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Lovely shotas edition.

Previous: >>3923464
Girly shota: >>3914429
Kemoshota: >>3913600
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Also no fighting allowed itt!
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I second this
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100% supported soccer sho, I loved soccer as a kid and I would be behind backing my sonfu if he wanted to play soccer.
wtf is a "sonfu"
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Basically a shota you want to have as your son (or husband).
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Sporty shota!
He can run, but he cant hide
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I love this animation, I have a dog that knows I like hugs and cuddles and he always jumps up on the bed to make it easier for me to do what's in that animation to him, then he rubs his face off like my smell bothers him.
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Anyone else shotamaxx for shits and giggles? Even though I'm pretty tall (181 cm), I often get mistaken as a younger teenager due to me having a babyface and having a pretty slender figure. It used to piss me off a bit, but one day out of boredom it struck me that if people keep seeing me as a kid, it'd be funny to fully lean into to trick them. So I bought like a bunch of "youthful" clothing and switched my messenger bag and jewellery for "kidcore" pieces instead. I basically went on to do the male version of the "jojifuku" aesthetic lol.

The best reaction happens when I go to a liquor store to occasionally get drunk for the weekend and having the employees immediately want to kick me out until I pull up my ID showing that I'm a fully-fledged adult lmao
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I couldn't even if I wanted to.
I have the opposite problem, I'm 5'3 and tiny in build, even though I'm 33 years old I get mistaken for a 12 year old a love, it's super annoying because strangers disrespect me based only on appearance. I really dislike it. Even when I'm getting my hair cut she says it's thick and not like a guy's hair. I am 100% not trans but it actually makes me angry that I apparently have the build and hormones for it. I like my dick and sure I'm a bottom, but I'm gay and male and it makes me angry when people say otherwise.
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This is what you get for not brushing your teeth more thoroughly!
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abusefaggotry again? some of you niggas need to be castrated deadass
Yeah BDSM is one thing, but this is a bit too far. Shotas like men, but this would traumatize them and make them hate all men forever.
Shos deserve nothing but love and kindness!
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Keep your shos nice and warm this winter <3
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Like it matters for those last few hours of his life
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genuinely why would anyone do this to a kid if not for being deranged? it's different from typical torture revenge you'd read in fiction where the victim killed the assailants whole family or some shit, the worst the boy could probably due is be a school bully, which is not worth being brutalized and having your teeth be pulled out with no anaesthetic.

Horrible thing to be into man
He deserves it for being a brat making fun of my doujinshi stash
Shota aki a cute
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you know you could just have sex with him instead of pulling his teeth out. Kinkily choking him out during a rough pounding should release the same amount of dopamine you'd get from punching him in the stomach perhaps.
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The season of tanned shos is over :(
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your doujin stash is probably ASS bro. My shota senses are tingling and I think you just collect doujinshi of shitty artists. You probably don't own a single shounen zoom baka.
Had two shota related dreams back to back. First one i was in a big store that only sold shota related merch and i wasted all my money on a shota figurine gashapon machine the second one i was friends with a cute sho who wanted me to buy him a burger.
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What did we all learn about taking bait?
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I'm almost convinced it's a samefag but let's not give them any attention anymore and just post shos
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Would you adopt
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-out of 10!
anyone who doesn't own a shounen zoom in their shota porn collection doesn't deserve to be a collector. Shrimple
You want to get acquainted with my pliers too?
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post the money spread anon. Let us rate your shit.
Florian is such a qt!
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Jannie will have a meltie if I do
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just catbox it lol I'm genuinely intrigued atp
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Need sho to snuggle with
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yeah my own isn't as bad as yours because the lowest anyone has guessed my age to be was 14-15, so I don't look prepubescent, so that probably is more of a pain for you. Not to mention if you look that young, a lot of... weirdos start approaching you solely because you look like a kid (I had one dude who was kind of hitting on me almost sounded disappointed when he realized I was actually in uni and not some highschool freshman)
You guys need to stop being faggots and start doing gay porn
Its what you were designed for.
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I am not selling my body for peanuts to cater to pedophiles. Austin Wolfe pandered to that audience and now his ass is rotting in jail because he was one of them himself. Not me, no sirree, could never be me.

Every weirdo who likes that shit should stick to shotas instead
Has anyone made a shotacore literature list like the one about shota vidya?
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just read any european gay love story written in the 70s and below lol
Not even for your fellow anons, chk, so selfish
If I actually got paid well I say "fuck it" to my morals and do it anyways, pedobaiting be damned lol. But I'm no Belle Delphine or Japanese bait account (wowee there's a lot of them with hefty follower counts too). I'm just an above average guy who looks young, and porn actors don't get paid
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Strong shos!
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bro never committed to the bit how disappointing lol
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This makes me feel so warm inside! That sho looks like he's enjoying receiving all that affection <3
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In a heartbeat.
Cute puppy!
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It's 2024, you can just whore yourself out on OF, you don't need to become a porn actor
Everyone is one of them/us.
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so what I'm hearing is that if every anon here chips in 5 dollars we can have our own /cm/ born pseudo-sho :3
Why are you guys so obsessed with the idea of being an abused child?
I love Killua
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He's the reason I became consciously aware of how much I like shotas. And even though I now seek out anime, manga, and vidya with cute boys, Killua still remains the best of all boys.
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Put a smile on a sad shos face
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nice larp
everyone who says this is always ugly and adult looking
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Wish Zatch Bell was more popular.
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Love these
Bobble hatted boys are based beyond belief!!!

I want to protect a sho from the cold dark world…
Transfixing with a look my unscathed heart,
Myiscus cried, “I’ve caught the brash upstart!
Behold how underfoot I trample now
The pride of regal wisdom on his brow!”
I gasped, “Dear boy, why should you feel surprise?
Love dragged great Zeus himself down from the skies.”
(Available at Greek love dot c o m.)

(I recommend the short stories of Alan Edward. There’s a very good one called ‘I love my little brother’. The first sentence is ‘I hate my little brother’. You can guess how they make friends again!)
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I fuckin love me some Zatch Bell. Re-read the manga for the first time in years and it still holds up real well.
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there's no need for me to stick to an idea when I have first-hand experience lol
I mean, I'm not white, so the extra collagen probably helps a lot lol
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I'm tired of saying "me and who" why did god birth me into a world where I can't have a sho bf take me back and reincarnate me into a universe where pure love is truly seen as pure love

I can't shobros
got any more of these? they're pretty cute and the artstyle is humorous and funny in a simplistic way
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I always will hold out hope for an anime remake. Zeon is just too cute
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fake ahh site bro you tricked a poor anon :(
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I'd love nothing more than a high quality remake, but I also fear getting monkey pawed somehow.
The site is real, but it promotes nonsense about “being straight”.
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for me the site just shows a lander and doesn't work
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caring for a sho who got hurt!
It is because he forgot a piece of it it’s Greek - love.
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I don't really think we can get much worse than the 2003 anime. I'd like animation similar to the second movie, if you've seen it.
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I have not but looking at it now, god damn that looks so nice and I need to watch it sometime. I'd love a whole adaptation like that.
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“Greek love was not pedophillic or gay” uh huh ok
everybody believes you buddy
I am not visiting that site. What is it actually about?
It’s just short stories or something that’s it
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it's just some fuckass site documenting "pederasty through the ages" (think NewGon but way more fucking gay) with an emphasis on literature, artwork, and ancient societies that the site believes promotes love between a man and a boy.

It's also extremely unaesthetic and ugly as a site
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Well yeah. Being gay is the point
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seems to be some kind of "return to tradition" type propaganda website to try and show people that boylove isn't that bad. In which case bro should just give up lmao we are never going back to that era for better or for worse
It’s not and it never left
If they mean that the way people today think of those words (which are also modern terms themselves) doesn't represent the way those relationships were thought of at the time then I'd say it's reasonable
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you will get extradited and thrown in jail if you even think of going for a little "shota tourism" in a country where it's dubiously legal if your primary residence is a place where that is illegal (99% of the world) so uhh, good luck lol?
"It's not gay or pedo if you do it before the modern definitions of gay and pedo are established." –Some old guy
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Shos enjoying yummy foods <3
Claiming the sho in the middle
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And then ice cream.
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More like some “straight” guy
It's a site about man - boy love. It's owned and written by the guy who wrote the novel 'Alexander's choice', the boy love romance set in Eton during the 70's (he went to Eton). He as some eclectic views. Int he novel he talks about how he looks down on homosexuals, and considers paederasty as distinct. It's a particular view, seemingly focused on the idea that the boy lover needn't be estranged from normal (marital) life, but can both pursue his loves and be a normal person, vs some homosexual who spends every moment stuffing himself with sex.

It has a scroll down bar. Basically it's all apologetistic in tone, half fiction half not. The not bit includes the few researches into paederasty done in the 20th century, and is very interesting (the penis-length chart in a thread before was got from there). The fiction is a miscellany from all history, with most 20th century works as well.

It's not at all 'dodgy' and I highly recommend you check it out - especially the stories I mentioned. In the drop down bar they're under 'anthologies', in PAN or Acolyte. Each was a collection with 10 volumes or so which would publish 10ish short stories by various authors. Of these Edward was the best (you can find his stories by just using the searchbar with his name). It's a marvelous resource and I highly recommend it. Marlowe, site author, seems to focus - perhaps for political feasibility reasons - on teenagers, but by what he's written and what he hosts, it's clear he has a empathy, maybe even sympathy, with those who go younger.

I highly recommend it. + it looks fine. Not the most beautiful site, but it does the job.
I need to blog just a bit. I haven't slept in 4 days, I'm temporarily insane from sleep deprivation. My head feels like a globe that is full of coins that's constantly getting rattled and it makes me feel sick. Sorry for blogging, but it makes me feel safe.
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toddlercon is the superior format
Solid description. This site in particular is overall fine and a great resource for those with the patrician taste to enjoy what it has to offer. Much more elite and palatable than the dubious boy - links website in any case
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Any other good sites you know of?

There’s a collation of boy related links on the site, but I wonder if there’s more?
Shos love you, anon! Get some sleep: why can’t you? Don’t do drugs or whatever.
Hope you get some sleep and have sweet dreams about shotas
I wouldn’t be surprised if men/shos always did
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I have a hyperactive mind, I can't sleep because I can't stop thinking. It's a detriment, my biggest hobby is studying and the more I learn the more I know that I don't know. My job is never finished because there's always more to learn.
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What makes you feel that way?
tots R best owo
are you sure you don't jack off to huggies commercials anon?
Not sure if you’re trolling, but just go to sleep. You can’t study yourself into a coma.
I'm not trol;ling. I am temporarily insane from sleep deprivation. I want you to know that I love you in a platonic way. I appreciate you being kind.
platonic means gay if u didnt know
I'm gay as fuck, but just because I feel love doesn't mean it's romantic. You are nice to me in my moment of weakness. tkr8
I appreciate you.
Study how to draw shotas.
Nah. That’s the only one that’s specifically 2D only
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>implying you jerk it to non-toddlers because it's more "morally acceptable"

gotta love this board sometimes half of you guys are trolls but at least you guys are pretty funny
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You mean you gotta love this board because you get the truth here. If you want to live in your fake reality world, then nobody’s stopping you, but it’s just that.
That sho awakened his sexuality in that moment
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I mean, it's pretty obvious that a LOT more people than your average normie would think would get down and dirty with a sho (or loli) if it wasn't life-ruiningly illegal lol.
Yes. It couldn’t be more obvious that the only reason men are with women is because being with shos got outlawed. Whats wild to me is that it even seeps in to some tv shows, there are some scenes where you’re like, they probably should’ve been more subtle there
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In a discord server with my friends and I constantly make jokes to label myself as the "cool pedo (shotacon) we let stick around because he chill" but sometimes it feels like my influence runs deeper because I had a supposedly straight friend post nemui art unprovoked and say he wanted to bury his face in his belly lmao (picrel)
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I think Nemui tummies would have that affect on most people.
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they don't want you bro
Soft shota cheeks...
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Are stuffed animals a good gift for a shota?
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What about plushies shaped like other things?
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When I was a sho I had a stuffed monkey that I carried around everywhere and slept with.
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stuffed toys are a good gift for literally anyone who hasn't had their brain be rotted by Andrew Tate filth. Work at an automotive dealership and my service manager has like three on his desk lol
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What are you studying?
Everything. I'm trying to learn French, I also looked up the design of Venice, it's a marvel, the people that designed that city were geniuses.
t. John Ruskin
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Based cultured chad. Godspeed anon now try to get some shuteye, I love you
Shore, bud
I tried to sleep, but what you said stuck with me. Venice way back when it was first built was really amazing. I won't get in to the details, but they created their own fresh water source by filtering water with over 600 wells. It really was amazing.
>gash can't reach the aquarium so he carries him up
>*why do I have to..*
>*it really is gorgeous*
>Kiyomaro! let's look at this one now!
>hurry! hurry!!
>I'm not your toy!!

>mom, hold your hand like this
>what is it all of a sudden? hold it like this?
>I'm doing the dog thing
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If only upshorts were as popular as upskirts.
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I love these cuties so much, perfect blend of cute, badass and sexy.
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in minecraft owo
i still call him thebrushking
Len and Killua a cute A CUTE
Im glad you guys are at least comfortable enough to talk like that together.
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We're all a bunch of anime nerds with varying mental illnesses and physical fitness level lol.

They probably *do* think I'm a pedo or whatever but another guy in the friend group is literally the exact same as me except for lolicon and we've both desensitized them to the point that so long as we occasionally throw reproach at "the bad pedos" they don't really care about what we say or how we might truly feel about the lolishos we jokingly(?) uohh over. Me and him both share similar opinions on AoC/age gap shit too lmao
I think everyone is, so
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nigga what fucking minecraft game has options for you to jerk off to pampers and huggies commericals you playing the Daisy's Destruction mod?
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Based. Shotabros and lolifriends need to stick together.
Eh, no i don't really like them but whatever you do you.
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No love for Gon?
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I find male lolicons to be pretty fucking annoying tho. One second they're making "best loli age ranges" and calling anyone who wants to fuck an anime character older than 13 an ironic lolicon pansy, and the next second they're fighting for their lives to prove (to an audience that doesn't care and will always view them as pedophiles) that being attracted to little girls (2d) isn't actually pedophilia because this, that and that.

Female lolicons are either the equivalent of female Ciel Sebastian stans (insane and perpetually horny for cunny) or like female Chilchuk fans (coping harder than the whole of lolitwt that they aren't weird for liking what they like)

At least male shotabros are (mostly) honest about ourselves lol
Nah. In this example, the loli guy is just a jerk, they should never mix anyway.
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Gon is so hot, something about him just makes me feral.
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Shotacons are able to mostly fly under the radar in part due to moralfags being more focused on lolicons. And any crackdown on them invariably affects us too. So I think it's important to stand by them.
Nah. Male loli are self proclaimed rapists and we shouldn’t stand by them in anyway whatsoever.
Gon is a psychopath that killed himself and and Killua to die with him, he committed lovers suicide.
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bro online lolicons are almost more fucking insufferable than your standard anti. They purposefully instigate arguments with others, because their whole life revolves around yelling at people through a screen. They tell people to "grow up" and "it's fiction" to anything and everything as their standard response, but get mad when a person who isn't into that sets basic boundaries and says "please do not do x around me or do x to my work which I've created". They name themselves "cunny child rapist" and make dubious jokes that could very easily be mistaken for what one thinks about real children, then get mad when one assumes them to actually like real children. Not to mention they're wildly homophobic and are so unprovoked

like I strongly encourage these people to just like fucking GO OUTSIDE and TALK TO PEOPLE because they are ridiculously online. They really don't understand that it's only on the internet that people care about lolicon or shotacon because in real life people go "Hey how's it going" and don't even know what lolisho is

So I will not befriend most lolicons because they're fucking annoying
Female lolicons are exactly like male shotacons
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Absolutely. As a lad I had a Pikachu plush that I loved with all my heart. Took him everywhere with me.
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You said the same stuff about us.
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I wouls never hate on my shotabros this is slander. Shotacons have the benefit of being invisible to the general public because we keep our mouths shut and let lolicons do all the fighting cause they're (unfortunately) retards lol. Half the antis who bash lolicons don't even know what shota is lol.

(not to mention that the sexualization of younger boys, especially if done by a woman, is never taken seriously by the media unless literal rape occurs and is sometimes even congratulated lol even if it *is* rape)
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Thank you
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>tfwynh a sho bf who teasingly calls you a filthy pedo while giving you a footjob with his succulent feet as he lovingly berates you for even finding it enjoyable

why even live when no osugaki bf?
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everyone secretly likes kids the way we do? lol I wish, then I'd actually have a sho bf
Yeah. It’s true, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to change reality. It’s still dangerous to talk about it and pursue it. The chances of getting a bf are still very low. So, it’s a nice thought, but it’s probably for the best that that’s still not easy since there are some very dangerous people.
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Going back through ancient pixiv is neat. Everything was super moe back then. There were more traps and less /ss/. OoT Link has always been popular. You can tell the moment Len was revealed. A surprising amount of artists that were posting back then are still active now and it's surreal to recognize a person's style from things they did 14 years ago.
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Are they forcing them to kiss?
I love catboys, they're so cute.
how do you even sort by age? isn't that locked to pixiv pro?
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Sort by popularity is, but sort by oldest isn't.
Some of you are getting... brave
And then his parents walk in
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>He gets mad at you for cooming on his feets
This is how the previous thread got closed.
Faggots can't stop talking about... that
So cute
Such a weird way to describe it.

I think the last thread got trashed because there were arguments more than whatever it is you’re saying.
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>grow up afraid of the concept of shotacon
>later in life the concept becomes more nice and comforting to me
>some of my favorite stories are written by shotacons
>generally feeling more comfortable with myself after realising that i am one
>(some of the) people here seem to be very tender hearted and sweet, something i find to be very rare online

theres not much of a moral or end point to be said here, but its certainly an interesting point of interest on the endless ocean of my existance
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>nazi shota falls in love with Jewish shota and they have to emigrate to the USA and leave the war behind
what are the chances my book becomes a best seller?
There is no contradiction, like most words that one controversial word has multiple uses with different meanings, but normal people tend to conflate them. I do agree that the Twitter /v/ Shadman-wannabe loli meme spammers are annoying and stupid though.
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Lot's of weird talking and not enough bois
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Normalfags don't care about boys. I'm still seething about yorha boys being less popular than basically all other nier media.
>(some of the) people here seem to be very tender hearted and sweet
This is very true and I wish I was more like that myself. I'm glad my mean joke was called out the other day.
New bread?
Well that's a given. 2B was the biggest selling factor of Automata above all else. I'm sure plenty of people quit after her playthrough, and plenty of people even otherwise would argue against the fact that 9S is the actual main character of the story as a whole. And if any Nier collab/crossover media happens, it's 100% gonna be 2B, with a maybe 50-75% chance of including 9S despite being at the very least a co-protagonist with just as much importance (obviously more) than 2B.
from a marketing point of being, selling 2B was always there. Yoko whatever posted about her horny fanarts so this is to be expected, don't act surprised
chill tf out normie. it's not that deep
Oh yeah I'm not surprised. Just agreeing with how Yorha Boys just gets ignored because it's expressly not about 2B or any sort of waifu pandering.
I also wrote that with intention of posting a 9S pic, but alas, image limit.
Maybe the talking is a bit odd, but as long as it’s about boys, I don’t see the issue. Besides, we only get 150 images per thread.
For those who didn't see it in the catalog: >>3924780

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