nice collection of statues and paintings of boys.
Cute as fuck
Would adopt this kitty sho <3
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Thoughts on Lan? He's genuinely one of my favorite designs ever. He just exudes pure shota boyish energy and i love him to death.
You dont need to zoom in THAT far
You made a pact with the devil and all you got was this damn goatboy
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Yes I do.
Zooming in is always a risk because once you notice a mistake in proportion or perspective you can never unsee it.
It's worth the risk.
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When your big bro takes the whole inheritance for himself
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Lan is a top tier cutie and peak turn-of-the-millennium shota design.
He should've been gay.
He's not a stray animal he's a battle-hardened forte boy.
Still time to fix that
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why don't you just go to your local art gallery? My city is fairly small but I've been to the art gallery stationed there and seen paintings and statues similar to this (although more teenager than prepubescent)
oh... nvm lmfao
Len <3
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I've never played his games so I don't know what his personality is like. But yes, just going off appearances he is very cute and boyish.
Len is really my favorite vocaloid. Oliver used to be my first (and he's still second as of now), but it's a damn shame how he'll seemingly never get a voicebank update since the original lender grew up and they aren't willing to look for a replacement. I feel like a more improved version of his sound would boost his popularity since he's kinda faded into the background of more popular non-Crypton Vocaloids/UTAU's like Gumi or Teto (Although he's probably still more popular than Fukase lol)
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It seems like he's like Kaito where he's hard to use well. Because there are songs where he sounds good, so it's clearly possible, but there's way more where he sounds like shit. Whereas Len almost always at least sounds decent. If anyone ever makes another Oliver-like voicebank with a new English schoolboy maybe there's something they can do to make him more user friendly.
At least he's not as cursed as Gachapoid. Most of the people that are aware of his existence dislike him.
>he'll seemingly never get a voicebank update since the original lender grew up and they aren't willing to look for a replacement.
he's getting a maghni ai voicebank
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Do you want to do it?
Sure, but he is a huge brat so I am gonna need some help I think.
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Maybe he’ll bring a friend
Well if I'll have two brats to correct then I am really going to need some help...
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>His vocals for Maghni AI were provided with a different voice provider whose identity has not been revealed, however, it was revealed that the provider is an adult male.
Understandable since working with kids is very unreliable, but at the same time lame and gay.
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>Uhhh anon why are you looking at me like that?
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Maybe his friend is the more responsible gentleman type
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Is there a more dangerous situation to be in than this?
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Here's another cute one.
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what if Sinchan looked like this
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Him being fully aware of it.
If the vast majority of them knew, they could control the world
Just dropping buy to ask a question, cause i dont know a better place to ask it:
Is there an equivalent of MSGK for shota?
Like in /ss/? I've heard of osugaki, but i dont think most sites have that tag.
>implying they dont

>I've heard of osugaki, but i dont think most sites have that tag.
nvm, I suck dicks
Dont know about any specific tags for that sorry
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Fukase would be way more fucking popular if there wasn't a retarded ass commercial restriction where you have to ask for permission if you ever use his work in a way that could generate you money. What's the point of buying him then? You have to ask the company if you ever wanna release a song featuring him on all major streaming platforms (aside from YouTube or SoundCloud but you can't be monetized lmfao), and you also can't even release doujin content of him either since those count as commercial use so no shota-fes doujins of him having buttsex with Len or Oliver either :/

It's a damn shame because I think he's the best bilingual vocaloid ever released, beating out Len and even Luka who was designed to be bilingual. If he didn't have that restriction he'd probably be one of the more popular non-crypton vocaloids on the same level as maybe even Flower or GUMI because he sounds amazing.
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It's really sus to be bothered that something isn't voiced by an actual real life child
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osugaki is really the only male equivalent for mesugaki other than kusogaki which is gender neutral and not sexual.
Most sites didn't have mesugaki at first as a tag either btw, you just have to keep using it until it gets popular enough for those sites to warrant adding it
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I mean, it's actually what initially got Oliver a lot of attention when he released (Other than him being included in Bee and Puppycat). People were like "the child vocaloid is actually voiced a child?? That's so cool!!" So I get being a little disappointed that his revival couldn't keep his initial point of interest.
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Wikimedia is your friend. You'll be able to find shota art and statue collections sorted by museum, by date, by artist, etc. Really comes in handy when you just wanna look at cute boy art without being weird about it.
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No it isn't. Kids have different voices from adults even compared to voice actresses that are good at sounding like children. And pubescent boys have a particularly unique voice that has pretty much always been in demand for music. So only having one outdated vocal synth for that voice is a huge missed opportunity. Once upon a time people castrated boys to try and lock in that sound. Now we have the technology to preserve that voice forever while leaving the boy unharmed but we're forced to give up after a single attempt because of moralfags.
And using an adult man for the "updated" version of that one vocal synth is especially perplexing. Men's voices are even further from young boys' than the usual choice of women.
Tbh, the voice bank is unrevealed but it genuinely doesn't sound that different from his original child version?
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It sounds like someone trying imitate his original voice, but it doesn't actually sound like the original. It's way heavier. Which is to be expected when you're just fudging a man's voice.
What's your fave boy chior video on YouTube? I just listened to a few Oliver songs and I'd love to hear something similar.
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>but we're forced to give up after a single attempt because of moralfags
The original voicebank didn't get an update because the boy that borrowed his voice grew up. Exactly how did moralfags ruin things this time?
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nta but just find another kid
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shota world order
Do they?
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They said themselves that they went with an adult because they weren't comfortable using a child's voice for "ethical" reasons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zo8U-b7q3kI&t=828s
Basically, they're the kind of people that freak about about shit like shota shota island even though the most risque stuff I've seen Oliver used for were things like I'm a barbie girl and hello kitty.
Every man's fantasy.
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Actually it looks like the company realized nobody was buying or using Fukase because of the commercial restriction so they appended it to say while it's still there (probably to protect the real and active artist who Fukase is based off of), they'll reserve the right whether or not to engage that section of the contract (AKA they won't because the emails of asking for permission are annoying)

I mean, it makes sense? Children in the entertainment industry are put under restriction under restriction to ensure they have limited working hours, ethical working conditions, are not engaged in dangerous work, and most importantly, aren't sexualized. The fact that one of Oliver's most famous songs is literally "I wanna have gay sex with you" is pretty weird to have when the voice model is a confirmed child. And working with kids in general takes so much more effort than it should when compared to just working with adults.
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If they didn't want people to lust after Oliver then they shouldn't have designed him as a cute shota.
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Anybody else notice that cubs are held to a different standard from lolicon and shotacon? Like e621 allows cubs but not human loli/shota, /trash/ allows cubs but not loli/shota, and there was that drama about discord a while back where they'd ban loli/shota but not cubs. I'm not complaining about it, because the alternative is that both are banned, but I find it odd that people would see them differently enough that they would allow one but not the other.
/ ! \ Loli < Shota < Cub
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The more I read about Vocaloid and its characters, the more confused I get, so please help me to understand who owns what.
>Vocaloid, the engine, is owned by Yamaha
>Vocaloids, however, are created and owned by a bunch of other companies
>Oliver was created by PowerFX with help from VocaTone
>but somehow VocaTone are the ones "remaking" Oliver
>however, according to the video posted by >>3925478, the original voice is owned by Yamaha
>and the new Oliver isn't going to be a voice for Vocaloid, but rather for a new program named MaghniAI owned by yet another company (Misbah Studios)
So who owns Oliver in the end? Is the character free to be used by anyone with the voice being the only "proprietary" part of him? Is this clusterfuck of right ownership and licenses common with other Vocaloids too?
Is there a term for like a gyaru shota?
Tan, blond hair, delinquent-ish, etc?
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Need sho feet in my mouth
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>it wasn't moralfags
>OK it was, but that's actually a good thing
And no, it doesn't make sense. People still regularly use child actors and normal people think nothing of it even though that exposes them way more than a voicebank. And getting decent takes out of a child actor would be way harder than getting a choir boy to read/sing the lines for a voicebank. Also, you associating Oliver with a song that was only created to be outrage bait instead of the songs he's actually famous for only really reflects on you, and not well.
You seem to pretty much have the gist of it and are confused because what they're saying about Oliver is kind of weird. Usually yamaha isn't the one that owns the voicebanks and powerfx is still the one that sells Oliver's. But they did get out of the vocal synth business, which is probably why vocatone does own the Oliver character now. So maybe yamaha really did get ownership of the original voicebank somehow and powerfx are just continuing to distribute it? Anyway, for use of the characters, they are owned by their respective companies but most of them are pretty permissive about fanart and stuff so long as you're not trying to sell merchandise.
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I'm having a really hard time in life, I'm afraid of the dark, but I'm also 6'10 and 190 lbs, I'm kind of a beanpole, but I would really appreciate one RP post of someone being my older brother and letting me sleep in his bed and petting my hair and telling me I can't always be afraid of the dark. Even if it's just a short RP post, it would mean a lot to me.
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You slip under the covers, and I pull you close, my hand gently combing through your hair. "You know," I whisper, "you can't always be afraid of the dark. It's not as scary as it seems." I tuck the blanket around you tighter. "I'm here, alright? You’re safe. Nothing’s gonna get you while I’m around." I kiss your forehead, letting you drift off in peace.
sleep well anon~
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>afraid of the dark
fake and gay - you didn't even try.
Another Anon here. I'm actually afraid of the dark and I'm 5'10.
Where exactly in the boywiki.

(Thanks and sorry.)
Naughty brat...
He's teasing you with his perfect thighs.
Sauce plz?
basically, Oliver will not use the vocaloid engine but a seperate engine designed by the company who currently owns him due to licensing fees to export vocal *banks* over to the vocaloid engine is expensive (it's why even though kasane teto is extremely popular, she doesn't have an official vocaloid release since the cost of making her sound high quality and similar to her UTAU version was considered not worth it)

Anyone who buys the voice bank of Oliver owns the license to use him for their songs, but to use him you have to have software compatible with him, and the compatible software is the program that Maghni AI is creating. This is the same for all vocaloids unless you buy a Vocaloid 4 which includes the vocaloid program along with a crypton created vocalbank (miku, luka, len, etc.). There are some special cases with licenses, like Fukase, but those are rarer.

To use Oliver in Vocaloid6 (or any yamaha vocaloid software that isn't his Vocaloid 3 voicebank) you will have to export the work you already created as a file in VocaTone's program so you can edit the work in the Vocaloid program
>he relaxed
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Gay Child porn (real)
NTA who said it wasn't moralfags, but honestly, considering they had to crowdfund this project and quit using the Vocaloid system because licensing fees were too high, could they even afford to hire a child in the first place lol? Child actors are far more expensive than adults.
Can you faggots stop trying to get this thread deleted with your pedo shit, its really comfy.
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Ok, but in exchange I want more pics of shotas in traditional clothes.
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Are butts allowed? I've got a feet pic that's less erotic than this one but there's a bare bottom in it.
see >>3924966
/cm/ has a generous interpretation of sfw
you’re the only one whose fooling themselves into thinking something else is going on here. Where do you think you are?
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Alright, I'm gonna go for it. Wish me luck.
So cute... Also yeah pretty sure this is allowed here.
omg really thats it, thats what you asked permission for
>Gay Child porn (real)
What? Are you just trolling?

I couldn't see immediately a category which would have statues, nor did appear when I searched it.
Should shos have big butts? I feel this is too big for a boy. I've said this before, but sho butts should be cute and bony, it's just that's harder to draw well, whereas thiccness isn't so hard.
>Are butts allowed?
The unwritten rule is that anything is allowed as long as it doesn't show things impossible to excuse like genitals, buttholes, cum and gross stuff (poop, gore, puke, sometimes pee).
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I agree but i also don't feel like that sho's butt is too big
Are you some kind of expert on sho butt?
Yes, having an ass is an objective beauty standard for both women and men. Men without an ass are considered less attractive than those who have one. Not having ass cheeks looks weird and means you should gain some weight.
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This pic goes hard
Thanks anon, that helped.

probably closer to 6'8.5 without shoes on, but yeah, they say you get two growth spurts, but my first one came late and I think it sort of bled in to my second one. Just over the course of summer between 7th and 8th grade I went from being the shortest in school to being the tallest.
Cute butt
Depends on the shota. Cute and bony butts look adorable on skinny boys and younger boys. Butt shape can differ however due to weight distribution and due to the shape of the pelvis and glute/thigh muscles. So plump and round butts really just depend on how the boy is drawn.
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This picture reminds me of something similar that happened in history class where I had a friend named Seth that kept falling asleep and I had to poke him in the back to wake up.
i need an aryan supersoldier sho to bear my children
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Thanks! Do you have any good names/categories to start with? Ones you like?
W-what did you poke him with?!
Nothing lewd just a finger or pencil, he was a friend not a crush, I don't even remember his last name. I was just looking out for him so he wouldn't get in trouble for sleeping in class.
This is nice. While I very much think shos like each other a lot, it’s important to remember that shos can just be friends lol
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I'm trolling because if boywiki actually hosted cp it (obviously) wouldn't be alive, at least not through a publicly available link lmao. But it *is* very pedophilic. The kinda shit ourguy Karl would probably moderate lol. They *do* have an image gallery, but last I check it's fairly sanitized. Even if you aren't uhh... one of those, it genuinely has some interesting articles you can read for fun, although obviously the entire site has a pro-c bias since boywiki was founded by people who thought nothing wrong with Adult x Minor relationships, so be careful if you don't like that
That kind of /cm/ is long-gone for shota threads bwo. Threads always turn into this one way or another lol
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Shut the fuck up retard, these threads were fairly comfy not too long ago until you spergs started bringing this shit up every time.
How are they not comfy now?
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My ex fucking outed that I like shota art to all my friends. She only knew cause I became schizoaffective, thought she could read my mind, and told her before she read it from my mind. I then stayed away from shota art for a whole year. More people than I thought stuck around despite what i like. I lost some friends, but it could have been worse.
Do yall have any discord server? I remember the thread on /b/ had one years ago but thats probably long gone.
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Explain exactly how they aren't comfy rn.
Moar Selim
The only decently sized and active lolisho server I was in that didn't devolve into boring porn-posting eventually got hit with so much drama it imploded in on itself and got deleted. I feel like most discord servers are doomed to be inactive, be full of boring porn art, or turn into dramacords. Don't know exactly why you'd want that lol
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very cute sleepy boy
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I just wish I could talk to like minded individuals on a app I use every day
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Hate to be that guy but did we get an influx of newfags?
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I mean you could join some kind of proship server (there are actually lot of them) but they're almost all filled with the most annoying variety of edgy teenager/mentally ill adult you could ever set your eyes upon. So I'm not sure if that would be up your alley lol.
Honestly i think everyone should just stop using that shit. Fuck discord.
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That wouldn't really be my thing i don't think. I'm just looking for a similar vibe to this thread
You don't need discord anon you already have us :)
That’s because nobody wants them combined, it’s one or the other
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atp it'd just be easier to create your own and invite your close friends who are okay with it. Smaller servers are better than large and fast servers with too many people you don't even know the name of anyways lol
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That's true :)
I could try that
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I'm a simple man that grew up in the boonies on a farm, I can't pretend to understand what you're thinking, but I'm glad that you understand not everything is sexual.
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I love sho feet so much ToT
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Yummy feets
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What? What exactly do you mean by this?
>cringe roleplay
>begging for discord links
>/r9k/-tier blogposting
Where did you digital tumors come from? Go away and never come back.
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Welcome to nu-4chinpo bro!! :)))
#いらすとやチャレンジ is the tag for these illustrations, in case you want to see more of them.
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I miss buddyfight, unironically one of my favorite anime of all time and a genuine 8/10 show (for the first 2 seasons) and it's not just because of the cute boys
It happens to all generals eventually
That sometimes friends are just friends. Don't get me wrong, I had 3 crushes growing up, but none of them were that boy. And I did get to roll around in the hay twice if you know what that means.
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It is true that just a few threads ago the discussion was (mostly) purely about 2D.
This picture is so cute because he's surprised he's outgrowing his threads.
>a growth spurt/clothes shrunk in the wash sticker
lmao, these are so specific. When would you ever realistically use this?
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Good thread, footchads
Need new bread sho bros
These are so fucking cute! Love them

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