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No autistic retards edition :)
Previous: >>3922801
Girly shota: >>3914429
Kemoshota: >>3913600
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did the previous thread just get deleted? holy shit lmao
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cute boys
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My nephew is a brat who made fun of my doujinshi stash, any tips for correcting him?
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don't show your faggot doujin collection to your I'm assuming underaged nephew like it's some playboy mag next time then? Dumbass
What happened
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kick his ass [spoiler]in super smash bros[/spoiler]
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I am actually attracted to young teen boys, not to prepubescent kids. The latter are just cute. The former are cute but I also associate them with sexual awakening.
I find it refreshing to see someone in these threads mentioning sex, at least I know I am not the only one with this sort of feeling towards younger boys.
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Yeah the retard that kept making long ass posts probably got the thread nuked
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Just ignore the obvious bait post
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Shota god was displeased at the lack of cute boys.
Adorable brats
>I am actually attracted to young teen boys

At least the other anon was just autistic and simply couldn't read the room before he finally shut up so his shit was genuine, are these baiters even like... trying? this is the most obvious shit I've ever read
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just keep posting cute boys to drown the attention seekers out lol
I didnt, he was just sniffing around my place while visiting. He was laughing at me for being weird and now stretches out his butt in front of me, climbing on my lap to play his switch and such to mock me, my brother thinks I am a fucking weirdo.
That brat needs to learn some respect.
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I love shota Link so much it's unreal
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>Tfw sho link will never play the song of healing to you whenever you're feeling sad
not a pedo btw
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War. War never changes. Why can mods delete whole threads filled with plenty of cute images and pretty boys but they can't delete annoying retards from /cm/'s existence. Fuck lol
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He also has the best game.
Its not deleted its archived
Just ignore
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The file is too lewd for /cm/, so here's the source instead:
Imagine being a rich sho's loyal servant
>posts half naked child
>"cute images and pretty boys"
Do you actually think you have some kind of moral high ground
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I heard a rumor that anons who don't post cute boys get haunted by a spooky ghost.
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it was still wiped off from the whole catalogue while other archived shota threads are listed in the catalogue and easily viewable, so it's still fucking annoying.
lil bro I think you're *really* lost. Anyways enjoy your (You) ig but if this thread devolves like the previous thread the caption for the shota edition will be so ironic it'll revolve back to be hilarious. It's like some people are targeting us to make the sho threads shit atp.
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Who's the artist?
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They're targeting this thread because you keep replying to them, retard.
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That's the samefag that ruined the previous thread and now he's trying to keep his nonsense relevant. How are you guys still unable to identify his posts?

>some people are targeting us
Yes, you.
You're probably right, my bad.
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This cutie was drawn by this chinese artist I really like! Do note that they aren't an exclusive shotacon artist tho.
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dumbass schizo, literally only one of those posts is mine lmfao

Meanwhile I'm out here being productive in the shotacon thread by you know, posting images of cute boys and even sourcing art when people ask for a source https://files.catbox.moe/79ryt3.PNG
(dunno why they can't use some shit like saucenao tho lol)
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Thread too toxic (〃>目<)

Positivity beam go!!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚
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Here, have some shota magic to help.
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Spooky bois
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Shota denji a cute
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That sho has some pretty big shoes
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I'm literally rewatching chainsaw man right now, and sho Denji is precious, as is Pochita, but he's still way better of a character as an unhinged lunatic teenager when he grows up.
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Question for the anon posting images named "file.png": Are you are using 4chanX's "paste from clipboard"? That function reencodes the original files as PNG files that are notably harder to reverse search for the source and sometimes increase the size of the file.
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not all the file.png pics are mine but yeah I don't save all the shota images to one specific folder unless I really like it because I'm a bit lazy. if it's actually fucking up file encodings I'll stop and just save instead tho
Am I the weird one for thinking this picture would be way cuter if he didn't have a boner? I sometimes think I'm the weird one because I like male beauty and cuteness in a non sexual way.
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>I don't save all the shota images to one specific folder unless I really like it because I'm a bit lazy
You should save them. Nip artists are schizo as fuck and often delete themselves from internet for no reason (or are dumb fools who make accounts in western platforms that eventually ban them for posting something against their ToC).
The artist who made >>3923489 for example, got in trouble with the Chinese police and had to delete everything.
Yes they are all yours. Stop lying already. Nobody regularly posted those pics or your way of creating drama from nothing until about 3 weeks ago. And before you post another screenshot to "prove" that you weren't samefagging earlier, nobody wants to see those either.
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>That shirt
Naughty sho!
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It's a printing error. It was supposed to be a bone.
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This is true
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Is there a website that archives even older /cm/ threads? There’s a specific thread from last year I want to see again
Any pic you're looking for specifically?
>posting the furry perv boy
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atp you're the one picking a fight for no reason bruh. Even if you thought anon was a troll you'd literally be giving them what a troll wants (attention) by making a post saying "fuck off samefag" every time some weirdo shits up the thread instead of just ignoring until they get bored and disappear.

Take bro's advice >>3923519
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>the Chinese police hates feet
What a hellhole
I can tell it's still you, the copypasted images aren't the only thing that gave it away. And this is yet another one of your attempts to continue the nonsense, even if you pretend otherwise. I am only replying so that other anons don't fall for your trap, I am not engaging with your "arguments".
Catboys or Dogboys?

Trick question, the answer is both.
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He gives off a mischievous impression, but if you look at his face, he is cute (beautiful) like a girl. However, he himself feels a complex about this, so he dresses and speaks in a boyish manner.
He competes in things he is good at, but has difficulty trying other things.
He is someone Satoshi can do silly things with. A character that makes you think "It's fun to be with you".
Because of their different personalities, it seems like it would be difficult to show the good vibes mentioned above if they were too opposed, so we also depict a side where they get on board with what the other does, saying "I like that, it looks fun!"
Ever since he was little, he had an independent spirit, hated doing the same things as everyone else, and often skipped school. Because of that personality, he didn't have any friends.
Although he's a beginner, he takes a completely equal position with Satoshi (that's his personality, the type that makes him look cute when he acts tough)
One for cuddles one for lewd. I'll let you decide which is which.
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How often should you let your sho win in shadow-boxing? Not so much as to let him get too cocky, I suppose. But where's the right limit?
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Fireden.net, but it went down months ago and doesn't have signs of coming back. archived.moe saves threads and has the search enabled, but only saves thumbnails.
He should be looking at that instead of some dumbass playboy
They should both be for cuddles and neither for lewd unless you're a masochist, cats have barbed penises, dogs have knots, either way your anus is getting wrecked.
Unlike you, kemoshos have healthy non-mutilated human penises.
Rude. I'm not circumcised, but even if I were that's not a reason to be rude about it, people who have that done to them as babies had no say in it. I really think the practice should be illegal unless medically necessary, or it's an adult wanting it to be done.
I 100% agree actually. A lot of people try to justify forced circumcision too and I don't like that. Sorry if I was rude.
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desu big dicks look a lot better if they are circumcised
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Wow, there are a lot of schizos on the internet! Anyways

What kind of music would you play to your sho son while they grow up? Personally, I'd have him memorize all of NewJeans discography before he memorized his multiplication chart.
I'd expose him to all types of music and let him pick which type he liked most. I play piano, saxaphone, clarinet (lol it's the same as saxophone), trumpet, and trombone though, so I'd definitely play some stuff myself to see if he wanted to be in band or choir for an elective in school.
You could teach him to play your flute iykwim
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Don't be a perv. I think it'd be super cute if he brought home a boyfriend, but the only thing I'd want to see from them would be hand holding and hugging. If they do lewd stuff that's their business not mine.
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No. Circumcision disqualifies a dick from being good looking. Uncut is a prerequisite for a dick to be aesthetically pleasing in any form or fashion. That said, as this anon >>3923596 point out, those forced into circumcision as infants/young children should not be mistreated due to a condition beyond their control. They should be pitied and educated to make sure the breeders don't repeat their parent's errors.
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>Don't be a perv
> I'd want to see from them hand holding and hugging
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I play guitar and sometimes make freestyle covers of artists I'm currently hyperfixated on. I'd be pretty disappointed if my sho son didn't share my similar enthusiasm for music.
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It is not perverted to have your heart be warmed by the innocence of young love and decadently naïve infatuation. Some of you need to stop seeing sex in everything :/
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I apologize again for that shitpost, I didn't think it through.

We need happy shos!
Probably 70% of the time I would say
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Regardless, no kid is gonna spreading their butt and sitting on some shotacons lap like this is a doujin scene just because he saw anons shota stash. I bet anon was touching himself while writing all that lmao. Gross
Frenesi deserves to be known for her whole discography (especially Bluenö ) rather than 1 or 2 tiktok trends
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Dicks are pretty regardless of whether they're cut or uncut. Being cut shouldn't be a common practice encouraged by doctors, but a dick being cut does not ruin it's looks at all.
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To be a 31 year old American in Texas travelling to Ontario, Canada in 2005 to dote on andd give pure love to the cutest sho... GIWTWM
I'd see if my old sensei is still alive (he probably isn't) and if he is get him signed up for shorin ryu classes, if he isn't, ask one of his pupils for a recommendation on where to get him signed up.
Everybody itt is touching themselves
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not you again
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What? That's the first time i post those pics
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Reading why the AoC changed from 14 to 16 in Canada is hilarious

bro was simply too based
Taking out your sho to have fun!
I'd take Kabane out for fun but I'd never try to be an adoptive father to him, he's better off with the kemonoist trying to find his parents, I couldn't give him what he wants beyond one day out. Cutest little autistic ghoul.
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Well they should stop because it makes ME uncomfortable. It's like being a kid and walking into your dad jacking off on the family computer :(
If it makes you feel better anon, I'm not a hornyfag, I don't jerk off in these threads or the lewd ones on /b/. I'm a romantic type person, I barely sexualize anything.
What sort of romance could you possibly have with a child?
None whatsoever. I'm happily married, I like looking at cute things to live vicariously about what I wish I could have experienced when I was young. I'm not attracted in that way to boys at all, I like men, but I do like to fantasize about if I'd gotten the chance to be with a man when I was younger.
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I'm not either. I can be horny to shitpost, but I really try to see shotas for what they are: Cute and adorable boys created to be loved and cherished, not sex objects for a cheap jack-off occasionally. Kinda feels everyone is into the latter though :/
NTA, but I use shotas to reminisce about my childhood. It wasn't great, in fact, it'd be perfectly fair to call it horrible. But there was one boy who fell in love with me and me to him. We both lived in an extremely homophobic country so we could never be super public about our affection except with close friends, but sometimes we even slept in the same bed. I can never get him back, and now I'm an adult a couple years later. Shotas make me cherish the one time I ever felt like I was normal, which was when I was with him.

No impure romances whatsoever. What about YOU sir, what do YOU use this thread for?
You guys are deluding yourselves and taking the moral high horse which is really fucking annoying. You are like a closet homo bashing gays on /pol/
>uhm yeah I am just posting half naked shotas because... its cute. I am not like you!
We are the same
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Bnuuy boys.
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>doing this again
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Yeah, don't know where those anons came from. They should let everyone post whatever they like as long as they're not being obnoxious about it.
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What happened to that poor sho? :(
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I love shos so much
No. Showing someone your porn stash definitely isn’t enough to get them to like you.
Y'all niggas need some 'correction'
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But we aren't the same. You find even the slightest tanline on a shota erotic, I find a tanline on a shota cute. Cuteness and eroticism can mix, but you act like it's only got to be one or the other. I find shotas cute far more than I find them sexy or lewd, don't know why you think everyone needs to have an active boner they're jerking off to be here
it's not so me being mad at the images, just kinda finding some of the comments made to be kind of distateful and frankly pretty weird
I agree, but I also think some people here need to stop making sex some evil thing.

It can be evil. But, it’s meant to be something else. These threads do not post the evil ones.
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I'm kind of a whigga/niggaboo so I think it'd be pretty cool to introduce a sho to some waypaving RnB/Funk artists like Aaliyah, Keyshia Cole, Luther Vrandoss and similar newer artists like SZA
I bet anon doesn't even have a nephew and was just gooning to an imaginary scenario where his nonexistent nephew was sexually into him lmao. Doubt even his mom likes him if this is how he acts.
You are posting crossdressing underage boys lmao get real and stop judging the others itt
Go show that picture to your mom and tell us what she thought
top was a wrong reply, meant for >>3923602
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I didn't say you were mad, my point was that you should let people say whatever the fuck they want (except for the abusefag fuck them)
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Sho demands cuddles!
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the image is barely crossdressing if you even consider it that get real lmao. At least I'm not fantasizing about fucking my nephew
>boy wearing a French maid outfit
>which is fetish wear
>barely crossdressing
Next you're going to say gothic lolita or any fashion style that involves puffs or frills or cute things is pure fetish wear. Once again address the fact that people here want to fuck their nephews instead of focusing on some image I posted lol
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Cute sho legs
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this looks like Nemui? I've never seen him draw from this viewpoint. It's refreshing
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I know some anons were ragging on noeyebrows a few threads ago, but she's the one that enlightened me on sho legs.
Yes, it is Nemui.
No. Absolutely not.
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as long as it doesn't devolve into who can say the most needlessly perverted things about cute boys like it usually does after a few replies.
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imagine the smell
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kinda sucks how little content shotacons get in terms of generalist manga or inclusions of shotas in video games for fanservice as compared to lolicons even though it's been proven time and time again that there is a demographic of women (and gay men) who would kill to have more shotas in ACG stuff. Shotacons truly get nothing but scraps and the occasional hit (ex: elusive samurai) lol
>I-its just c-cute, nothing sexual, I swear!
How is what you are posting different from shitposting about brats
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I don't pay attention to loli stuff. What sort of fan service do they get?
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I don't care what people think, Noeyebrow is top tier.
Uninspired and boring
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well for one thing you'll ALWAYS have a loli in an anime or manga series or anime-style game while it's much rarer for the same treatment to be given to cute boys. There are more CGDCT featuring only lolis than there are for guys, lolicons get more stores trying to cater for them, and lolicon imagery is more "normalized" in ACG imagery and art (the only reason people shit on lolicons more than shotacons is because people forget we even exist most of the time).

People usually say it's because "the market isn't there" but people haven't bothered to test that said market in the first place. I know of three huge VA's who are huge shotacons, popular vtubers. *male* online stars who've admitted to being shotacons or at least liking imagery involving boys, but merchandise being sold to us and series's being created are so low-quality and the good ones are few and far between.
>vtubers are pedos
And the sun rises in the east
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I kinda wanna buy the schoolboy complex photobook (https://files.catbox.moe/rw8z8x.webp) but a lot of the reviews say the attention to detail on the form of a cute boy isn't there, like the artist doesn't actually like boys and just wanted to create a photobook involving boys because his Schoolgirl Complex photobook was wildly successful and he thought he could just as easily throw together a male version. Searching for similar photobooks brings nothing but AIslop. People with "lolita complexes" truly eat so much better than us lol.

People mock her for being a woman, but the truth is her art just reeks of sameface and she's always using the same color palette for everything. She barely innovates
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Quoting >>3923674 here, not my fault that you're so fucking brainrotted that anything and everything about a boy is sexual to you
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you like little boys bro, just admit that you enjoy coming here and seeing the images that get posted.
just follow one of the dozens of male child idol groups in Japan whose moms take the fanservicey pictures for you if you're so desperate you were actually thinking of buying some washed up decade old softcore porn mag
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that's... a photobook of real kids wtf
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super cool that that image managed to sneak it's way officially into Cytus 2 just because Iceloki is a huge fucking shotacon lol. Based
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You are in denial
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denial of literally what? Before you accuse me of moving the goalposts, I insulted anon for fantasizing about his real nephew. Try and tell me that isn't fucked. Come on, justify it without sounding insane right now.

Shotas aren't real, whatever anyone thinks about them doesn't fucking matter. And I still don't like shotas the way you do, I'm like >>3923659 and find shotas far more cute than I find them sexy
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Kissing my way up from his soles to his scalp
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some of the people in this thread want to do to real boys what they say they want to do to the shotas in this thread. In other news, water is rumored to be wet, and a fork was found in a kitchen. Shocking!
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To everyone ITT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6s736JO1lvw
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Shos are kino
You remind me of those sorts of people who accuse people who like stereotypically cute things of infantilizing and sexualizing said things just because lol. Do you jack off like 4 times a day or something? Is it so hard to believe that what you find sexy or enticing I simply find cute. Even if I do find some elements of shotas erotic (which I will admit right now that I do), it's very clearly not the same level as you, with how you're so hellbent on believing nobody can find shotas cute or whatever. Lmao

You're attacking me over "judging others" when the difference between me and THAT anon is that my liking of cute boys stays in the fictional realm, while his clearly does not, and I will make fun of him for it.
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Holy shit shut the fuck up already
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here's a sho with his clothes on! straight from my folder. dumbass rebuttal lmao. I never mentioned anything about being better but if you're that insecure then yeah, I AM better than you
venmo me 50 dollars and I'll shut up
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>proud shotacon
>his most famous song in Cytus is about two shotas, with two hidden versions (something only two other songs have)
>the song was so popular he composed an entire chapter for the game about these two shotas
>said chapter is the only one in the entire game with "live-recorded high quality music, long-length soundtracks, artwork commissions, and 40 charts"
>another chapter made by him has a "SHOTA4EVER" easter egg
>made an independent album literally titled "Shota Paradise" with two cute devil shotas in the cover (pic related)
Based as fuck.
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That's barely cross-dressing. It's just the apron and headdress. He's wearing a boys uniform jacket and shorts. Most of the time school boys do cross-dressing maid cafes for school festivals, they have to put on the full dress and top.
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You're ruining the thread with your constant sperging. Do you not realize that or do you not care?
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it helps that he's just an incredibly skilled music producer. The only other hard renaissance artist I can put on his level is Morimori Atsushi due to Pupa (Ice even collabed with him in Deemo with the song Duo Blade Against). Being a shotacon is one thing, but being so good at what you do that nobody cares that you're a shotacon is even cooler lmao.
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I don't like those designs at all but still based
can we all go back to discussing the music we like or something? The thread was cooler then methinks
He is in the closet and has to lash out to defend the barriers in his mind
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denial of WHAT? I never said I didn't like shotas bro. Why do you think I'm posting these images? What exactly do you even think I'm denying?
already did but more of you should listen to New Jack Swing, it kinda feels like a forgetten subgenre of RnB
You get to adopt shota Denji (and Pochita) and give him a happy life, but you have to pick one of these cruel fates that will happen once Denji reaches the age he has in the manga:
>Death devil comes to Earth and without anyone to stop it the world ends
>Makima finds the three of you, conspires to kill you and takes Pochita and Denji to create a slave Chainsaw Man
>a powerful devil possesses you, makes you fatally wound Denji and Pochita, and after the two become Chainsaw Man Denji kills you
>a devil kills Denji and cripples you and Pochita, forcing you to become Chainsaw Man and deal with everything Denji has dealt with in the manga
bro is EVERY single person in the thread like this?? "I just like drawings" my ass

No I don't want to fuck kids this isn't something that should even have to be said bruh LMAO
Full pic.
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And of course the fucking autist has to reply to every bait post instead of just ignoring and moving on.
Cute butts
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Maybe I'm a schizo but I think he is some of the bait posts that he is replying to.
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Wouldn't be surprised
Doesn't even look like a shota but
>he probably looks like virgin mary when praying for the princess(?) (just my own fantasy)
>絶対領域 (holy area, his neck gap, would be better if you searched this term yourself)
>drew this earlier, I'm sorry for the lewd ending(?) giving me this idea
>*slaine is so cute again today i just can't*
>*he's cute even when he gets angry!*
>still feel weird when I draw his pupils
I don't get if the top left part is trying to say wear something other than orange or change orange for something else.
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I would cuddle the hell out of the autistic ghoul boy. It would just make me sad because he doesn't have feelings so he wouldn't enjoy being cuddled to the full extent.
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Unfortunately arguing gets me drunk with
dopamine and I have low impulse control.

I will do my best to stop
Sailor outfits or Gakuran? Which uniform is cuter for a boy to wear?
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This was NOT me btw >>3923859
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There are no women, moron.
stuffed animals are precious, maybe I'm a pussy, but I'm 27 years old and I still have a whole zoo of stuffed animals, I can't sleep without my tiger
>wake up
>even more thread antagonization and samefag bait
stop aknowledging it and maybe it will go away.
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This is true. Only a man can truly appreciate cute boys imo.
This truly goes without saying anon
Thankfully we're all on the same page here.
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Can we keep the discussion 2D, please?
New >>3923919
Ok that’s greated i’m just saying i think the only thing you need to be doing is getting your own house in the middle of the street

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